
Three Black Skirts: All You Need to Survive by Anna Johnson

philippakmoore's review

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I got this for Christmas in 1998 and have read it at least once a year ever since.

It's very much of its time but Anna's sassy yet humble and practical life advice is still so incredibly helpful. If I have a bible, this is probably it.

baileyjane1's review

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My best friend Melinda (love you!) bought this book for me as a Christmas present a long time ago and I referenced it the entire time I was single, and even still when I need to know how to fix small things around the house! It's one of those cute coffee table books explaining exactly how a woman can be sexy, healthy, and resourceful giving step-by-step instructions! It was a great present and although it's a great book for ANY woman, I recommend giving this book to a teenager about to go to college, or any single woman who can flip through these pages and feel more self-reliant and capable!

themadmadmadeline's review

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"Self-help book" promoting humor, gumption and female independence.

sonia921's review

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Was skeptical when I started to read this book, however I promised Mindy I would read it so read it I did. Surprisingly, its full of wisdom, humor, wit, insight and practical hints. A fun, quick read, best done in small bits here and there. I look forward to adding this to my permanent shelves in the future.

kerrynicole72's review

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My mom gave this to me as a gift after it was first published. I didn't pay that much attention to the advice at first. As I have gotten older and gone back to this book, I wish I would have taken it to heart as there is some great stuff in here!

bexactually's review

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Not bad until it gets all greenpeacey at the end.

nilchance's review

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I am officially too old, too fat, too dyke-y, too crippled and too poor for this book.

The skin-care recipes were nice?