
The Lost by Caridad Piñeiro

shannon_cocktailsandbooks's review

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Adam Bruno is a solitary man. For as long as he can remember, he's had special "gifts". These gifts, the ability to shapeshift and create/absorb energy are mysteries to him but all consuming to his life as he tries to understand exactly what it is he can do and how he can control it. He's even built his company, SolTerra, to find alternative energy sources and subsequently help him in controlling his gift. What Adam doesn't know is he is the key to 2 ancient races continuing on and his adoptive father's project to create a super warrior. He soon finds himself in the middle of that fight, when a group attempts to abduct him from the parking lot at his office.

Bobbie Carerra reacts when she sees the man jumped in the parking lot of her brother's employer. While her body is still trying to recover from the injuries she sustained while serving as a Marine in Iraq, her training, however, tells her to come to the man's aide. While they manage to thwart the kidnapping attempt, something more dangerous happens between Bobbie and Adam as they try to understand the sexual attraction they feel for each other and the feeling of being 'complete' whenever they are near each other.

In addition to the growing relationship between Adam and Bobbie, we have the intrigue between the Light and Dark Hunters. The leaders of the Light Hunters are searching for son, who has been missing for twenty years. They know he was taken by Salvatore Bruno and suspect that Adam Bruno is their missing son, yet they haven't been able to bring him back. The Dark Hunters are trying to obtain Adam as well, since his power would help restore the health to those within the Dark Hunters. If that weren't enough, Salvatore wants to use Adams's DNA to create a super soldier as part of his genesis project. He's hoping that by turning Adam over to the Dark Hunters and having his mate with one of their women, he'll get the results he needs.

This was a story that had you wondering what was going on. How did Adam have this powers? Why do they seem to be out of control when he's with Bobbie? Does Bobbie have special powers? What is up with Salvatore...did he save him or steal him? Can we trust any of the Light or Dark Hunters?

These were all the questions that rattled around in my head as I read the book. Most of those questions distracted me from actually understanding what I was reading at that minute because I was too busy being a chapter or two ahead with my questions. Once I mentally slapped myself and told myself to relax, I was able to truly enjoy what was unfolding.

Adam and Bobbie made this book for me. For a man who has had such a solitary life, it was heartwarming to see if open up, almost immediately, to Bobbie. While he did question (half heartedly in my opinion) his draw to Bobbie, he never fought it. He felt her as his missing piece and sought her out. Bobbie was a little more reluctant and did try (however short lived it was) to put some distance between them, but she too felt the same for Adam and let nature take it's course. In the end, Bobbie and Adam realized the only thing that was important in their world was each other and their family.

The next installment should be interesting, as there were many items left unanswered in this one.

dukefn99's review

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enchantressofbooks's review

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As it’s the first book in the series, the ‘world setup’ had to occur with plenty of information to try to soak up. However, you’re not bombarded with all the information at once as the author has strategically calculated the release of information throughout the book and has made it part of the story as both the Hero and Heroine learn who they truly are and how they fit into this new world.

Let’s begin with our Heroine as the author deserves a round of applause for creating such a strong, independent, and likable character! Bobbie is a decorated war hero who was injured in the line of duty and not only has suffered through the loss of her team, but the loss of part of herself. In her eyes, she will no longer be normal and her dream of a white picket fence with a husband and kids will not be occurring. However, she doesn’t wallow in self-pity. She has her moment of breaking down, when the stress of it all and the reality that her initial dreams as she saw them will not be coming true hit her, but then that moment passes and she takes a deep breath and moves forward with her life. She accepts her new life and knows life is short! It was awesome to read this book and not have to roll my eyes at a whiny, weak minded heroine. THANK YOU Caridad!! With this being said, she’s still 100% woman, who can kick the bad guys ass!! Bobbie has been through a lot, but like a strong woman, she will not allow situations or circumstances to dictate her life!

Our Hero, Adam, well let’s see:
Gorgeous = check
Has Money = check
Smart = check
Mysterious = check
Flaws = check

With Adam, we have the classic hero; however he and his story are far from the traditional paranormal romance genre. Without providing spoilers, Adam doesn’t remember his past. He knows something tragic occurred to him and his family when he was around 5 or 6 years old, but has no idea what that is or who he is. Hiss adopted father has been his one constant and someone who has been there for him regardless of the fact that he isn’t ‘normal’. This is where I said that Caridad strategically places what we learn throughout the book; we learn as the characters do. Adam struggles to understand who or what he is and has dedicated his entire life to trying to figure that out.

Though we usually fall for our heroes, even though they are usually conceited, smartasses, semi-untamable, Adam isn’t like that at all. He is smart, extremely business savvy which has lead him to be a millionaire, and he is pretty down to earth. Yes, he secludes himself and is mysterious, but it isn’t because he believes people will only like him for his money, but rather his concern is that he will hurt them with his powers. No worries, he definitely has the Alpha quality, but chooses to use it when necessary.

The story line of the “Light Hunters” and the “Shadow Hunters” has the classic concept of good vs. bad but the story itself is intriguing! An ancient civilization which spawned a new breed of humans that now live among us in secret and must feed off of energy in order to survive. The continued struggle for that energy source, the need for the clans to remain a secret to humans and the war between light and dark drive the story forward.

I really enjoyed the new twist to a genre that can be saturated with extremely similar concepts and ideas. Looking forward to seeing the story and characters evolve in the next installment of the series “The Claimed”.

Note: For this and other book reviews, please visit Reading Between the Wines Book Club

buuboobaby's review

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Despite some pacing issues, The Lost was a solid paranormal read with a feisty heroine and a likeable hero.

3.5 stars

Full review soon at

caseemiller's review

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rebeccagatzlaff's review

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This book is about Adam Bruno who is a shapeshifter and he is also a millionaire. He lives with his dad Salvatore who owns a company. One day Adam meets this gorgous women who's name is Bobbie. She is a soldier who fought in the war against Iraq. I didn't really like this book. The reason why is that there was to much sex in the book. I felt like Adam and Bobbie relationship was instant love. Adam fell in love with Bobbie beauty and Boobie fell in love with Adam because he was different and mysterious. I hate that cliche. I like the plot and was interested in the story. The war between the shadow hunters and light hunters. I wanted more of that. I also thought the characters were poorly written and I didn't really care if they died. Salvatore was the only character that was developed and he changed from a shady guy that didn't care about anyone to the most caring guy in the whole novel. This book got a 3 out of 5 because I could see the potential in the plot and it was a good idea