
Cheater's Regret by Rachel Van Dyken

hall2020's review against another edition

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This was cute, just as funny as the first book. You will enjoy it if you can get over Austin and Thatchers insta Love. I mean come on it was only a few weeks!!!
But still look past that and enjoy.

j_the_bookworm's review against another edition

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Thatch and Austin...title not what you think. Great book!!

Thatch and Austin were made for each other. The title is not what you think. This is about 2 people who fell who feared love due to his family's past hurts, the other who only got attention from her family when it helped out their public persona. I loved this book and the antics of Thatch and Austin..and Avery and Lucas!

beckyrendon's review against another edition

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DO NOT PASS THIS BOOK OVER BECAUSE OF ITS TITLE. I admit that when I picked up book one I was twitchy and hesitant. I felt dirty for voluntarily reading a book about cheaters- ITS NOT ABOUT CHEATERS!!!!! I had the exact same reaction to Cheater's Regret. I can't tell you why but I put off reading it. I avoided it on my kindle and it physically pained me to do so. I am a huge Rachel Van Dyken fan. I Flove her books but that one word in the title made me pause.

This book kicks butt! The story line is awesome, angsty, and is written so well you can't help but to empathize with its characters. From anger, love, lust, and possibly creating your own list of revenge options, Cheater's Regret will pull you in and never let you go. (cue evil laugh)

Okay, so there's no evil laugh...just some snickers, a smirk or two, and uncontrollable need for moonpies. Read at your own risk...heart hurts and candy addictions may result but you will finish with a smile on your face and a gleam in your eye.

Book received in exchange for an honest review. Reviewed on behalf of Once Upon An Alpha

caseroo7's review against another edition

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Find this review and more at Ramblings From This Chick

Cheater's Regret is the second book in the Curious Liaisons series by Rachel Van Dyken. Fans of the first book in the series will recognize Austin and Thatch, but if you haven't read the first book this one can easily be read as a standalone. I am a huge fan of RVD's, but I am always a bit skeptical when it comes to cheaters. If anyone could pull it off though, I knew it was RVD and I ended up really liking this one.

Austin Rogers thought that she had found the one that she could spend her life with, but then he cheated on her and dumped her as though she was the one in the wrong. Her new mission becomes revenge on Thatch Holloway for how he broke her heart. But when she needs help with a school project for her MBA, she knows that she needs help from Thatch as he is a plastic surgeon and will draw the interest she needs. As much as Austin is hurting, she also can't help but still want Thatch even though she knows that he will just break her heart again. Thatch had his reasons for doing what he did, knowing that it was hurt Austin and push her away from him forever. As much as he wishes things were different, he knows that he made the right choice when he still has a secret that would destroy not only Austin, but any chance they might have at a future together.

I really liked these two, even though I was worried about whether or not I would like Thatch at first. Once we got to know him more though, it was clear that there was so much more to the story. Thatch and Austin were really good together, and I really felt their connection and chemistry. My heart broke for Austin and how hurt she was by everything, especially since she had no clue what was really going on. I just wanted everything to come out and for her to finally get some answers, but I knew that Thatch was really trying to protect her in his own way. I was just hoping that everything would work out in the end and that whatever was going on wouldn't destroy their chance at something together in the future.

Overall, this was one I couldn't put down and I read it in pretty much one sitting. I felt really connected to these characters and Rachel Van Dyken has a way of telling a story that is unlike anyone else. She always has me laughing out loud and is great at delivering all the feels as well. I know that some might be scared off my the title and the fact that there was cheating involved, but trust me when I say that this is so much more than that and worth taking the chance on.

**ARC Provided by Social Butterfly PR**

charlottenw1's review against another edition

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Thatch and Austin are funnier and steamier!

I thoroughly enjoyed this book. I didn't really understand where it could go and how these two would rekindle their romance but Rachel Van Dyken did it and hit it out the park.

Thatch is one hot Dr and Austin really does give him a hard time with the clients she assumes he deals with but once she starts to work more closely with him for her project, she pipes right down and sees him differently. Austin has her own struggles to overcome and Thatch wants to be there every step of the way, even if he doesn't do a great job at showing it.

There's always drama and this was full of it, all the family had it which leaked into Thatch and Austin's dynamic but this was just a blip in the hurdles they had to overcome. They actually had a really cute ending even if it was quick.

thebookishmel's review against another edition

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definitely a shorter read, and i loved hearing the perspective of Thatch and Austin! overall, really fun but addresses cheating on another scale and i'm genuinely surprised by how much i enjoyed this

their intro in book one was great, and the happy ending was definitely worth it

kdaskewich's review

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Good Read

Liked this book more at the beginning and found near the end it dragged on but a really quick ending.

lt_tara's review

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2.5 stars
I just wasn't a fan. I thought I would like this book from its synopses but it really just wasn't that good.
I felt like the writing style was immature and all over the place at times, the things that were supposed to be funny were not and the whole conflict was absolutely ridiculous and stupid.

I liked Austen probably the most out of this whole book. She wasn't amazing but she had her bright moments.
Thatch was weird. I can't really explain it, he just always did the opposite of what he should have done.
The relationship was okay but I felt like they were acting too "life or death" for my liking. Plus the whole reason for them not being together was the biggest bullshit.

The drama aspect of this novel was so ridiculous and just wtf. It was unnecessary and I didn't understand why it happened like it did. I didn't like it and this whole book was just underwhealming for me.

There were a few good scenes but the only reason I finished it was because it was short and I had to know what stupid thing caused the conflict.

heatherfoltz's review

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jscarpa14's review against another edition

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I debated on the rating for this one

This might have deserved a 4 stars, so can we call it 3.5? I think my real issue is the last book in the series was exceptionally funny so when I picked up the next book, I didn't just expect to get familiar characters I expected a similar feel to the book. I mean both books definitely had their family drama but in Cheater it was well overshadowed with humor. In this book the scenes that I think were meant to be funny mostly fell flat to me.

I liked the characters and enjoyed their story but this one is all drama and heartache and battle to get to the happy ending. That said I also don't think I have the same idea of a happy ending as the characters. To me the dream isn't the spouse that supports you and the kids, those are nice, they're beautiful blessings, but I'd like to believe women are more than their ability to create life. So when someone who isn't even out of school says forget the MBA, her new job is to be her mans bedmate, that just seems sad to me.

Regardless it's a good story and I would recommend it, it just offers a very different feel than the previous novel in the series.