
Forget Me Not by Marliss Melton

gossamerwingedgazelle's review against another edition

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What a good book! I really like the way she put clues to the ending throughout the story. The characters were good, and I look forward to reading more about them.

miraphora's review against another edition

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Non mi capita spesso - a dire il vero quasi mai - di rileggere un romance. Ce ne sono così tanti, che senso avrebbe ripetere l'esperienza? Eppure, strano ma vero, ho letto Forget me not per ben due volte.

In piena crisi d'astinenza da SEALs, con il neurone della lettura in lingua atrofizzato, ho cercato tra le novità americane dei titoli che mi potessero stuzzicare l'interesse, per finire più volte a mani vuote.

Così mi sono rotta di cercare e ho rispulciato tra i libri già letti, sicura di trovare un SEAL da qualche parte, finché mi è tornata in mente questa serie di Marliss Melton a metà tra il romance contemporaneo e il romantic suspance con protagonisti i membri del SEAL Team 12.

Why not, mi son detta, riprendiamola dall'inizio.

Se la prima lettura mi aveva colpita positivamente - tanto da volergli dare almeno 4 cuoricini - la seconda mi ha coinvolta di meno e sono dovuta scendere ad un compromesso: 3 cuoricini e mezzo, perché il calo di interesse è avvenuto solo nella parte finale del romanzo.

Il wounded hero, l'eroe ferito - nel corpo e/o nell'anima - è un po' il tema basic del military romance, ovvero quella produzione numerosissima con protagonisti militari di ogni tipo. Il tema del soldato ferito è molto gettonato perché permette di creare un trama ricca di contrasti, di drama degno di questo genere. Marines e Rangers, ma più spesso membri delle forze speciali che - per le americane - sono quasi sempre i SEALs. In particolare Gabriel, il protagonista di questo romanzo, è tornato dal mondo dei morti dopo 1 anno di prigionia in Korea del Nord. Prima della missione Gabe era un SEALs tutto d'un pezzo, di quelli per cui tutto viene dopo il lavoro, persino la famiglia. Ma quando rispunta all'improvviso è malconcio, denutrito e con un buco nella memoria di ben 3 anni: Gabe non solo non ricorda la missione che lo ha portato alla prigionia, ma non ricorda né Helen né la figliastra. Helen, la moglie, ha sempre vissuto con il Gabe freddo e concentrato e, alla sua scomparsa, ha cercato di rimettere insieme la sua identità e la sua sicurezza. Così quando lo danno per morto, Helen chiude a chiave la porticina della moglie innamorata e spalanca quella della donna indipendente che non rivuole indietro quell'uomo distaccato e poco affettuoso. Angst romantico all'ennesima potenza. Poi insomma, a me piacciono in modo particolare i romance dove il drama di coppia è tragico e sofferto, e Gabe e Helen non si fanno certo pregare.

E' chiaro, quindi, che l'amnesia selettiva, il PTSD, l'insonnia e tutte le ferite fisiche che si porta dietro fanno rientrare Gabe nella categoria wounded hero ma c'è un'aggiunta di suspance, strascico della missione andata a male, che sposta di netto il romanzo tra i romantic suspance. Furti di armi, membri della Marina che tradiscono il loro paese, tentati omicidi, tutto spunta fuori pian pianino dalla metà della storia, prima come risultato della paranoia di Gabe e poi come vero e proprio pericolo, tanto che gli altri membri del Team 12 - che saranno poi protagonisti dei romanzi successivi - entrano in scena per aiutare il collega a risolvere il mistero.
Forget me not è un romanzo uscito nel 2004, quindi un pochino datato, ma che riesce ad unire due generi di romance con un'identità molto forte: il classico romance contemporaneo, dove i problemi di coppia sono il punto focale della narrazione, e il romantic suspance con le dovute scene di azione e con il pericolo che segue i personaggi fino all'epilogo rocambolesco con in sottofondo spari e mitragliate. Nonostante abbia due piedi in due staffe diverse il risultato è più che gradevole perchè prima si concentra sulla storia d'amore e gradualmente - quando i problemi sono risolti - chiude quella corale.
Di sicuro questo romanzo è adatto a chi vuole un lieve brivido d'emozione suspance senza che la coppia risenta della prepotenza di quel genere. Azione sì, ma con moderazione.

pjgal22's review against another edition

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This is my second Marliss Melton and so far my favorite. Gabe makes a wonderful tortured hero, and Helen is an intelligent, strong heroine. I love novels that feature a second chance at love. It's a real treat to watch Gabe fall in love with his wife all over again and go about proving his love to her. I also loved his relationship with his stepdaughter, Mallory. And the love scenes were very hot but not over the top. This one definitely left me wanting more. I couldn't ask for much more from a romance novel.

laurenjodi's review against another edition

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Forget Me Not
3 Stars

Suffering from amnesia following his capture and escape after a mission gone wrong, Navy SEAL Gabe Renault returns home to a wife and daughter who are virtual strangers. Believing her husband dead, Helen Renault has moved on with her life and is shocked and distraught not only by his return, but by the changes in his personality. No longer distant and cold, Gabe is a new man who can easily make her love him again. However, Gabe’s memories are slowly returning and a traitor will stop at nothing to ensure that they don’t …

Melton’s writing style is fast paced and immersive, and the suspense plot is satisfying. That said, Helen is one of the most selfish and self-absorbed heroines I’ve ever had the misfortune to encounter and her attitude all but ruins the book.

Although it is made clear that Gabe and Helen’s marriage wasn’t all roses and it is understandable that she would be upset by his sudden reappearance, these do not explain or excuse her cold-hearted spite and even anger that the man is still alive. Helen’s deliberate attempts to cause Gabe pain and her inability to believe that someone is after him make it virtually impossible to believe their romance. Gabe is not entirely blameless in all this, in fact, he initially comes across as arrogant and shallow. Nevertheless, it is clear that he is a changed man and deserves a woman who doesn’t regret that he isn’t dead.

Thankfully, the amnesia/assassin storyline is intense and exciting enough to mitigate the awful romance to a certain extent. There is some excellent misdirection in this area, which leads to a twist that I didn’t see coming even though in hindsight there are several obvious clues.

The supporting characters also compensate for the annoying heroine. Gabe’s stepdaughter, Mallory, is utterly charming and their relationship is the best part of the book. The secondary romance between Helen’s friend, Leila, and the Master Chief is sweet and sexy.

In sum, Forget Me Not has potential but Helen's attitude is so off-putting that it ruins the romance. I’m willing to give the next book a chance as it continues the storyline and has a different, and hopefully more likable heroine.

jess_segraves's review against another edition

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I thoroughly enjoyed this quick read, though I do have to say that I prefer Suzanne Brockmann's characterization, humor, and plots. But I'll definitely be reading Melton's other subsequent novels in this series.

ccgwalt's review against another edition

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This book almost had 4 stars until the plot takes an unbelievable twist at the end. Still, Melton's writing about PTSD and the struggles Gage, Helen, and Mallory went through trying to reconnect were very well done and moving. Decent suspense plot line, too. I look forward to the next installment.

I reread this book because, even though I gave it the lowest rating of all the Seal Team 12 books, it's the one that has stuck with me. I keep thinking about the main story, the second chance Gabe gets to be a decent husband and stepfather. Both Helen and Gabe are well-drawn and sympathetic characters. I just wish the author hadn't decided on that eye-rolling ending.

xakyr's review

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This book is extremely hard for me to classify. One thing I have decided was that it was just an okay read, one where I didn't like it really, but I didn't hate it either. I can't even put my finger on what I didn't enjoy about the book either! I can't speak about the characters, because I just don't care about them. I'm left with more unanswered questions than anything else in this story, and that might contribute to my apathy about this book. Now, the author could be using that as a ploy to get readers to the next book, but to me, I can't even bring myself to care about the next book, even with the series being both Military Romance and Romantic Suspense, both sub-genres I want to read more of. I'm chalking this one up to it just not working for me.

jonetta's review

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Quick summary
A year ago, Navy SEAL Gabe Renault disappeared following a mission gone bad. He was presumed dead but now he suddenly reappears with no memories of the past three years, including the mission, his imprisonment...and meeting his wife Helen and stepdaughter Mallory.

Really big issues
Gabe's mission didn't just inadvertently go bad so he's in danger and because of his memory loss, he doesn't know the source nor does anyone else really perceive a threat. Before the mission, his relationship with Helen was fractured so she's not exactly thrilled to have him back in her life.

What I really liked
The suspense and intrigue is excellent! We get mostly Gabe's point of view so we're treated to the revelations as his memories start to surface. I loved assembling the clues, figuring out what was real and what was not. It also made the story more interesting to have him working hard to repair his relationship with a woman he essentially doesn't remember but falls for in the present. The new Gabe is a lot more likable than the person who went away a year ago.

What bugged me
Helen. I'm not spoiling anything by saying her reaction and reception after learning Gabe was alive was pathetic (you get this info in the first chapter). Understanding their relationship was in trouble, I still would have expected her to be at least happy he was not dead. This is the man she supposedly still loved and her behavior was almost intolerable.

The bottom line
This is an exciting story with many twists and turns. Gabe's self discovery and transformation is an added element that gives dimension to the character (he wasn't all that honorable before his disappearance). The romance, while rocky because of Helen's attitude and Gabe's earlier behavior, is fresh as you get to watch two people create something new. It's a great start to the series.

bananatricky's review

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Solid 3 stars

Heavy on the romance and light on the suspense. I liked the premise of Gabe trying to win back his wife after being a prisoner of North Korean terrorists for a year.

Gabe and Helen and Mallory were all nicely drawn and likeable characters - although Gabe post-kidnapping was maybe a little too good to be true.

My biggest gripe was that Ms Melton chose to give him the nickname/call sign "Jaguar", Jaguar FFS! I struggle to visualise a group of Navy SEALs calling one of their colleagues "Jaguar", especially because, if I recall correctly, it was baecause his eyes looked like a Jaguar. And he drove a Jaguar car!!!!!!

So, I may have to convert this book into RTF just so that I can change his name to something more believable!

I'm already half way through the second book - it seems to have avoided falling into the repetitious trap that so many of these series fall prey to - review when I finish it.

stephanywrites's review against another edition

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This was the first book I've read by Marliss Melton and I will admit it was a very good book. It was well-written and well-researched.

The book centered around Gabe Renault, a Navy SEAL who had been imprisoned by Korean terrorists for the past year. He had been declared dead, but managed to escape and find his way back home. Back home, he had a wife (Helen) and a 13-year-old stepdaughter (Mallory). Gabe and Helen had been married for about 3 years when he disappeared and their marriage wasn't a good one. He was totally wrapped up in his job and had no emotional connection to his wife and daughter. He would constantly berate and belittle his daughter. Basically, they walked on eggshells around him.

When he returns, he's a new man. While he doesn't remember what happened to get him imprisoned or the imprisonment, he forges new bonds with his wife and daughter. Slowly, his memory begins returning and with it, he realizes he's being targeted.

I'm a big fan of Suzanne Brockmann who writes books about the Navy SEAL's as well. I do this Suzanne's characters have a little more depth to them and she makes her books a bit more exciting. I cannot put her books down. It took me over a week to read this book, because it was a book I could put down and come back to a day later with no problems.