jbaltsar's review against another edition

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sehr durchmischt diesmal, knapp die Hälfte leider ungenießbar

"Helio Music" by Mike Buckley *
einfach nur: häh?

"Fish Dance" by Eric Schwitzgebel *
der Geist eines unheilbar Kranken soll als KI in zahllose Rosenkranz-Perlen transferiert werden; wohl zu lange am Weihrauchfass geschnüffelt!

"The Sentry Branch Predictor Spec: A Fairy Tale" by John Chu *
das kommt dabei raus, wenn Mikroprozessor-Architekten Geschichten schreiben; das Leben ist zu kurz, um so etwas zu lesen

"Sephine and the Leviathan" by Jack Schouten **1/2
in einem epischen Krieg ist ein Schiff seit Jahrzehnten hinter feindlichen Linien gestrandet; die Hoffnung der Überlebenden wie ihrer Feinde ruht auf einem Zwillingspaar, denn in ihren Hirnen sind die Koordinaten des Heimatplaneten kodiert - aber wem ist noch zu trauen?

"Against the Stream" by A Que ** 1/2
ein Mann erkrankt und lebt fortan rückwärts in der Zeit; interessante Idee, aber nicht wirklich ausgegoren

"Nahiku West by Linda Nagata ***
whodonnit in einer Zukunft, in der Körpermodifikation streng reglementiert sind, und in der es ein Verbrechen sein kann, nicht zu sterben; gut

"Lion Walk" by Mary Rosenblum ****
snuff-videos in einem gigantisvhen Pleistozän-Park, eine toughe Protagonistin, aussterbende Arten und aussterbende Lebensweisen - die beste Story dieser Sammlung, sorgfältig und überzeugend gezeichnet

thesffreader's review against another edition

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It's not the worst Clarkesworld issue I read so far (issue 116 is by far) but it wasn't strong either, I am pretty disappointed with it because it started out well with Helio Music which was very unusual and interesting. Oh well, hopefully issue 119 will be better.

"Helio Music" by Mike Buckley, "Against the Stream" by A Que, "Lion Walk" by Mary Rosenblum were all 4*: All solid stories that really brought something new or in a innovative way. Against the Stream is probably my favorite story of the issue.

"Sephine and the Leviathan" by Jack Schouten 3* : the first two third were awesome but I didn't care about the ending that much.

"Fish Dance" by Eric Schwitzgebel 2* : It was very hard to follow, at first I was intrigued, I found the writing beautiful but I was way too lost and it didn't really make an impression on me, it was just okay.

"Nahiku West by Linda Nagata 1*: I tried but I didn't understand the story at all, I was completely lost and I didn't find the writing style especially good.

"The Sentry Branch Predictor Spec: A Fairy Tale" by John Chu DNF: I tried, I really tried but nothing made sense and the footnotes were so irritating!! I read about 15% and I couldn't continue on.
