
Crossed Hearts by Kimber Vale, K. Vale

karlijnmerle's review

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3.5 stars

aligroen's review

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I received this book in exchange for an honest review.

Kory received a heart transplant and now wants to live a better life than before. He does everything he can to not resort to going back to porn. He meets Will while visiting the grave of the boy his heart came from. Will shows him how lucky he is and does everything he can to encourage his painting. Will’s ex shows up and knows Kory from watching his porns. He tells Will before Kory and Will feels betrayed. IT takes some introspection for him to see what Kory really means to him.

bfdbookblog's review

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oh my gosh this book...all the feels, wow. the opening scene

both of these men are just so much. they both lack the self confidence to be strong individually and are drawn to each other immediately. will's 'boyfriend' was such a sh!t to him that any confidence will had was stripped away by that horrible man. will feels unworthy of any love, especially as someone as awesome as kory. he is super sweet and adorable.

because of his past, kory feels unworthy of anything good. he also made a promise to be a better man when he was given a new lease on life. he thought that meant being alone for the rest of his life. he certainly feels unworthy of will's attention. he finds himself in a really crap position even after getting his new heart and the guilt of surviving when his donor didn't is stifling.

their banter is so cute and they are pretty perfect together. i loved everything about them being together.

the writing was outstanding and i cannot wait for the next book in this series!

ktomp17's review

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I received a copy of this book via the Don't Buy My Love program in exchange for an honest review

Such a sweet book! I absolutely loved this. Kimber strikes gold again. I loved other books I read from her, and this was no exception.

Will is a mortician working at his uncle's funeral home, who also works part time as an EMT. Will is dumped by his jerk "boyfriend" at the beginning of the book. One night while working his EMT shift, he gets called to the high school football field where a player collapsed. Brandon ends up not making it and is an organ donor. Will is very affected by the death of this young guy, especially after he also assists with the funeral.

Kory is a former porn star who had had a bad heart and required a transplant. He ends up moving from California to New Jersey when he gets the call that there is a heart for him. Brandon's heart. He had prayed and promised that he would leave his past behind him and make his life better if he got a second chance. Kory has a few moments where he has to determine exactly what this means for him (does it mean no more porn? no more men at all?)

Will meets Kory at the cemetery where both guys are visiting Brandon's grave. There is an immediate attraction between them. They form a friendship that eventually leads to a lot more. The story between the guys is sweet. Kory has never had a boyfriend before and Will has been burned in the past, so it starts slow and progresses conservatively, which I think helped them grow closer. They seem to be on the same page throughout the whole book and it was adorable.

Of course there has to be drama. Will's jerk ex knows Kory is a porn star and gets mad when Kory doesn't want to hook up with him. Then he tries to get Will back and is very threatening. He is the ultimate jerk. I could have lived with out Darryl in the book, but I think it was important for the guys to finally get to deeper truths with each other, and Darryl helped them get there. Jerk. Sorry, did I say that already?

The ending epilogue? Absolute perfection. I wouldn't mind getting a short down the road to see their happiness. I loved them.

annmarief's review

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This book was provided for free by the author in exchange for an honest review as part of the DBML offerings.

The story is about how Will (part-time paramedic, part-time funeral director) and Kory (former porn star, current starving artist) find each other and fall in love. Kory received a heart transplant as a result of a young man’s death, who was transported to the hospital and then prepared for burial by Will. That sentence exemplifies just a few of the coincidences in the book, which is okay if you don’t let that bother you. I found myself rooting for the main characters, that they would overcome the obstacles that were in their way (most of which were caused by themselves). I enjoyed the gradual development of the romantic relationship, seeing both Will & Kory get past their issues to make the move to dating after starting as friends. Clearly you know that the secrets are going to be exposed and cause much angst, but I thought that Will’s initial reaction and eventual decision fit the character perfectly. My one beef with the story is how a jerk ex was really a psycho rapist, attempted murderer.

Overall a wonderful story, 4 strong stars!

anitalouise's review

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I received a copy of this book from the author in exchange for an honest review. And I thank the author so much for that opportunity. By 8% I was already deeply engaged in the storyline. The two MCs just reached out to grab me. A slow burn friends to lovers romance about two damaged by life guys that hit all my buttons. Kory and Will are perfect together. What a unique situation - a former porn star with cardiomyopathy and the ambulance driver/EMT/mortician who worked on the donor. Beautiful writing, snarky dialogue and some hot man love coupled with kick ass secondary characters that just add some wonderful depth to this romance. It's clear that the author has some medical training - she throws around medical terms that don't always fit the setting. But still the love that develops just made me melt. It could have been predictable but the book took a turn that I so appreciated. There was a melancholy like sweetness to the vibe i was getting from the book that struck just the right note. A new fan of Kimber Vale!