
Chasing Your Tail by Kate McMurray

cobaltbookshelf's review against another edition

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2.5 stars

The cover and title let me know immediately that Chasing Your Tail fit in the happy romcom genre. It started out with a fun premise, but the second half just never developed into anything memorable. In the end low angst rom com, that did not totally work for me, but I imagine other people would enjoy it.

ARC kindly provided by the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

thebookishpage's review against another edition

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I was immediately drawn in by the cute cover and the blurb for this book! A second chance romance featuring a cat cafe and a food critic sounds like catnip to me! I really loved the premise of this story and the idea of love around a cat cafe! Lindsey and Brad deserved their second chance and I really enjoyed how they came together throughout the book. The setting was perfect to me and as a foodie and amateur baker, I loved all of the food featured throughout the book. However, I definitely would've liked to see more from both Lindsey & Brad's past to really understand their characters flaws more. Overall, this was a light and fun read and perfect for those looking for a fast romance with the cutest cat cafe!

andrea_author's review against another edition

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Lindsay is excited about her new job as a food editor—but her first writing assignment is to interview her ex Brad. He's the new pastry chef at her friend's cat café. Crossing paths again after five years, the chemistry between them is still there. Can they let go of past hurts and take a chance on love again?

I really enjoyed this book. The characters were likable, realistic, and fun. The plot was well-paced, with the physical relationship heating up before Lindsay is ready to trust again. She has a lot of issues from her past to overcome that really have nothing to do with Brad. But she takes responsibility for that and works on herself so she can become the woman he needs. I loved the gossipy feeling of the friend group and the various subplots.

Thanks, NetGalley, for the ARC I received. This is my honest and voluntary review.

smalltownbookmom's review against another edition

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I have such mixed feelings about this third book in the Whitman Street Cat Cafe series. I've been really enjoying these books so far and I usually love a good second chance romance but former flames, Brad and Lindsay broke up over a terrible miscommunication and I really just wanted to shake them both.

It's been five years since Brad or Lindsay talked and now they're forced together again when food writer Lindsay gets assigned to interview Brad - the up and coming pastry who is creating buzz as the Cat Cafe's new pastry chef.

There was WAY too much back and forth, will they or won't they for my tastes! I thought Brad spent way too much time trying to get Lindsay to let him explain what happened and even when he does she has trouble learning how to trust him.

They do eventually work things out but it just wasn't a very fun journey for me. Good on audio narrated by Suehyla El-Attar Young and recommended for fans of Stefanie London's Paws in the city series. Much thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for an early digital copy in exchange for my honest review!

Steam level: contains some spicy open door scenes

thatsme_lauravz's review against another edition

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*I received a free ARC of this book from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review*

*This review will contain minor spoilers*

"Chasing Your Tail" is a story about two people who absolutely should not be in a relationship trying to be in a relationship with each other. As much as I wanted to love this book, it frequently made me incredibly angry.

The behaviour of both main characters was at times immature and at others deeply unforgiveable. Lindsay was unwilling to work on her relationship with Brad to the point of immaturity. Girl, if you can never trust him (or any other man by the sounds of it) you need a) therapy and b) some time alone to work on yourself. Lindsay is best summed up by this sentence from Brad's perspective, "He'd stepped in it and pissed her off. She was going to make him pay for it the entire meal." Lindsay is MEAN to Brad. Broken trust is one thing, but at heart her character is a mean girl. At one point Brad thinks, "He [is] tired of her scraps," and yet he keeps begging her to give him a chance while she punishes him for his mistakes! The scene where they go out for dinner to review a new restaurant and he makes the mistake of being friendly with the chef was a real turning point for how I viewed this book.

But that doesn't mean Brad is better. He's trying to win back this girl, who he claims is "The One", but openly tells her he is still going to flirt with other people but since he is coming home to her and choosing her she has to be okay with it. He isn't attempting to correct the behaviour that made her not trust him in the first place.

I also found the casual homophobia/transphobia from Brad's dad to be really jarring. The way it was written in made me uncomfortable and was not dealt with in a sensitive way. It actually almost felt like the author condoned that sort of thinking because it was so casually inserted and not in a way that ever really condemned it past saying "pastry chefs can be straight, cis men too!"

The overall book also needed some work. The pacing was off, it got super repetitive, and there were some continuity errors that left me confused. Namely, Lindsay sitting out a taping for a cooking show because she is 'violently allergic' to lobster, then reminiscing on her and Brad getting lobster rolls when they were students. In general, many of the plot choices left me confused (i.e. them 'banging it out' at 35%) and I didn't find it an enjoyable read.

lifeasmrsbaker's review against another edition

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Trope: Second Chance Romance

I just really did not like this. It was just... boring??? If you're into cats maybe you'd like it more?

_mjensen's review against another edition

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While the premise of the book being a second chance romance was intriguing, the story became repetitive and struggled to develop. Understanding now that this is part of a series may explain the lack of character development, but that said, more time could have been spent developing the two main characters. The conversations between Lindsay and Brad about her reluctance to trust him and move forward with reconciling felt repetitive throughout with Lindsay talking in circles without any conclusion.

I wanted to like this book given the description and premise, but was overall it was just okay.

Thank you to NetGalley and SOURCEBOOKS Casablanca for the opportunity to read and review.

ariesbookss's review against another edition

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Thank you Netgalley and the publisher for providing an e-ARC in exchange of an honest review.
As a certified cat lover I was drawn by the title and the cover of this book and the food talk was definitely a nice bonus. However I feel like this book lacked character development, both Lindsay and Brad were a bit too immature for my liking. Whenever it seemed like they were past their misunderstanding from years ago, they went back to arguing over it which was a waste of time that could’ve been spent on cute scenes with the cats.
It was initially a ⭐️⭐️ for me but I added a third one for the cats. (See? I told you I’m a certified cat lover).

readinginpjs's review against another edition

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I received an ARC copy of this book in exchange for my honest review from NetGalley.

I really don’t want to give negative reviews anywhere, but I don’t have many positive things to say about this book unfortunately. I had planned to quit about 30% in but then decided to power through to leave a proper review. It took me more than 2 weeks to get through it, and I usually read books in 1-2 days.

The cover was cute and I thought the premise was good. Maybe I was expecting too much? I thought it would be a cute romcom.

Honestly, I wasn’t rooting for the characters to get back together at all. They really didn’t seem like much of a fit. There wasn’t much in terms of character development, I honestly don’t feel like I know much about them except their careers, and Lindsay’s trust issues. They didn’t even seem to really like each other, always arguing and speaking rudely to one another.

The book just felt really repetitive - Brad saying he was still in love with her and wanting to get back together, and Lindsay talking about her trust issues, over and over.

I did enjoy the parts with the food competition, with Lindsay judging & Brad participating. Maybe ‘cause I’m a Food Network fan? That was fun.

I very very rarely DNF, but if I weren’t reviewing an ARC, I would have.

seasonforreading's review against another edition

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EDIT: Just a quick edit to say how much I love this cover though.

Chasing Your Tail follows Lindsay and Brad, exes that have been pushed back together by a cat cafe.

I loved the premise, how couldn't you when it's about a cat cafe! Unfortunately, the story itself is very repetitive, filled with 'will they, won't they' over and over again.

Lindsay's trust issues were next level, to the point of overdone. Brad stopped only just short of licking Lindsay's shoes and begging to get her back. Again, I loved the idea of the book but I do think it could've cut out a lot of the repetitive conversations about trust, history and whether they'll work again in the future.