
What Just Happened: A Chronicle from the Information Frontier by James Gleick

almartin's review

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apparently i went to college a full year before wi-fi existed? and smartphones were still just a fantasy? wild.

anticipates: big data, internet of things, pervasive mobile computing, mobile payments/digital money

misses: social/facebook/twitter. robotics/mass customization. the cloud/network storage.

somewhere in between: reading essays on the state of technology in '99 made me acutely aware of differential uptake across different parts of the economy. we're way ahead of where he thought we would be in commerce and mobile. but not all screens are created equal, and our ability to network devices has outstripped our ability to connect all that data together.

i think 1996 gleick would be appalled by the state of identity/passwords, and by all the walled gardens (iPhone app store, facebook, twitter, etc) that increasingly dominate the web.

aldozirsov's review

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hasil hunting Minggu 29 Maret 2009