
Ranger Station Haven by S.A. Stovall

a_reader_obsessed's review

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4 Stars

It’s Christmas Eve, and Carter and Owen are park rangers on call. Carter treats it like any other night on the job but his husband feels differently. Though Carter seems like a total grump, it’s just a consequence of a strict sparse childhood. He’s not into all the holiday cheer, but he tolerates it because Owen loves everything there is about Christmas.

When they get a 911 call to search and rescue a group of runaway foster kids, they risk their lives venturing out in a severe snow storm.

Ensue peril and danger and a slow thawing of Carter, as Owen and the kids melt his resistance to the holidays.

Emotional and endearing. Highly recommended!

ellelainey's review

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Book 1: Ranger Station Haven
POV: 1st person, one character
Star rating - ★★★★★
Length: 42 pages

The cuteness of this story is just off the charts! I love a good Christmas story, but add in kids, a grump like Carter, and I'm in love.

Owen is the Christmas cheer of the story, but I'll admit that while I love Christmas, Carter is exactly me. Totally anti-social, not comfortable around kids, and just wants to get the work done. We're soul mates and I loved the turn around, the twists, and the slow progression of Scrooge to Santa. And, the best part was the mix of some of my all time favourite movies – Scrooge, Star Wars and Ghostbusters. Who'd have thunk it?

I loved the characterisation, which was really strong for such a short story. Tiny Tim and Seabiscuit were my favourites, along with Carter. The snark was strong with that one.


Favourite Quote

““Carter,” he calls out. “You want a cup of hot chocolate?”
“We're rugged outdoorsmen,” I call back. “Rugged outdoorsmen drink coffee, not hot chocolate.””

suze_1624's review

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Scrooge Carter has his holiday plans with his husband Owen cut short when 6 kids runaway from their group home into the park. With that, you just know there is going to be grumpy and cute, melting hearts and hope - and this delivers! 3.5*
The kids range from 'Tiny Tim' Edmund up to surly teen Justin and Scrooge Carter is the one who has to deal with them after Owen is injured. The kids home made entertainment - including a Christmas Carol/Star Wars mash up - is fun and does the job on Carter's heart.
Best read with the wind howling and the snow falling to get all the feels and warm fuzzies at the end.

lillian_francis's review

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I'm not normally one for established couple stories but I love a grumpy MC and this has one of the grumpiest, yet most endearing that I've read for awhile.
Adorable, funny, and achingly sweet in the best way.

anitalouise's review

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Odd but lovely. Owen and Carter are rangers in the Voyageurs National Park in snowy Minnesota. They are married and enjoy a close relationship. It's almost Christmas and Owen wants to celebrate. Six foster kids go missing in the park and it's up to Owen and Carter to find them and a snowstorm is bearing down on them. So this started out as if I should already know these characters. I was too lazy to dig around the author's web site so just enjoyed the book. Great writing, surprisingly emotional ending. Great little Christmas nugget!