
All I Am by Nicole Helm

anabelsbrother's review

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2.5 stars

It has charm but I wish that was enough. I simply didn't care about Cara's issues.

buuboobaby's review

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i mainly skimmed this one. I didn't find either character appealing, and they both had way too many hangups for me to buy into the HEA

jefrang's review

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I found this highly enjoyable: very sweet with pretty great characters. It made this excellent attempt at nuanced character flaws and believable drama but it struck me as slightly uneven in character development. Wes' anxiety got suddenly better when Cara's doubts got worse and then suddenly it was vice-versa and then it ended. All the changes were too abrupt but it was a really great idea and the characters were unique and memorable so it's worth the read.

kiwicoral's review

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*SBTB Best Picture Challenge - The Hurt Locker: Read a romance with a soldier.*
This one was just super duper sweet. I often find contemporary romances that deal with real life problems a little tedious (I read romance for the fantasy; I don't want to read about paying the bills), but this one was really engaging. I could understand both the characters' perspectives and it was great to see them change through the support they gave each other. But where was the epilogue?!

bryonie's review

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I made it about half way through this book before it finally dawned on me what bothered me about this book. We'll get to that in a second.

So we've got a hero and heroine in this book who are both emotionally unstable, self-conscious and self-deprecating in their own ways. Ok, I can deal with that, because everyone has their flaws. The fact that they found each other... Okay, I can deal with this as well, because like attract like just as often as opposites attract.

But my biggest beef about this book is about Wes. For someone who is as emotionally unstable and volatile as he is, and for as long as he has been (we are told it stems from childhood) how in the hell did he manage to both pass the psychological portion of his enlistment medical, and THEN pass the psychological exam to become a munitions expert? In a word, he wouldn't have. And second, some times in the book it's said he 'worked with the dogs' in Afghanistan, and then suddenly he was blown up while disarming a IED? Either he's doing one or the other. He wouldn't be doing both. They are two distinct and separate paths in the military. Sure, they would work side-by-side, but never the twain shall meet.

On top of all that, now that I've finished the book, nothing really happened. We just had two characters living in their heads the whole damn time, coming up for sure every now and then to have sex. The running inner monologue of self-pity got real old real fast.

megbrod's review

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Why didn't I read this earlier?!?! It was sooooo good and made me all warm and fuzzy, even when the mailman ruined my nice morning by banging on the doorbell and getting it stuck for my neighbor's package.

tearainread's review

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I really liked the first 35% of the book, both in plotline and the MCs. And then the heroine reacted the way she did to the hero's admission that he was a virgin. He admitted it during a moment of distress/PTSD and her reaction was "YaY! Let me be your first! I'm really good at sex and then you can just get over it!" Imagine if the genders were reversed - do you really think that would be acceptable? I wouldn't and I didn't here. After reading that scene, I had no desire to keep reading and went to read other stuff. When I did get back to reading, I did a lot of skimming. The heroine got whiny and clingy after several bouts of "sex therapy" and yet couldn't get her life together even with help from others around her. I did like the hero throughout the book, I just wished he got a better heroine than the one the author wrote him.

contemporary romance

adelebuck's review

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Not a huge fan of books with characters who are messed up and wallow in it.