
Jumper's Hope: Central Galactic Concordance Book 4 by Carol Van Natta

lifeinthebooklane's review against another edition

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This is the first book I have read by this author and I really enjoyed it. The story was original, with lots of complex and well written characters. It lost a star because for a chunk of the book I felt as if I was missing some background information about the hero and heroine. (I'd assumed this was because I was reading book 4 in a series, but when I read the blurb for the other books I'm not so sure this is the case).

I really liked both the heroine and hero, they were well written and believable - although I found the reinstatement of their relationship a little sudden. In fact there were lots of characters involved in this book and most of them were very well written. The plot line twists and turns but flowed well and was easy to follow, even though it was written from multiple POV's.

I did struggle to keep track of some of the 'baddy' characters - some had a larger role and I could remember who they were/what they did but there were 3 or 4 characters who ended up just being 'names'. However this in no way spoilt the story for me.

I WILL be reading more work by this author - and seeing if Kerzanna and Jess are in any of the other books!

I voluntarily read an advanced reader copy of this book.

leyaruth42's review against another edition

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Of the four books in this series I've read so far, I like this one the best after the first book. The second book was good but a bit boring. The third book was exciting but limited in scope. This one definitely had all the good stuff. I look forward to more books in this series.

lolasreviews's review against another edition

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I think this might be my favorite book in this series after Overload Flux or maybe it even is my favorite. Jumper's Hope was such a good read. I liked how this one followed two entirely new characters again, but tied the plot in with the previous books mainly through some CPS related plot lines and the same bad guy as the previous book. There is some action, space travel and also time spent on another planet. The two main characters are great and there are a bunch of side characters too.

This was a great fourth book to the series, the plot kept my attention throughout the whole book and I liked how this book had multiple different settings, but it all progressed in way that made sense. And there are some great twists and reveals. With how a character we only heard about makes an appearance and how her influence brings the characters together again and sets them on a new course. And I also liked the part at the end that takes place in Ridderth. I felt like a I got a good feel for this city.

It was interesting how this was the first book in the series were none of the main characters have any minder talent. Jess is an ex Kameleon with multiple personality overlays stuck in his head. It was interesting how that aspect got handled. And Kerzanna was an ex jumper, a military divisions form the CPS. She ahs soem cybernetic implants left over and a disease that's slowly killing her. It also was great how they both had worked for the CPS and now years later they realized the CPS definitely didn't have their best interest at heart. I liked how they met each other again in this book and found their way together again.

I really liked Jess and Kerzsanna, they both have been through a lot and believe the other is dead. They had some past together and the others dead hit them hard. Now they finally have found a bit of peace when their lives are shaken up again and they discover the other is still alive. They get ensnared in some difficulties with someone who wants Kerzanna dead and somehow they land in even bigger troubles.

The romance was a bit of a slow burn. Even tough they find out they other is alive, they don't just pick up where they left off, but slowly come to rely again on each other and only toward the end they finally get together again. I really liked them and their romance. They took some time to get over their shock and figure out some things that went wrong the last time, but I like how well these two understood each other and had each others back. There is a part where they can't be too close and that really illustrates how much they care about each other and how difficult being apart is for them. I also liked the scenes were they confided into the other something about their past.

I also really liked Tuzan, with the way he got described and how he acted I found him a very likeable and quirky character. And I hope the author decides to give him his own book or novella and gives him a boyfriend as he really could use someone to stand by his side. I also liked how he fought for the minders and he was a minder himself and experienced the loneliness that came from it. At the least I am pretty sure he'll make an appearance again in the next book as he seems to have an important role. And I am sure we haven't seen the last of Jess and Kerzanna either.

There are also two other side characters that I think will have an important role going forward and I am so curious to see how that plays out. One of the last chapters makes me really curious about the role they're going to play going forward.

The book is told mostly from dual point of views of Jess and Kerzanna, but there are also some chapters form the bad guys and his employees their point of views, which added some insights. And some chapters from other characters, which was handy and could add some information the main characters weren't aware of. While this book could be read as a standalone, I wouldn't advise you to do that as the plot is much stronger if you read the books in order.

This book is so important in terms of plot and world building, we not only learn even more about the CPS and their secret project, but also about Ayorinn's Legacy. We finally get to know more about this legacy and get a feel for what it means. I feel like what they do here and are going to do is going to be an important part of this series. I also liked how through Kerzanna, Jess and Dixon we learn more about the jumper's corps and the secret projects of the CPS.

To summarize: this was such a good book. I think it's my favorite book in this series after Overload Flux. There is so much that happens and so many events that feel important, pieces that fall on it's place and reveals and events that feel very important. I really liked Jess and Kerzanna, they both have been through a lot and believe the other is dead. It's quite the shock when they discover that isn't true. They get ensnared in some bigger issues. It was fun to have parts take place aboard a space ship and on two different planets. I also was quite fond of Tuzan and really hope we get to see more of him. It's an important book in terms of story and world building and I can't wait to see how the series continues after this. This continues to be an amazing series and every book manages to grab my complete attention again. I am a bit sad I am now caught up and have to wait for the next book to release.

Audiobook and re-read review
I love this series! Really I can't say enough good things about it. After listening to the audiobook version of Jumper's Hope I decided to up my rating to a 5 stars as this is one of my favorite books in this series. Kerzanna and Jess their journey is so amazing to follow and they have go through quite some hardships to get what they want.

Kerzanna and Jess both think the other is death, until at the start of this book they meet again and discover that the other isn't dead. I love reading about these characters, the way the author makes the character so realistic and likable. I also found it interesting how Kerzanna used to be a jumper and Jess a chameleon, which adds an interesting perspective. And Kerzanna and Jess are just so good together.

The big story lines is really starting to shine through in this book and this book feels so important for the series as a whole and I can't wait for book 5! I also liked that now that I know how this book ends and who the main character of book 5 will be I can see the build-up for that throughout this book.

The narration for this series is amazing. Nicole Poole handles the narration for this series so well and this book again shows her skill. I liked how she varies the accent and tone for Jess when his overlays were out.

To summarize: I cna't recommend this series enough whether in audio or e-format. I like the main characters and the romance. Kerzanna and Jess are so fun to read about and they are so good together. I also liked seeing the bigger storyline plot shine through more in this book. I am glad I re-read these in audiobook format as I love hearing these stories come alive this way and being all caught up now for when book 5 releases.

leesarpel's review against another edition

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Retired pilot Kerzanna crashes on the planet Jess has retired to. It’s no simple accident—someone wants her dead. Jess finds and rescues her, to both their confusion, as they were each convinced the other died several years ago. The two try to lay low and make their escape, but somebody has a tempting offer for them that could give them a chance of a future together. All they need to do is deliver some information. Easier said than done when the baddies are still after Kerzanna.

Kerzanna is one of the most interesting cyborgs I’ve read about in SFR. Cybernetics aren’t all sunshine and roses while we still have flesh. Like prosthetics now, they cause stress on other systems and need constant tweaking. I like how the CPS deactivated some of her capabilities and there was a side market for restoring them, it felt very punk. Kerzanna and Jess are mature adults who use their experience wisely during the course of the story. Though he’s retired, he has problems due to some mismanagement by his workplace. There’s a bit of upside to that oversight, but of course there is also a price for taking advantage of that. It makes me think hard about how organizations treat their employees.
The villainous troupe is entertaining. Davidro is an easy fellow to understand, and watching the way he tries to handle his underlings keeps making me snicker. I felt sympathy for Vahan, who may be cold-blooded and callous, but has to deal with a difficult job. Renner the electric talent has gotten more interesting through the series, and Georgie the forecaster and the others are memorable. Those who slip Davidro’s leash still have parts to play, even if they pay vividly terrible prices.
There’s a battle in space, and it’s exciting. Keeping track of the minor characters involved there is easy. Van Natta is good at making them distinctive and choosing interesting names.

I had a lot of trouble visualizing the layout of the passenger-freighter ship. That could just be my own spatial reasoning problems. What’s a nav pod, and why can it do what it does in the story?
There are several time jumps near the end of the book. Sometimes it felt like events were skipped over a bit abruptly, which made keeping track of them a little difficult for me.

Don’t read this book on its own. Earlier books introduced these villains and their motives, and that makes the experience much richer. The leads get their happy ending, but there’s a twist for some characters which makes me very excited to read the next book. The way the characters have been built over time makes me curious about where some of them will end up.

slc333's review against another edition

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Liked the start, dragged a bit in the middle. We also spent too much time spent on the bad guys POV which reduced time spent with Kerzanna & Jess to the point that I was never really invested in them. Didnt dislike them just felt like didnt know them. I was also a bit confused by reference to things like Mabington Purge and Ayorrin legacy that were never explained. It is just assumed you will know what they are. They may be explained in earlier books but i dont remember so a precis wouldn't have hurt. Suspected Renner & reporter would be next books couple as soon as he was watching her for the kill order but am looking fwd to that story (& hoping for a Luka & Mairwen cameo)

writeramyshannon's review against another edition

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Great next story

There are four books and a novella in this series, and I really enjoyed all of them. Jumper's Hope is one of adventure with great and characters, who have a depth more than just banding together. The story is written well, more like excellent, and Van Natta shows the audience a good story. It's action packed and the pace is perfect for this story. I enjoyed this, indeed.