
Buzz Books 2013: Fall/Winter by Publishers Lunch

yodamom's review

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I enjoyed this quick, *huge* look at some upcoming releases. I got to read excerpts from some very interesting authors. This is a reading addicts dream guide, filled with so many samples to taste. I have already made a ridiculously large list of new authors to read. I don't how I will be happy without getting every season of these. There is a Spring/Summer one too.

sjj169's review

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A bookworm's dream-a book with previews of all the coming seasons hottest books. I read my copy late of course and most of these had already been released.
Some that have been added to my ever growing wish list include.
[b:Provence, 1970: M.F.K. Fisher, Julia Child, James Beard, and the Reinvention of American Taste|17737022|Provence, 1970 M.F.K. Fisher, Julia Child, James Beard, and the Reinvention of American Taste|Luke Barr||24906872]
[b:Just What Kind of Mother Are You?|16071790|Just What Kind of Mother Are You?|Paula Daly||21865795]
[b:On Such a Full Sea|17707526|On Such a Full Sea|Chang-rae Lee||24757054]
[b:The Edge of Normal|17286850|The Edge of Normal (Reeve LeClaire, #1)|Carla Norton||24805627]
[b:Someone Else's Love Story|17349119|Someone Else's Love Story|Joshilyn Jackson||24034796]
[b:The People in the Trees|16126596|The People in the Trees|Hanya Yanagihara||21950352]
[b:Steelheart|17182126|Steelheart (Reckoners, #1)|Brandon Sanderson||21366540]
Review for Steelheart here
and [b:The Rosie Project|16181775|The Rosie Project (Don Tillman #1)|Graeme Simsion||22084678]

narflet's review

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Downloaded this just for the Battle Magic preview, and read it yesterday. It's good, very good. Shame it's so long to wait until the full book! Maybe I'll read some more of these previews while I wait.

wizzardofxxxx's review

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It's sad that I love these promos right? Especially since I almost never get the ARC's for the featured novels =P

But whatever, it gets you excited for reading I guess! Here's what can’t wait to read:

[b:The Edge of Normal|17227769|The Island on the Edge of Normal|Guy New York||23740849]- this seems really creepy. But definitely interesting and already loaded on my kindle
[b:Shaman|297929|Urban Shaman (Walker Papers, #1)|C.E. Murphy||289053]
[b:The Valley of Amazement|17383934|The Valley of Amazement|Amy Tan||15778974]
[b:Hild|4532028|Hild & Kaltwasser|Andreas Ammer||4581242]- this sounds AMAZING. Got it on my kindle.
[b:Just What Kind of Mother Are You|16071790|Just What Kind of Mother Are You?|Paula Daly||21865795]
[b:The Rosie Project|17281240|The Rosie Project|Graeme Simsion||22084678]- this looks cute, on my kindle
[b:Mister Max: The Book of Lost Things|17080054|Mister Max The Book of Lost Things|Cynthia Voigt||23448185]
[b:Steelheart|15704458|Steelheart (Reckoners, #1)|Brandon Sanderson||21366540]- YESSSS Sanderson, can't wait to read it
[b:Battle Magic|8306725|Battle Magic (Circle Reforged, #3)|Tamora Pierce||13155766] - asdkjlckjvaoid!!!! OMG NEW CIRCLE OF MAGIC BOOK!@@ Tammy you're seriously killing me that this book is not available