
Souljourner: A Karmic Crime Story by Paul Steven Stone

snoakes7001's review

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Souljourner is the story of David Rockwood Worthington, currently languishing in jail for the murder of his third wife and one true love.

David is a member of the Seekers for Truth - a school of spiritual development that believes in reincarnation. Seekers are known as souljourners and believe that in each lifetime they will encounter their karmic pod, a group of soul mates inexorably drawn together. As such, David is writing this novel as a letter to the next incarnation of his soul, believing that if his intention is strong enough, it will inevitably fall into the hands of the right reader.

He's not the most reliable of narrators, especially if you believe the interjections from some of the other characters that find their way into these pages. These are from his wives and his prison psychotherapist and offer an alternative perspective of events from David's self-obsessed and often rambling view of the world. But they can't all be telling the truth...

It's an entertaining read with an original premise - recommended if you fancy something a little bit different.