
Ghost in the Polka Dot Bikini by Sue Ann Jaffarian

yodamom's review

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A fun light cozy mystery with adult who think before acting. I enjoyed this read very much and the setting of Catalina Island was very nice. The main characters where educated grown ups with life history behind them. I found their mature view so nice after all the lust infused books I've come across recently.
Smart, mysterious, well written and I will buy more from this author

jenniferdenslow's review

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A fun cozy with supernatural and historical elements that raise it above the ordinary in this genre.

git_r_read's review

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I didn't realize how much I'd missed Granny Apples and her great-great-great granddaughter Emma until I started this book. A mini vacation for Emma and Phil to get away from the phhhhht of home and the ex-husband. Emma sees a ghost or two while there and off she sets to find out what happened 40 -some years ago.
This is not a cozy-cozy. There's some cussing, pretty grim incidents of bodily harm and death, but overall it's fairly light-hearted in essence. I love seeing Granny Apples managing her way in this modern world. I like how Emma is moving on and has her own show. This is about relationships as much as it is about mystery, murder, mayhem.
I had fun with this book and I look forward to the rest of the series. I won't be waiting as long this time for a revisit.
I can definitely recommend this book, series and author.

bethanyread's review

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Fun mystery. Like how the mystery took place over 40 years ago -- nice, quick, easy to read mystery

addy1991's review

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I found this story to be more interesting than the first one because of the ghosts. Granny Apples is as sassy and funny as ever but she's got company this time around! Some friendly, some not. Grant is still a horse's patoot but that comes as no surprise and it's a shame it took Emma this long to figure that one out. Not sure how things in this story will play out in the long haul but am curious enough to keep reading this series to find out.

angellareads's review

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This is the meringue topping of books - fun and light and fluffy. I didn't enjoy this one as much as the first in the series but it was still enjoyable. I don't particularly like Emma as a leading character here, since I found her irritatingly perfect (does this woman have NO vices or flaws??) but maybe she has more substance as the series progresses. The ending was unsatisfying for me, and I was left with the unsettling sense that more harm than good had been done. Maybe I'm just overthinking it. I will read more in this series.

dvallee's review

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I give it three and half stars! I think this series is really fun. The first book Ghost Ala Mode, took place in part, in Julian, California and the second book took place at Catalina Island. So I like the Southern California aspect to the stories. The main characters, Emma Whitecastle and the ghost of Granny (Granny is the 3x great grandmother to Emma and was know for her pie making) are well written and entertaining.

jresendez610's review

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Interesting plot line. There were some consistency issues that bothered me a bit, but overall it was enjoyable.

moondance120's review

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The woman frolicking in the waves was underdressed for November, even for a ghost

Emma and Phil are enjoying Thanksgiving weekend on Catalina when she notices a bikini clad ghost. A little conversation reveals that Tessa, the ghost, was an aspiring actress and she is waiting for someone to return to take her home. A little digging proves that Tessa worked with Emma's former father-in-law and the sleuthing begins.

This is such a fun series. I love Granny Apples! All of the characters are growing and evolving as the storyline continues. I feel that I am in the book, not just reading it.

I appreciate Emma's need to find a resolution for Tessa even though she puts herself at risk. She digs enough to get information without doing stupid things to get her into trouble. I liked getting to know the B movie industry a bit better. It made me sad that so many young women tried to break into the business with little success. I was a bit surprised by some of the revelations at the end.

Politics and politicians are always good for twist and turns in a story. These did not disappoint. I was a little surprised that Emma's former father-in-law was not more forthcoming with his help until the end.

I'm happy with the Milo/Tracy relationship. I look forward to seeing where it leads. I'm really interested in where Emma and Phil are headed.

An overall great read, I started it in the afternoon and didn't put it down until I finished. Who needs to eat dinner?

rhombusriley's review

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It's been a long time since I read [b:Ghost a la Mode|6262397|Ghost a la Mode (A Ghost of Granny Apples Mystery, #1)|Sue Ann Jaffarian||6445634] which was the first book of this series so I kind of forgot what this series is all about. In the beginning there were some things that helped me remember what happened so I was able to enjoy this book.