
21 Stolen Kisses by Lauren Blakely

nikki52010's review against another edition

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DNF at 49%

I actually had a detailed review on my reasoning for why this was a DNF for me, and my computer shut down right as I was hitting publish. I will try to recreate my review, but I don't think I can get it as thorough as it was before.

First off, anything that has forbidden romance in the synopsis is guaranteed to have my attention. I love the aspect and dynamics of those stories and I will most likely pick up a book about that topic over anything else. It's my weakness.

That being said, I just really didn't feel the forbidden-ness within this story. Yes, he was older but the way the story was told, it made it hard to connect with the characters, as well as the love shared between them.

The story is set in the present, and switches back and forth between the past. In the past is where we see their relationship forming and the '21 stolen kisses' if you will.

I am 100% okay with stories being told in that fashion, but this one was more confusing. I would be reading in the present time and by the time I was done with the chapter, I was back in the past. It was hard to differentiate when the switch was happening and that is initially what started to throw me off.

I don't know if I just didn't give it enough time for the relationship between the two to form, but I feel at halfway it should have been more developed. There was little to no romance at all. And for something classified as 'forbidden' I wanted more.

I hate leaving these types of reviews, but I feel if I am able to DNF something for everyone to see, I should at least give a reason as to why I did.

I don't want to deter anyone from checking this out, there are many great reviews where this story did work for them. It just wasn't my cup of tea unfortunately.

debsterbread's review

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DNF at 20%. could not connect with the characters at all.

caseroo7's review against another edition

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Review originally posted at Ramblings From This Chick

If you have read any of my past reviews, you will know that I am a fan of Lauren Blakely's. I love her books, and I always find myself falling for her sweet and sexy heroes. 21 Stolen Kisses was great, but it was a bit different than anything I have read by her before. The characters are younger here, and the story is not as steamy as she typically writes. But I still loved this book and the characters, and there was something really sweet and refreshing about this book!

Kennedy and Noah started off as acquaintances that turned into friends. But their friendship grew into more, and they fought the feelings that they each felt. Their relationship was forbidden for more than one reason, the biggest being the eight year age difference. While that isn't a big deal later in life, Kennedy was 17 and in high school with Noah being 26 and already out of college. Forced to end their relationship before it really had a chance, Noah and Kennedy find themselves drawn to one another again and unable to stay away from each other. But with Kennedy getting ready to head to college and still dealing with the results of her parent's disastrous marriage and divorce, can Kennedy and Noah have a chance at making a relationship work?

I loved these characters, but Noah was by far one of the sweetest book boyfriends I have ever read. Seriously I think Noah might be the sweetest and best guy ever, and the love he felt for Kennedy was so true and unending that I couldn't help but fall for him! He was kind and thoughtful, understanding and supportive. His feelings never wavered, he didn't cause drama, and he loved Kennedy unconditionally. I really cannot go into enough reasons why he might just be the greatest book boyfriend of all time, but trust me when I tell you that he is worth the read alone! Kennedy was struggling with how to deal with things that no child should ever be forced to. Her parents divorced because her mother is a serial cheater and can't keep from seeking out married and unavailable men for brief and very inappropriate flings. Unfortunately Kennedy got sucked into helping her mother lie and cover up for her affairs, and I felt so bad for her. She felt an enormous amount of guilt, and it really messed with her. But her love for Noah was exactly what she needed to show her that not all love is toxic, and I was so glad that she had him to lean on along with her friends. Noah was so great for Kennedy, and I really loved that they clicked on every single level. Their relationship wasn't instant, and it developed so naturally. These two had so much in common, and honestly their relationship didn't seem forbidden to me because it was so clear that they belonged together.

Overall, I really loved this book. I loved Noah and Kennedy, and I found their story sweet and refreshing. There was something so amazing to me about a young couple that just clicked and got along so well. Their interests were so similar and they really spoke the same language when it came to their love for Broadway. It was great that they could talk about the Broadway shows and speak to each other in lyrics from show tunes, but Lauren did it in such a way that it was adorable rather than cheesy. I loved Kennedy's love of found hearts, and how Noah would send them to her so she would know he was always thinking of her. These two didn't behave like a new couple finding love for the first time, or a typical NA couple that couldn't talk or communicate their feelings. They behaved like they had always been together and in love, because their connection was that strong that they just went together as if that had always been meant for one another. I never can pick a favorite book of Lauren's, because with each new book she writes I find myself falling for another set of characters and they are all so unique and beautiful that you really can't compare them. I think 21 Stolen Kisses is a great story, and I know that I will definitely be reading this one again in the future. I highly recommend this sweet story if you are looking for something new and different. Noah make's this book a must read, and you will find yourself swooning and falling in love right along with him and Kennedy.

**ARC Provided by Inkslinger PR**

filthylittlereader's review against another edition

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She Never Disappoints

What I love about Lauren Blakely is that she can give you pulse racing steamy eroticas like Seductive Nights or a warm and melt your heart romance like 21 Stolen Kisses! She's so versatile! I loved Noah and Kennedy! I rooted for them from the beginning, though she had me worried for a minute! Her mom really disappointed me though. But her dad was amazing! It all worked out how it was suppose to and how I was praying it would! By the way: who knew kisses could be so hot?? Can't wait for Sweet, Sinful Nights! =)

book_recs_by_amy's review against another edition

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Wasn’t feeling this one

jaimejustreadsromance's review against another edition

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I’m SO torn about this book.

Obviously the writing is amazing because it’s Lauren Blakely.

The relationship between Kennedy and her mother was powerful, sad and frustrating. I wanted to grab Jewel and shake sense into her and force Kennedy to tell her how much she was hurting because of her mothers behavior. The relationship between Kennedy and her father was the saving grace, even though he too made a few mistakes that weren’t in the best interest of Kennedy.

The love story between Noah and Kennedy was beautiful. The secret meetings and stolen kisses were so sweet. The way that Noah longed to be with Kennedy but respected that she needed to be ready, all the while holding steadfast in his feelings for her made me fall in love with him too.

But I have to admit, I’m having a hard time with their age difference. Well, not even their age difference but rather the stage of life Kennedy is in when their love affair begins compared to where Noah is.

*I received an ARC from the author/publisher in exchange for an honest review

duchessrin's review against another edition

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I think I do. I do want to be found. Because I don't want the way I feel for you to be a secret.

Character-driven stories would always require you to have a strong connection with the characters in the story. Unfortunately, I wasn't able to develop that while reading 21 Stolen Kisses. Aside from having difficulty understanding the heroine and relating with the situation, there were also aspects that overshadowed the story like the flashbacks.

These flashbacks would confuse me sometimes. It felt redundant because there were certain parts in the story told in a way that you were the other character and these parts were labeled as “Our Stolen Kisses” which were narrated in second person POV. These were the moments when Kennedy and Noah were having their first affair. Or the first kisses they had in particular. Normally, the story was told in first person POV, with Noah and Kennedy alternating in chapters. There were times where they would suddenly reminisce the first time they met or how their relationship gradually developed without some sort of warning then back to the present. Instances like these made it hard for me to concentrate on comprehending the characters since I was always abruptly pulled from one timeline to another.

I couldn't also understand why it was a big deal for a seventeen year old to date someone older than her. I got that it was a big deal in America. If it was in my country, eyebrows would be raised but nobody would break the couple up as long as they were happy. Hell, a twenty-three year old actor here publicly declared his romantic intentions with a seventeen-year old actress and all of their fans were happy it. Here, Noah got fired, people scorned him even if he wasn't harming Kennedy in any way. Jesus Christ, what the hell was 2015 me spouting.

With Kennedy, I didn't like her. There was nothing remarkable about her aside from her love for theater. I disliked her because she allowed her mom to use her for lying even if she didn’t like it. When I was in a similar situation, I remember fighting my mom but it was worth it, I had to let her know that I didn't approve what she was doing. I wanted Kennedy to stand up and fight. I got that she loved her mom so she couldn't hate her but she was her enabler too.

I had to give to the writing though. I liked it and it was the only thing that helped me finish reading this book. While it was engaging for me, their attitudes made it hard for me to connect with them.

Overall, 21 Stolen Kisses was an okay read.

digitlchic's review against another edition

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signeguldager's review against another edition

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I denne fortælling møder vi karakterer og situationer, som man som læser, finder det nemt at identificere sig med – specielt hvis man har prøvet at være forelsket på det forkerte tidspunkt, i den forkerte person eller i de forkerte omgivelser.

Bogen udspiller sig i New York, og omhandler Kennedy og Noah, hvis kærlighed er fængslende, forhåbningsfuld og grundet flere omstændigheder en umulighed. Kennedys og Noahs verdener støder sammen, da Noah bliver agent for Jewel, Kennedys mor. De indleder et forhold bygget på hemmeligheder, løgne og kærlighed, som i sidste ende viser sig at have en dramatisk effekt på alle involverede parter – Kennedy, Noah og ikke mindst deres omverden.

Bogens titel er flettet ind i selve handlingen, og viser sig at være et omdrejningspunkt for mange af de oplevelser, følelser og udfordringer, som Kennedy bliver stillet over for. Den bidrager i allerhøjeste grad til forståelsen af Kennedys følelser og selve historien bag denne hjertevarme kærlighedshistorie.

Bogen er skrevet i en letlæseligt og ungdommeligt sprog, som for mig gjorde det let at leve mig ind i Kennedys liv og hendes omgivelser. Handlingen var gribende fra start til slut – jeg lagde kun bogen fra mig, da jeg blev tvunget til at indtage aftensmad af min bedre halvdel.

Jeg kom gennem hele følelsesregistret, men sad til sidst med et smil på læben, og følte mig forhåbningsfuld og på en måde lettet – Lettet over at folk i disse dage stadig kæmper for kærligheden; Lettet over at man som familie kan finde hinanden igen efter en tragedie; Lettet over at venskaber ikke forgår så let som vi nogle gange selv tror; Lettet over at vi som mennesker ønsker hinanden det bedste; Lettet over at de mørkeste oplevelser kan bringe os nyfunden glæde, hvis vi hjælper hinanden.

julierasmine's review against another edition

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Den 17-årige Upper West Side overklassepige Kennedy Stanza er håbløs romantiker og sin løgnagtige mors dimentrale modsætning. Eller er hun? Alt synes perfekt, men allerede på de første sider, af det der lægger an til den helt store love story, fornemmer man som læser problemerne forstyrre glansbilledet. Til den overdådige fest, hvor Kennedys mor, Jewel Stanza nye tv-serie manuskript fejres, præsenteres vi for det, der lader til at være romanens tema: Den forbudte kærlighed. Kennedy er forelsket i den 8 år ældre Noah Hayes, og foruden aldersforskellen, så besværliggør det faktum, at Noah er Jewels agent og meget tætte ven også forholdet. Bag denne ulykkelige kærlighedshistorie ligger dog en ligeså central konflikt – den mellem mor og datter. Jewel Stanza har et umætteligt forbrug af mænd, og har haft det hele vejen gennem ægteskabet med Kennedys far, Eric, som i sidste ende fik nok og forlod hende. Veninders mænd, Erics forretningspartner, Kennedys bedste venindes far – listen er uendelig, og det største problem er, at Jewel ingen skrupler har over sine ødelæggende affærer. Kennedy derimod bærer hele den dårlige samvittighed, der burde tilhøre Jewel, på sine unge uskyldige skuldre. Det er derfor helt naturligt blevet Kennedys mål i livet, at være sin mors absolutte modsætning. Kennedy forsøger gennem hele romanen at undskylde for sin mors mangeårige affærer ved at sende små kærlighedsbreve til alle Jewels gifte mænds koner - en plan som ender med at give bagslag. Det er dog ikke kun kærlighed til musicals, som bringer Noah og Kennedy sammen. Begge er de påvirket af deres mødres valg. Noahs mor var alkoholiker og døde, Kennedys mor er mindst ligeså afhængig, omend det er af mænd. Samtidig kan man undre sig over, om ikke det tætte forhold Noah har til Jewel kommer sig af, at han ser Jewel som en erstatnings-mor. Jewel er derfor også den største forhindring mellem Kennedy og Noah. Og kan deres forhold overleve Jewel, omdrejningspunktet, orkanen der blæste dem sammen, og i hvis øje de bliver fanget, fordi de begge lader sig narre af en fælles hemmelighed? 21 forbudte kys er mere end en teenage-lovestory. Det er historien om voksne der opfører sig som børn, og børn der opfører sig som voksne. Sproget er let læseligt, nutidigt og flydende, dog med en del New-York og musical-referencer, hvilket kræver en hvis lokal-viden for at man for alvor føler sig hjemme i miljøet. Overraskende og befriende er den skiftende fortæller, således skiftende mellem henholdsvis Kennedy og Noah. På den måde får vi historien fortalt fra begges synspunkter. Handlingen i romanen er ikke i kronologisk rækkefølge, og dermed starter vi i en form for nutid, og bevæger os således i en blanding datid/fortid i de kursive afsnit om de 21 kys skrevet i dagbogsform, samt de tilbageblik både Kennedy og Noah beskriver, når de fortæller om deres affære, hvordan den endte, og hvordan de fandt sammen igen. Romanen var hurtigt læst, handlingen flydende, men den får kun 2 stjerner ud af 5, da jeg måtte vente lidt for længe på, at Kennedy endelig konfronterer sin mor med affærerne, og hvordan det har påvirket hende. Den konfrontation kom først på side 219. Indimellem sniger der sig lidt erotik ind i bedste Fifty Shades of Grey-stil, især når vi læser fra Noahs point-of-view, men det føles mest af alt påtvunget, og fungerer efter min mening ikke så godt. For en belæst litteraturkritiker som mig mangler der også en del tomme pladser at udfylde. Blakely serverer hele den overordnede psykologiske analyse af romanens problematikker midtvejs, og lader derfor ikke meget stå åbent. Da jeg alligevel læste ihærdigt videre, var det selvfølgelig for at se, om kærligheden trods alt overvinder alt, og om Kennedy og Noah får hinanden til sidst. Læs selv, og find ud af det.