
A Trace of Moonlight by Allison Pang

kathydavie's review

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Third in the Abby Sinclair urban fantasy series revolving around Abby, a half-fae, half-human KeyStone who can function as a TouchStone to anyone.

My Take
The writing is getting better and Abby is being less of a ditz. Although that's not really saying much as she's a major idiot at the beginning. I still want to slice her up with a sword. Stupid woman. After overhearing that conversation in the garden, I do NOT understand how she could interpret it as she does. I suspect someone just read this section over quickly and couldn't be bothered with a proper editing job.

It's not exactly a raving endorsement to read this, I realize. I do like Pang's basic storyline. It's interesting how she's created a fey culture with these particular twists. But Abby is so stupid. And wishy-washy. Arghh. She's so clueless about how Faerie operates and she just rushes in, rushes off, releasing and connecting.

Worse, it's so damned confusing as to what is going on. Talivar wants her, doesn't want her. Ion has done something in the Dreaming Heart, but we don't really know what. Talivar is willing to share, but he's not. Talivar knows she loves Ion, but he's surprised to find out she does. I mean, WTF? I simply got another headache trying to make sense of this.

Maurice's escape was confusing. Fair, I suppose, as Abby was dying, so she was particularly coherent.

As horrific as Maurice is, why are they letting him wander around as unencumbered as they do?

I am confused as to where Abby's relationships sit with regards to Ion and Talivar. After events in A Sliver of Shadow, I had thought she'd be off with Nobu and not luxuriating at the palace. This was all a bit vague and doesn't really improve. I get the impression that Talivar doesn't really want Abby...and then again I think he does. I suspect Pang intended to create a three-way conflict and it doesn't work until much further in. The whole bells thing was poorly done.

The Story
Abby drank from the River Lethe and pledged to be the Devil's Tithe. Meanwhile Moira, Phin, Talivar, and Ion are desperately trying to figure out how to save her without becoming oathbreakers.

But the memory loss doesn't hold and Abby must flee the Queen's displeasure. Right along with Talivar. And they fall into a new alliance that will have far-reaching consequences.

Now if they can just keep the Eidolon Tree from dying and find the escaped Maurice.

The Characters
Abby Sinclair is a Dreamer, a living KeyStone. She's also Moira's half-sister, and they share a father, True Thomas of Ercildune who is the Queen's Steward, lover, and her TouchStone. Phineas is a perverted little unicorn, whom I just adore.

Talivar is Abby's fiancé, Moira's brother. Moira is the heir to Faerie and making plans to take over from the mad Queen.

Ion/Brystion is an incubus, a daemon, who can move through dreams and is in love with Abby. He's desperate to help rescue her and pulls a very risky stunt. Sonja is his sister, a succubus.

Topher gives Abby options. Maurice was Moira's TouchStone until he wanted more than Moira could give. He's a poisonous toad who should have been watched much more carefully.

Back in Portsmyth
Roweena DuMont is the fae liaison between the Faery Court and the Protectorate's Council. Melanie is human, but a Door Maker with her violin, playing to open the Crossroads for those with the price. When Abby died, she ran, and no one can find her now. Benjamin is Moira and Robert's baby, half-fae and half-angel right up to the wings on his back. Charlie is Robert's girlfriend and very unhappy that he would cheat on her, but she does love Benjamin whom Moira left with her and Robert. Katy is a young human who is the TouchStone for Brandon, a werewolf who owns the Hallows, the OtherFolk pub. Katy is currently away at college. Didi is a PETA pixie sent off to hunt Melanie down.

The Unseelie Court
Kitsune leads the banished fae and has a proposition for Talivar. Jimmy Squarefoot, a piglike man, is one of the lesser fae and blessed with an excellent sense of smell.

Nobu is a daemon who knows Melanie very well, and he loves her. He will betray anyone for her.

OtherFolk are the elves, the fae, etc. To be able to travel the CrossRoads as they please and to stay in the mortal world without problems, they need a TouchStone. A human with whom they make a Contract. A KeyStone can TouchStone OtherFolk on contact, seeing the OtherFolk's inner personality.

The Cover
The cover is sparkles in the sunlit woods with Abby up front and center in her cropped, slip of a halter top and low-cut jeans, wearing her mother's necklace.

The title is consistent with the previous ones with its reference to a light, quick contact. And that's as close as it comes to being relevant to the story.

brendalovesbooks's review

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I think I actually liked A Trace of Moonlight the least of the three books in this series. Maybe the storyline wasn't as interesting to me. The writing is pretty good, and I think this is a decent urban fantasy series. It's just definitely not the best I've read.

This was a very quick read, but I felt like there was nothing new here from the previous books in the series. Abby is not really growing as a character, and neither are her relationships.

All that said, I appreciate that there are some new ideas in this series as a whole. I imagine it's difficult to come up with some new and original in the paranormal romance/urban fantasy genre. It's not all more of the same, although at times it seems like too many different things are thrown together in one book.

I would probably recommend this series to paranormal lovers, but there are definitely better series out there.

claire_loves_books's review

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I didn't dislike this book but not much seems to happen to be honest. I'm reviewing it two days later and can't really remember much of the plot, I still think the first book in the series was the best by a fair margin.

tartbarbie's review

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I received A Trace of Moonlight in return for an honest review as part of the book tour hosted by Bewitching Book Tours. In the end of the second book Abby saves the day by making a deal with a daemon to be the tither for the fey in return the she would save her friends. Upon making the deal Abby takes a drink of the lethe water from the River Styx to seal the deal. After she drinks the water Abby loses all her memories, Talivar and Moira have her living in the Faery court till something can be decided. Talivar plans for Ion the incubus to be able to save Abby however it doesn't work. Abby learns the truth but because she has no memories she doesn't trust them and runs off into the garden where she meets Maurice our evil touchstone from the prior books. Maurice uses her weakness to his advantage slaying Abby and stealing the key, and disappearing before they can get him.

Phin our horny unicorn uses up all his magic to bring Abby back from the dead however the damage has been done because the people back in the mortal world learn of her death but they don't learn that she's alive again. In a attempt to save Abby from his mother Talivar hand-fasted (weds) her so that they can flee from the Faery court before his mother can stop them. After her death Abby has regained all her memories even if they are a little muddled, the pair and Phin flee hoping to find a way to lift the geas his mother put on Abby to keep her from leaving the Faery world.

Talivar leaves Abby with Phin in the mountains of troll country so that he can find the broken Bazzar or broken unseeley court where Kitsune currently is the leader. He makes it to her but doesn't make it back before he's attacked by his mother’s guards, thanks to Abby and her new troll friend the trio make it away safely to the Bazzar. Talivar decides it's time to step and be King of the unseeley to bring back what they once were since he's responsible for why it was destroyed. Ion learns that Abby is alive and attempts to pull her through the crossroad when they are attacked at the tree while pulling her through his powers are transferred to her making him mortal. Once in the mortal world Abby sets out to find her best friend Melanie who is the door keeper so that she can help them stop Maurice. When Abby died it took it's tole on all of her friends Melanie disappeared so with the help of her former daemon lover they need to find her before it's too late and save the crossroads.

My oh my how this series gets me, it just sucks me in so I can't stop reading till it ends then I'm stuck wanting more this book is no exception. So much still needs to be resolved so I hope even though I've heard that this is the end it's not really the end. I love the characters in the story Abby is great she is everything I love in a character except she's torn between to different amazing me. Ugh I hate anything with love triangles and people getting hurt. I can't express how much I love Phins character he brings the comic to the story and breaks up the action but in a good way. The concept for the world that the characters live in is unique and exciting I think that's why I love the series so much. Even with the love triangle I don't care for I can't find anything else I don't like about the series. I really like the unique twists and turns thought the stories; the bad guys are always unique and refreshing. Overall it's one of my favorite series I hope for another in the series at least to tie up all the loose ends and maybe a little more from a few of the other couples in the series could be fun.

kayla_llbr's review

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I don't want this to be the end :( Please Allison tell me we will hear more from Abby, Ion, Taliver and Phin! I'm a tiny bit confused on the ending but I need more! The banter between Abby and Phin had me laughing my butt off all night. Please tell me we will get more!

booklvrkat's review

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Abby has got hold of her Dreaming powers now. And nothing is going to stop her from fixing Faery. And everything else that's gone wrong. Maurice is still on the loose, Ion is still missing, Talivar and Abby are handfasted, and Melanie has gone missing. To say hell has broken loose is to state it lightly.

chllybrd's review

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A TRACE OF MOONLIGHT kicks off shortly after the cliffhanger ending of A SLIVER OF SHADOW. I have to admit that book 3 didn't play out as I had imagined it would. Without giving away spoilers its hard to elaborate on that but I was surprised at how thing played out. A TRACE OF MOONLIGHT takes place in both the Otherworld and the mortal world. All of our favorite characters are involved in this installment and the love triangle between Abby, Talivar and Brystion is still going strong. I really like both of them and was not rooting strongly for either of them. There is a great amount of action as well as twists that you wont expect.

The ending. I'm utterly confused. Are they not joined still? I thought that it was permanent now but then it says they aren't? I read the ending multiple times and still have no clue. And someone said this is the last book? Really? It seems way to up in the air to leave the ending like that. Like I said, I'm confused. Besides that one confusion I loved the book and I love the world that Allison has created with her Abby Sinclair series. Pick up books 1 and 2 before diving in or you might be pretty lost going into A TRACE OF MOONLIGHT. I seriously feel that the series cant end like this though so I really hope there is another book in the making, I must know what will happen next.

mdlaclair's review

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It was interesting but did not really feel like an ending to a series

bunnerz's review

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Ratings - completed series:
#0.5 Carniepunk: A Duet with Darkness: ★★★☆☆
#1 A Brush of Darkness: ★★★★☆
#2 A Sliver of Shadow: ★★★☆☆
#3 A Trace of Moonlight (this book): ★★★☆☆

lilyelement's review

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A Trace of Moonlight is book three in the Abby Sinclair series. It picks up shortly after A Sliver of Shadow. Abby has lost her memory after drinking from the waters of lethe and doesn't know what is going on. Talivar is taking care of Abby, and trying to find a way to recover her memory and save her from being the Tithe.

On a stroll in the garden Abby sees Maurice who is being held in Faerie for his actions in the last book. He escapes with something very important, and mortally injures someone, which causes a ton of issues for everyone. After dealing with all the hubbub, the Queen still needs Abby to be the Tithe, a human sacrifice to keep the peace between the demons and Faerie. To keep Abby in place she places a geas on her so she cannot go to the CrossRoads. This rubs Talivar the wrong way, so he enacts a plan to ensure their escape from under the Queen's thumb.

A good portion of the book revolves around the Eildon tree, which basically holds the CrossRoads together. After a fight near the tree it's a race against the clock to find Maurice and save the CrossRoads. Abby is left to make hard decisions, and save multiple lives.

The relationship aspect of the book is pretty much the same as in book two. There is a love triangle, and I still wasn't sure who I wanted Abby to wind up with. I could tell that Talivar cares for Abby and she cares for him, but I just wasn't sure. Brystion on the other hand was in this book more and I leaned his way slightly.

A Trace of Moonlight is an fast read that will keep you on the edge of your seat. I love that Abby doesn't always make the wisest decisions, and her character isn't perfect in every way. I highly recommend this series, if you haven't read Allison Pang's work yet you are missing out.