
Forbidden by Tabitha Suzuma

sabreena29's review against another edition

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This book was too much.
Although I didn't like author's writing style, methods, or ways of over dramatizing her writing and making it seem way more melodramatic than it actually was. I did appreciate the message behind this story, the story itself.
I personally found this a little hard to get through, it was painful almost, really makes you think about the unfairness of life, and the cruel ways it deals itself.

emldavis001's review against another edition

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This book broke my heart over and over and over. Just what I thought the heartache would end I would continue reading to find something more heartbreaking in the last. This This book is a beautiful but tragic story and it is definitely one of the best books I've ever read.

sashapasha's review against another edition

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What a horrifying book. So well written, such evocative writing. But horrible.

Like watching a train barreling ahead and no one inside can see that the tracks end at a cliff. But they know the train can’t go on forever.

Reading soundtrack:
* Teil I - Kjartan Sveinsson
* Nearer My God to Thee (instrumental) - the Newton brothers
* Finale from Love Gets a Room Soundtrack- Victor Reyes
* Into the Solar Storm - Volker Bertelmann
* soundtrack from Rurouni Kenshin the Beginning
* On the Nature of Daylight - Max Richter
* Final Ascent (No Time To Die Soundtrack) - Hans Zimmer

kirstym3692's review against another edition

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..... I did not expect that

vivizinha's review against another edition

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No words for this book...just heartbreaking in all the ways.

threegoodrats's review against another edition

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Review is here.

aliceewertsson's review against another edition

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Actually really engaging and interesting, a bit disturbing tho when you remind yourself what's actually going on. I liked the writing

brisingr's review against another edition

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This book was... horrible. Didn't like any of the characters, how the whole incest (trigger warning for this) thing was played out, the setting, the relationship or the tragic/sad side of the story, that simply fell flat for me, since I didn't care at all for anyone. I wanted to dnf this book constantly throughout reading it, but eventually I finished it while procrastinating studying and at least I can have a fully fleshed opinion.

Most disappointing read of 2016 up until now.

ibokensvarld's review against another edition

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Har du läst Forbidden? Inte? Då har du missat en sjujävla bra bok. Känslorna rusar inombords och med ett kapitel kvar + epilogen så var jag så frustrerad att jag kunde drämma boken rakt in i väggen. Istället åkte jag till stallet och sansade mig. Nu är boken utläst, hur ska jag få dig att förstå att detta är en av de mest känslosamma böcker du kommer läsa under 2016? Du kommer tvivla på allt du någonsin tänkt & känt gällande förbjuden kärlek.

tinky47's review against another edition

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This was a sad and difficult read. Very emotional and disturbing. The author captures a family living through severe parental neglect, which turns the older siblings into roles of "parents." The girl and the boy come together to keep the family from social service's radar, but develop an unhealthy attraction. This felt similar to Flowers in the Attic, but with characters that people today can relate to. It makes me wonder about what happens across the world when parents fail to provide structure and safety for their children.