
Heat Stroke by Rachel Caine

yaakovakiva's review

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MUCH better than the first book! Love where the story headed, although the romance is still the weakest part of this series (at times it's confusing and other times too over the top). This is a world I really like to read about, and I'm definitely diving into the next one. Loved the development of Jo's character right until the end, which is surprising considering what made me angry about the ending of the first book.

breezy610's review against another edition

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Loved it. it was sooo good. Joanne and David are such a good couple and i can't wait to see what happen in the next book.

katyanaish's review against another edition

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I liked this one better than the first, mostly because I wasn't completely and utterly boggled by the ending.

I feel like this series has incredible potential, but just hasn't... dug down and grabbed it yet. Things feel oddly chaotic and unrooted. It just feels off.

In addition, there are a couple things that just continue to agitate me. Lewis, like the rest of the series as a whole, feels like he just can't get it together. It is weird and undermining for someone this badass to be... almost meek. He has been rescued, by my count, 4 times in 2 books. What the heck? I like Lewis, I really do. But I feel like it is time to ... well, to be crass, shit or get off the pot. He needs to take control of his life, put himself in the driver's seat, and stop just being a passenger. He also needs to make some connections, real connections, because the lone ranger thing clearly isn't working out so well for him. Nor is he happy.

The Wardens all - ALL - piss me off. I hate the whole lot of them, and can only pray that, since the storm didn't finish them off this book, next book Mother Nature will try dropping tactical nukes. I'll be honest, I am having a really difficult time with the fact that they are all self-righteous, self-assured moronic douchecanoes. Every single decision they make is the wrong one, and it is becoming tedious. Having them pop up to constantly accuse Jo of being a villain and carrying this looming threat of lobotomy... frankly, they are becoming ridiculously caricatured inept villains.

And the Djinn are just the other side of the same coin. I have sympathy for them, because the enslavement is HORRIBLE. As this book clearly demonstrated, it is rape. But then at the same time, they behave like they are twins to the Wardens. Equally full of themselves, equally positive that the sun shines out of their collective asses and they aren't capable of a wrong decision.

I am tired of having every single character in this book be an enemy. Even ones who don't intend to be - Lewis, David - still cause harm by making decisions that have horrible repercussions for Jo (let me bind you to my bottle, it's safe, I promise; let me tear the universe asunder for you, I am sure that can't be as bad as it sounds, right?). It becomes depressing, and a little emo, to watch her continually beat down by everyone around her. She's surrounded by people who either leave her dealing with consequences not of her own making (Lewis, David, Jonathan), or think she's the Devil Incarnate and is single-handedly calling down the End of Times (all the Wardens, a good handful of djinn, and even herself on occasion with all the "it's my fault" whining... though really, who can blame her for feeling that way, given all that is going on around her).

That said, I love the universe. I love the powers. I love the sentient nature. I love the possibilities. I think this series could be AMAZING if it would just get it's shit together. So I will keep reading, and keep my fingers crossed.

birdloveranne's review

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Interesting....but don't know if I'll continue with the series.

patchworkbunny's review

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Another really enjoyable read and not overly similar to the first book. Joanne is now trying to get to grips with her new lifestyle and I liked seeing their world from a different aspect. Lots of action and plenty of weather stuff! The ending definitely made me want to pick up the next book straight away.

whatsmacksaid's review against another edition

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ckjaer88's review against another edition

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This was a VERY slow starter! Took ages to kick into gear, and when it did, it was mostly a mess leaving the love interest/Romeo being exactly that, a brainfart of a Romeo who's main and ONLY focus is to save the damsel in distress and be damned if he has to take his own life to do so. IT's all very cliché. Not really sure it actually deserves 3 stars, 'cause the writing was that great and the dialogue is straight out of an actionmovie. I think that is the main issue I have with this book, it would be an awesome actionflick, but as a peace of fiction, it's not that great. It's like if "Die Hard" was a book, you wouldn't read it, you'd watch the movie!

mollymortensen's review against another edition

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TW: Mentions of torture. (Bad lady is a sick woman) But it mostly happens off page.

I didn't own this book when I read the first one, (but I sold like 500 books so I treated myself to 4 new ones. Okay, so 3 new, and one I rebought, that I'd accidentally sold. haha) but even though it's only been like 3 months since I read Ill Wind, it was surprising how much I forgot.

I love how Joanne was now a Djinn. We got to learn more about them and their powers, which was awesome!

David was such a great character, but now he's relegated to a boring love interest. (I hate when that happens to a good relationship once the couple gets together.)

Johnathan, the leader of the Djinn, was a good new character. (Even though it's obvious that the author was trying really hard to make us like him.) I didn't like any of the other new characters.

The plot was all over the place. It really needed one of the plot lines cut. We start with Joanne learning about her new powers and interacting with other Djinn. Then she's captured by the evilest lady ever, a warden named Yvette, who gives her to her evil stepson, Kevin. (I really hated the part where she was a slave.) Then we've got this storyline with blue sparkles coming through from a portal thing to the demon world. (I really wish that storyline had been cut.)

There was plenty of action, particularly towards the end, and it wasn't all driving and chasing this time. (So yay!) But there wasn't really a mystery. (a little bit with the blue sparkles thing, but I didn't care about that.)

I absolutely loved this book, then the ending sucked!
SpoilerJoanne is turned back into a boring human, and Johnathan is captured by Kevin. And Lewis is dying because Kevin stole his magic.
Nothing is really resolved, it's a very cliffhangery ending, and not even a somewhat happy one. I'm reading the next book, because now I want to know what happens but I'm really disappointed.

And I hated how
SpoilerRahel died! She was my favorite!

scumbe1ina's review against another edition

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Wasn't so sure about the first book in this series but this one has me hooked! Now if I could just get over Joanne's horrible fashion sense...

git_r_read's review against another edition

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I really enjoy this series. Joanne Baldwin, Weather Warden, was killed in the first book, she is remade into Djinn in this one. She has to learn to be a Djinn who was once human and that isn't always a good combo.