
Straight Up and No Sky There by Stephanie Dickinson

lewoollett's review

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I can't decide whether I like Stephanie Dickinson's poetry or fiction better, but this was a brilliant collection of short stories. There were some common themes throughout - runaways, tortured animals, post-disaster landscapes - and Dickinson does a fantastic job of describing grit and decay beautifully, as in her poetry. Two stories in particular blew me away: 'The Snow Leopard Stalks the River' and 'Goatsuckers'. I also loved 'Vallejo to Isabella' (though it devastated me) and the last story in the collection, 'The Girl Who Watched', which shockingly continues the first, 'First Love West Side Highway', from another character's P.O.V. Actually, there were so many great stories here that I would probably rate this as highly as her poetry, were I reading it in print and not as a pdf. I guess this just means I should get myself a copy!