
Nobody's Hero by Katey Hawthorne

asteroula_t's review

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I read the first 3 books in this series. With this one being the third one.
Even though I loved the covers, I liked the premise and the writing there was something missing.
After the second book, I realized that there is "love" in this series but the "superpowered" part of the title is just not there as much as I expected.
The couples in the books are more like normal people falling in love. Some of them have superpowers but they need to be careful and hide because they are being hunted. There is not much action apart from sexy action...
However, this third story had a bit more of a "superhero action" than the others.
With that said, this doesn't mean that I won't read the rest of the series. It is a fast, fun read.
P.s. I cannot find the series with the comic cover anywhere... (frustrated much?)

Thank you to @gayromancereviews for the ARCs!

zoe_e_w's review

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Nobody's Hero is the sixth book I've read by Katey Hawthorne, including her horror story Scripped under the name K.V. Taylor, and she is quickly becoming one of my favorite authors right alongside John A. Lindqvist. I'd call reading her gay supernatural/superhero romances a guilty pleasure, except I never feel guilty for reading them, and her writing is pure pleasure from start to finish.

It's not about the sex, although I must say, Katey does an outstanding job of writing hot sex scenes. She writes sex that passes the wet test with flying colors and creamy panties. But lots of people who write romantic erotica can write great sex and make awful characters who I don't believe in. The key thing I love about all of Katey's stories, is, she writes real people. It doesn't matter if one of the guys in the story has superpowers like Jamie, they still feel real. It's the little details that sucker me into buying their authenticity. They have real jobs. They have families and believable friendships, and backgrounds that feel authentic. There's no rich guys who never seem to work for a living, no vapid shallow dates that gloss over real life. Every scene in the story makes me feel like this could be happening somewhere in mundane America.

But more than that, Katey writes relationships with a slow kind up buildup with believable conflicts. The characters might have hot sex early on, but that doesn't mean they're in love, or that they'll work things out. Here in Nobody's Hero, the conflict is that Jamie has powers, and his hot coworker Kellan is a sleeper, someone who isn't supposed to know about the awakened. Jamie HAS to live a double life, and because of the way the local awakened do selective marriages to raise stronger children, Jamie is seen as a prized "stud" to his people. Because he doesn't want to hurt his widowed mother, Jamie is out as gay at work and with his friends, but not to his mother or many of the awakened folks in his mother's social circle. This kind of double life makes his relationship to Kellan even bigger trouble for both sides of his double life.

I believe in this story, and I believe in Jamie's reasons for still being in the closet. I loved Kellan's family, and I loved the slow build up of tension until it all looks like everything is going to blow up in Jamie's face. This book is pitch perfect, and there's not one detail I'd change. The only conflict in me is trying to decide if this is my favorite Hawthorne story, or if By the River will still hold onto the top spot. Both are so, so amazing, I might have to mull this over with a reread of both books to be sure. But in any case, I really cannot gush enough about how much I loved this book, and when I got to the end, my first reaction was a loud and happy "Fuck yes!"

That's why I give Nobody's Hero 5 stars. I know erotic gay romance isn't for everybody, but for those willing to read it, you're not just getting hot sex. You WILL get plenty of hot sex too, but along with that, you also get a great story with fantastic characters. And if you read this and agree its perfect, you'll be happy to know that Katey has a lot of other stories that are just as amazing and worth your time. Really, I cannot recommend her stuff highly enough, and y'all know, I never gush unless I really mean it. Well I really, really mean this: GO GET THIS BOOK. NOW, PLEASE.

teresab78's review

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Great story!

lalauren04's review

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4 stars - I hadn't been too sure about this book to start off with, even though I loved the previous two instalments of the Superpowered Love series. I'm not sure if it was just a case of me not being in the right mood to properly enjoy it, but I found myself struggling to get through the first couple of chapters. Having said that, it didn't take too long to get into it and soon enough I fell in love with Kellan and Jamie's story. By the end, I was so engrossed in the story that I couldn't put it down and my heart ached for these two to get their HEA. I definitely enjoyed this more than book 1, which I think is the weakest of the series (but still a nice read). Katey Hawthorne's writing style is perfect for me - I also love that she includes playlists at the end of her books. I usually recognise a few songs in them and notice how perfectly they fit with the story.

Although I didn't enjoy this as much as book 2 (which I've read several times already and absolutely ADORE), I still really enjoyed it once the story got going and once we learnt a little more about each character. The only thing I'd like to suggest is perhaps a little more action with more focus on the 'superpower' aspects - although there is a whole load of internal dialogue about the ramifications of living with these powers and of keeping them a secret, we see very little of the powers in action. That's definitely something I would like to see more of, perhaps cranking up the action and introducing us to these 'superheroes' or 'supervillians' that the stories mention here and there.

Overall, a slow start but still a solid and entertaining addition to a great series. I really hope Katey writes a book 4 :)

csduong's review

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Liked this.

the_novel_approach's review

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Guilty pleasures are things we are so often ashamed of—things we keep locked away and take out only every so often to examine, but never too closely, as that would cause the illusion that we truly don’t like our little secrets to shatter. Rather, It would reveal to us just how much we loved that little something about ourselves and then we would be faced with the truth of how despicable we really are. Jamie Monday has a guilty pleasure—it is his power, and what a power it is. With an electrical force so strong that he can act as a human defibrillator, Jamie is a prince among the awakened. Every girl’s dream husband, Jamie is a deeply closeted gay man to his family, while openly gay to his friends.

He carefully keeps his two worlds from colliding until he meets the new guy at work, Kellen O’Shea. Immediately smitten, Jamie begins this incredible dance on the tightrope that exists between his two worlds, and quickly realizes that if he is to keep the man he loves in his life, the wall he has erected around himself must come crumbling down. But once built, barriers are hard to demolish, and Jamie may end up losing everything if he does not come out of the shadows once and for all.

If you have been following my dance with author Katey Hawthorne this week, then you know this is the third novel in her Superpowered Love series, Nobody’s Hero. In the first two reviews I have remarked upon this author’s gift of creating three-dimensional characters that think and feel and are so achingly real, just like you and me. I have also mentioned how amazing it is that Ms. Hawthorne uses the more intimate love scenes she crafts as a chance to slow down her novel and reveal even more about the inner thoughts of her men.

As with the last two novels in this series, a bit more is revealed about this world where the “awakened” (those with extraordinary gifts) exist alongside the “sleepers” (normal human beings). However, this world is really not the focus of these stories; instead, it is relationships and their development that is the main component. While I love this, I also find it a bit frustrating to only get snippets about the awakened and find myself, by this the third novel, wishing we could know more about where this race of people come from and how they have managed to remain hidden from society for so long. I had hoped by now that more would be revealed about the awakened, and I must admit that I feel this keeps the series from evolving as fully as it could.

Thankfully this minor issue does not greatly impact this latest installment, where another strength is revealed about this delightful author and her gifted storytelling abilities, and that would be the development of her snarky and lovely tongue-in-cheek sense of humor. The author allows us to glimpse her wicked comedic timing each second Jamie and Kellen interact with one another. Their witty repartee with each other and that delicious layer of sarcasm overall leaves you quietly chuckling so very often throughout this novel. The timing is impeccable and the switch from the sublime to the serious is smooth and often heart wrenching as we watch Jamie begin to understand how he uses his humor as a means to place another brick in the wall around his heart.

With each subsequent story in this series, more and more of author Katey Hawthorne’s talent as an entertaining storyteller is revealed. My one criticism is also my one hope, that in the next installment we discover much more about this superpowered race of people and their past.

Reviewed by Sammy at The Novel Approach

msmiz95's review

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3.5 - Loved it - loved Kellan and Jamie.

lauraadriana78's review

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Sweet, cute, sexy, snarky, with a hot nerdy tattooed Irish boy with a comic books addiction who listens to "The Tossers" and "The Dropkick Murphys"? UMMM HELL TO THE YESSSS! Where do I sign up???

This is the third installment in the The Superpowered Love series by Katey Hawthorne and all I can say is, her writing just works for me. I love these stories and the characters are FAB and so likable. I loved Kellan and James. Kellan was a little skittish, and it took me a while to figure him out, but when I did he just charmed me. James was a bit TOO snarky and his "I'm Shallow" bit was frustrating at times, but he was soooo into his boy. They were great together and OH MY HOTNESSS....SO SMEXY!!

Kellan is the new guy at the office and as soon as James' gaydar gives him the go ahead he is shameless in getting a piece of the geeky hottie. Their relationship is a bit tumultuous because Kellan is grumpy, and James has a lot of secrets, but the falling in love is too sweet. I liked the secondary characters and Kellan's family was great as well.

My only issue was the feeling the PNR sub-plot is starting to dwindle, it's useful in terms of providing a bit of conflict for the characters, but I'm not sure it adds much to the actual story. Maybe it will be like Cameron Dane's "Hawkins Ranch Series" where the PNR thing kind of just went away.

Anyways sexy, funny and sweet, if you're after a light read with a really LOVELY Happy Ending...This is it!!!