
Blood Ties by Mari Mancusi

chris_tina_87's review against another edition

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Sunny ist überglücklich, endlich wieder mit Magnus zusammen sein zu können. Trotzdem will ihr auch Jayden einfach nicht aus dem Kopf gehen. Schließlich hat er Sunny im Kampf gegen einen Vampir das Leben gerettet. Umso geschockter ist sie, als Jayden ihr plötzlich wieder über den Weg läuft und sie feststellen muss, dass ihr bester Freund von einem Vampir gebissen wurde. Sunny reist Magnus nach Japan hinterher, denn er ist der Einzige, der jetzt noch helfen kann. Aber Magnus hat gerade ganz andere Sorgen: Slayer Inc. holt zu einem neuen Schlag gegen das Vampirkonsortium aus. Alles deutet auf eine Verschwörung hin, bei der es diesmal um Leben und Tod geht.

Dies ist der sechste Teil der Reihe und es ist doch schon gut zwei Jahre her, dass ich die anderen Bände gelesen habe. Daher war ich mir erst nicht sicher, ob ich nicht vielleicht doch einen Teil ausgelassen habe. Zum Glück für mich werden die vorhergehenden Bücher noch einmal zusammengefasst. Ich habe doch nichts ausgelassen. Es ist aber nicht so, dass es mich gestört hat. Vielleicht sieht man diese Zusammenfassungen anders, wenn man in der Geschichte drin ist und es nicht braucht, aber für mich war es super.
Wer jedoch die anderen Teile nicht gelesen hat und noch lesen möchte, sollte vielleicht nicht weiterlesen, ich kann Spoiler aus Band 1-5 nicht vermeiden.
Sunny und Rayne leben mittlerweile bei der Stiefmutter in Las Vegas. Sunny versucht dort, als „normales“ Mädchen die High School abzuschließen. Doch natürlich klappt das nicht so gut. Normal hört schon auf, als sie nach nur einer Woche in der neuen Schule von Magnus mit der Strechlimousine abgeholt wird. Als Magnus ihr dann noch erzählt, dass er nach Japan zu einer Versammlung des Konsortiums muss, Sunny aber zu Hause bleiben soll, wird sie sauer und fliegt (mit ihren Elfenflügeln) aus der Limousine.
Auf dem Heimweg trifft sie dann auf Jayden (mein erster Gedanke: wer war noch mal Jayden??), der ein halber Vampir zu sein scheint. Aber auch nur ein halber. Aufgrund von Sunnys Betteln nimmt sich Magnus des verwirrten Jayden an und gemeinsam fliegen die drei inklusive Bodyguards nach England, um den Heiligen Gral aufzusuchen, um Jayden vom Vampirismus zu heilen. Doch die Alphas (wer??) sind ihnen immer einen Schritt voraus.
Magnus und Sunny müssen wieder mal die Welt retten, doch wie soll das gelingen, wenn die Alphas immer wissen, was Magnus als nächstes plant?
Die meiste Zeit des Buches ist Sunny sauer auf Magnus, weil er sie außen vorlässt und die restliche Zeit flirtet sie mit Magnus. Einerseits kann man verstehen, dass sie mit ihren gerade mal 16 Jahren enttäuscht ist, dass ihr Freund sich nicht 24/7 um sie kümmern kann, aber ist das ein Grund, sich auf den nächstbesten Typen zu stürzen? Nun denn…
Ansonsten ist das Buch wie auch die vorhergegangenen Bände leicht lesbar geschrieben. Es ist und bleibt nun mal ein Teenie-Roman. Das ist aber auch nicht schlecht, wer so was nicht mag, der wird auch wohl nicht zu diesem Buch greifen. Inhaltlich ist auf wenigen Seiten doch viel passiert, die Reise ging von Las Vegas über Glastonbury nach Tokio. Die Vampirwelt und damit auch die Welt der Sterblichen ist in Gefahr und es scheint, nur unsere Helden können alle retten. Meistens haben sie dabei jedoch mehr Glück als Verstand und nur durch Zufall kommt Sunny an die Lösung, weshalb die Alphas immer wissen, was die Vampire planen.

Das Ende ist ziemlich abgeschlossen, deswegen bin ich mir noch unsicher, worum es in den nächsten Teilen gehen soll, aber ich bin mal gespannt.

slc333's review

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Was a little disappointed in this one. Normally I prefer the books from Sunny's point of view as she is normally smarter and nicer than Rayne. However in this book she came across as the whiny selfish brat she was accused of being. Not that it is all her fault. Magnus dismisses her and treats her like a child. I just don't buy them as a couple. She would have been much better off with Jayden (from the previous book - not this one).

briarsreviews's review

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Another round of Mari Mancusi's Blood Coven Vampires?! Yes please!

I adore Sunny and Magnus, and lucky for us these two are back together! They are one of my top YA couples and we're SO lucky to get another book with these two characters interacting!

The drama in this book is intense - a love triangle between Sunny, Magnus and Jayden is clearly occurring. But, as we all know, Sunny is meant for Magnus and they adore each other to no end. The excitement that ensues includes fighting, kisses, biting (vampire alert!), misunderstandings and teenage romance and drama!

I loved this book! It's fast paced, has fun teenage angst and lots of ooey gooey romance with my faves Sunny and Magnus!

This is a YA book, so don't go expecting adult drama and storylines. Mari does a great job making this series fun and exciting in the realms of the unbelievable. I highly recommend this series if you haven't read it! It's one of the best, fun YA novels out there is you want something lighthearted yet addicting! It's one of my go to series for when I have a bad day (because it's rarely depressing).

Five out of five stars!

rayne's review

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3.5 stars
I enjoyed this one the most so far. Nothing like a good lot of angst along with action to keep the pages turning. Even if Sunny at times was a whinging pain in the neck - lol! The guys in the book all have their individual charm - I really think Sunny needs to rethink some of her choices though...

neoday_cyj99's review

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Dude that was wild! Me gusta más cuando narra Rayne, pero esta entrega fue muy entretenida. Toda la historia fue genial, muy divertida y las locaciones geniales. Lo único que no me permitía avanzar tanto como quería es que Sunny es muy dramática, bueno, ambas lo son. Pero Suuny es demasiado teatral cuando se trata de los sentimientos y sus trust issues me tenían de los nervios.

Ya solo me quedan dos libros (creo) para terminar esta saga. El siguiente será narrado por Rayne, así que seguro me reiré mucho.

mandiileexx's review

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the only thing I have to say is Pyrus I hope you die a very painful and bloody death ! >_>

alishmariet's review

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Plot: I had to skip the fifth book to read this one since it didn't come in on time. But, I didn't really need to read the fifth one to understand this book's plot. Mancusi elegantly went over some details of the previous book, so that people like me weren't as lost. I think the plot was the right way to break off from the last installment and move forward to the next one. It follows Sunny and goes through her love triangle along with her trying to save Jayden's life. She took a lot more risks, which was weird because I would only expect from Rayne.

However, I loved the romance aspects of the book. Sunny is truly conflicted. You have a handsome and intelligent vampire boyfriend and then the sweetest and bravest guy. Even I couldn't decide who she should be with, sometimes I was rooting for Magnus and other times I was pulling for Jayden.

I think the only thing that bothered me about this book was the slang. I love Sunny and her POV, but I was getting tired of the Valley Girl talk. I'm a teenager and I hate that kind of talk. I'm not trying to be too hard since Mancusi switches between two twins, you should try to make them as opposite as possible since their personalities are, but it was hard to get over the slang. And, because of the slang, when she was trying to speak to elder vampires or to her centuries old boyfriend, it seemed a little juvenile and it was hard to think Magnus could bear it, let alone talk like that himself.

Characters: Sunny - I love Sunny! She's coming into her own as the books progress. The life she wanted isn't in reach anymore and she's aware of that. So, she'll do anything to adapt to the life she has now. After reading BT, I'm not sure whether or not she'll ever want to be part vampire like her sister.

Magnus - How can I describe him? I guess I have mixed feelings towards him. Sometimes he puts Sunny into account and does so much for her. But, he doesn't treat her like an equal. Slowly, he does start to see what he was doing and wants to fix it.

Jayden - He will always have a special part in my heart. I loved everything he said and did. He was never shy about telling Sunny how he felt and what he wanted with her, even after being turned down. I hope Jayden is in future books and the fire rages on between him and Sunny.

Cover: I like the cover. It is very simple, but pretty. I can't say much without giving away a lot of the plot, but the church windows are a nice touch. It does represent a good chunk of the book. And, I'm also guessing that the girl is Sunny by the blonde hair.

Overall Rating: I'm giving this book a three out of four. I had to take a nail polish away for the slang. I will say to please go read this book and the series. I feel like Mancusi does an incredible job with making a world of traditional vampires in truly modern times and creating romances with modern teens and centuries old vamps.

diaryofabookahloic's review

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With this being the 6th book in a series I don't want to say too much about the plot so I'm going to be keeping it simple. This isn't a masterpiece of a book it not going to change your life, but it a fun read if you like vampire books the whole series is and I love the wittiness of the two main characters. overall I enjoy this book a lot it fun, witty, and it light for a vampire book.

ellieroth's review

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¿Por qué todas las chicas lloronas, engreídas y egoístas de los libros, se quedan con el sexy chico oscuro?
De toda la saga, hasta ahora este es el que menos disfruté. De las gemelas, Sunny es la que menos me gusta, y en este libro lo refuté mucho más.



La saga en general me gusta, cada libro es contado por una gemela diferente, mis favoritos son las que cuenta Rayne. Sunny, si bien no era mi favorita, me agradaba… hasta que leí este libro.

“Oh, lo quiero, no lo quiero” es algo que me jode (disculpen el taco) como no tienes idea, y en Blood Ties se explotó hasta morir.

Como mencioné en mi resumen, a Magnus lo “obligan” a casarse con otra, y sí, me sentí traicionadísima, lo detesté, o sea, soy muy rencorosa y pensé que nunca lo perdonaría, así que cuando (al principio, cuando están en Las Vegas), Jayden y Sunny se van acercando poco a poco, me pareció de lo más natural y “correcto”. Y aquí viene el gran PERO...

Lee la reseña completa: a href="">El Extraños Gato del Cuento

shutupnread's review

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I’ve always been a fan of the Blood Coven Vampires series but somehow, Blood Ties did not get to me at all. The book was written from Sunny’s perspective and, my god, is that girl annoying. Not only is she shallow but she’s a mess. She’s flaky, she doesn’t know what she wants and she somehow expects the world to revolve around her. There were so many times in that book where I was so frustrated at her, I could barely contain myself from throwing the book across the room. Or somehow reach into the book and strangle her myself. I mean, yes, she is now a fairy so she’s not as delicate as a regular human but still. There is only so much stuff she can do. I suppose, I should at least give her a point or two for having the courage to dive into danger but at the same time, the fact that she kept complaining about how Marcus, her supposed boyfriend, didn’t want to do things her way and then her dilly-dallying with Jayden. Oh goodness, there were just so many things wrong about Sunny. I really much prefer books from Rayne’s point of view – it’s just so much better.

Plus, the guys in this book were so lame. Marcus was MIA most of the time and when he wasn’t, he was just blah. And Jayden was extremely annoying – he got bitten because he wanted to be closer to Sunny – what kind of lame reason is that?! Not only that, but he becomes a half-vampire only because he didn’t complete the transition so it’s like what were you even thinking? And now he was stuck and needed Sunny’s help aka, really, Marcus’ help. Honestly, this whole book was all over the place and it would’ve been better if I just skipped it, period. I noticed a lot of reviewers on Goodreads also skipped the books written from Sunny’s POV, which now made a lot of sense because she sucks. (Sucks, get it? LOL)

Now the other book, Soul Bound, was a little better mainly because it was from Rayne’s point of view and even though she completely confuses me with her vampire/vampire-slayer/fairy princess/I don’t even know anymore, at least she’s pretty cool. I like her attitude with her don’t mess with me or you die vibe going on. The only downside actually, same with Blood Ties, was that I absolutely hated the pop culture references. I’m pretty positive that Mari mentioned Justin Bieber at least 50 times in each book and honestly, no one likes him so every time when he was mentioned, I was like omg, no. I’m pretty sure only tweens like him and both Rayne and Sunny are not tweens.

The plot for the Soul Bound was pretty decent but omg, the ending totally blows. It was possibly the worst ending ever and I really do not want to give it away but it was just horrible. Honestly, I feel like Mari ran out of things to write but she somehow wants to continue this series when it is now completely dead. I doubt I will continue to read the series by this point just because it’ll be ridiculous and a time-waster, for me at least. Even though it started out pretty good, it was just a fast spiral downwards. Maybe I outgrew the book and the series but at this point, everything from Rayne’s or God forbid, Sunny’s mouth, just seems incredibly juvenile and outrageous. Granted, it’s funny and relatively fast-paced but sometimes, being fast-paced, is not a good thing. And in this case, it’s not.

Overall, Soul Bound was better than Blood Ties but both were incredibly lacking. Sunny was a terrible POV and the ending for Soul Bound was just horrifying.