
From This Day Forward by Lauren Layne

heabooknerd's review

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I've read one other book by Lauren Layne and I really didn't like it. I thought I'd try this new series out since a prequel novella is a quick and easy read. I was very surprised with how much I liked this one compared to how much I really disliked Frisk Me. It was the perfect level of series introduction; a few side characters to establish future books but not overwhelming the whole story with characters that aren't as important right now. I also really liked both Leah and Jason, as individual people and as a couple. Their chemistry was great and in the end, they both knew they needed to trust in order to make their relationship work.

kirstym3692's review

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ARC provided via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

I did really like this book, it just really sucked that it was just a novella and not a full book. There could have been so much more, and it all felt a bit rushed.

I still want my own Jason though!

cobaltbookshelf's review

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Miscommunication as a trope makes me so mad.

zaza_bdp's review

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From this day forward est le prequel d'une série que Lauren Layne consacrera à une bande d'amies, et qui tournera autour de l'univers des mariages et de leur organisation. Impossible de ne pas aux Quatre saisons de fiançailles de Nora Roberts, soit dit en passant.

Ce tome 0.5 est centré sur deux photographes, ex-amants qui se sont séparés un an plus tôt. Réunis le temps d'un weekend pour un job commun, ils vont se retrouver face à face et raviver la flamme.

Format court oblige, on reste vraiment en surface et les personnages manquent de profondeur. On tombe une fois encore dans ce schéma de quiproquos et d'absence totale de communication, ce qui a typiquement le don de m'agacer. Dommage parce que le héros aurait pu avoir plus de carrure vu son passé.

C'est une nouvelle romantique, un peu pimentée, servie par une écriture fluide, une histoire à caser entre 2 lectures intenses.

bookdevouringmisfit's review

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Too much drama for a novella :(

jnwunder's review

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Cute but not really surprising.

alwaysbooking's review

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wow… I think I might be slightly speechless after reading this novella!! I cannot understand how an author can pack such a punch in a novella?? I have to say bravo Mrs. Layne! I am super excited to start this new series by Lauren Layne now. The covers for this new series are gorgeous. All of the covers have beautiful pictures of brides on them.

Leah is a great photographer, she barely has a free moment in between weddings and events. She is very good friends with the ladies at The Wedding Belles event planning company. They call on her to assist with a really big wedding, however they tend to leave out one small detail. That small detail would be the man who broke her heart into a thousand pieces being her co-worker that day.

After being left by Leah without hearing him out Jason is not looking forward to working with her over a long weekend. However after he sees her Jason decides to try his hand at maybe winning her back. If she doesn’t run away again… or break his heart again.

I realize some die hard LL fans are not a fan of her new writing style or little changes she has made with her “saucy” scenes. I stand behind her on any change she would like to make in her writing. She is an excellent writer and like any person she cannot stay stagnant she must grow and spread her wings more and more. Whether she decides to go back to how she was writing before or stay in this niche I will stay an LL fan forever.

Thank you NetGalley for a copy of this book for my honest review.

nmhawkin's review

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Great book!

Great book! Loved it, very short read! I would read other books by this author when I am looking for something quick to read!

kate_and_books's review

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100 pages of pure & utter frustration with a touch of sweet.

norwayellesea's review

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A fabulous begin to The Wedding Belles series.