
Make Me Want by Rebecca Brooks

jackiehorne's review

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kymreads's review

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Not at all what I thought it would be when I read the synopsis but that's not necessarily a bad thing!

Make Me Want tackles two very difficult issues that happened to each of the main characters in their pasts. Each event continues to affect each of them deeply - shaping who they are now.

Tyler was adorable - that perfect combination of sexy take charge kind of guy but also not afraid to open up and display some very personal emotions!

It was harder to warm up to Abbi's character. She's so busy proving she can do everything on her own, she's pushing away those around her, including Tyler. Without giving the story away, Abbi and Tyler are also at odds at their work (each on an opposing side of an issue) which only further complicates their relationship.

Can they overcome their obstacles enough to be together? Can each let go of the hurts from their pasts and move on? You will be wondering this right up to the end of the story!

Thank you NetGalley and Entangled Publishing for an advance reader copy in exchange for a fair review.

witandsin's review against another edition

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My review cross-posted from Wit and Sin

A fake relationship that turns into a one-night stand that turns into something so much more makes Make Me Want an incredibly fun read. Rebecca Brooks’s third Men of Gold Mountain story is a sexy, fast-paced read that I hated to put down.

I adore well-drawn characters who are flawed and vulnerable and Tyler and Abbi fit the bill perfectly. Tyler is a hot as hell firefighter with a good but damaged heart. Tyler’s past has left him with a desire to be needed for fear of being left otherwise. To make things worse, he has recently lost his best friend to a wildfire and he’s grieving heavily when he takes on the job to oversee a firebreak in Gold Mountain. He doesn’t expect to pick up a woman his first night in town, but the sparks he and Abbi strike off one another are hot enough to burn. The only problem is, she’s the lead naturalist whose promotion depends on fighting the firebreak. Abbi is a strong-willed, independent heroine whose past has left her fearful of ever fully trusting a man. The fact that she’s drawn to Tyler – a man standing between her and her dream job – only exacerbates the problem. Usually I can take or leave stories where the hero and heroine are on opposite sides of a fight because it leads to a lot of false drama, but Ms. Brooks does a really good job of showing where Tyler and Abbi are coming from. Neither of them is fully in the right or wrong, and though they argue the arguments are logical, not just emotional.

I really enjoyed watching Abbi and Tyler play off one another, both in bed and out. Make Me Want is definitely sexy good fun, but Ms. Brooks doesn’t pay lip service to the emotional obstacles Tyler and Abbi have to face if they want to have a chance. As with the last Men of Gold Mountain book, Make Me Beg, I enjoyed the downs as well as the ups in the romance because the characters’ strengths and weaknesses were showcased really well. I thoroughly enjoyed Make Me Want from beginning to end and I cannot wait to read more Men of Gold Mountain books.

FTC Disclosure: I received this book for free from the publisher in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

saschadarlington's review against another edition

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There was something about the blurb that made me think that this book might be a fun, sexy romp; while it was sexy, lots-and-lots-of for you fans of books laden with sex scenes, the fun and romp were unfortunately missing.

This book is dead serious, although I did spot a moment of lightening up midway that didn’t last long enough.

Make Me Want begins with Tyler saving Abbi from her ex-hookup, Russ, and then they have a one-night stand in a gazebo near where she works at the nature center because that’s where she generally takes her hookups.

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amandamarieger's review against another edition

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So I read this in one day, only taking a break for supper. It was definitely one of the better contemporary romances I've read recently, and I'm pumped to read the rest of the series!

I loved Tyler but didn't jive with Abbi for most of the book. It wasn't until a scene near the end when Abbi was talking with her friends that her motivations started to actually make sense to me, and it annoyed me that it took so long for us to get there. So, in the end, I did like the romance between Tyler and Abbi, and I don't regret taking a day to read the whole book.

But just, like - when someone helps you with something, you don't necessarily OWE them, mmkay? Sometimes people just like being helpful.

Thank you to Entangled Publishing and NetGalley for providing me with this advanced copy in exchange for an honest review.

beckymmoe's review against another edition

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Make Me Want is intense. Tyler and Abbi start an intense relationship--physically intense, and though it starts out as "fake" it soon is anything but and becomes intense in a whole other way--they're both hiding very intense events in their past from each other, and oh my gosh, they both live through an unbelievably intense event together just before everything falls apart for them. Honestly, I went into this one expecting...well, pretty much what you's be expecting, given that cover...and found out that there is so much more between those covers.

What I especially liked here is that both Tyler and Abbi let their issues get in their way, they both let them negatively impact their relationship, they both took an active part in their black moment, and they both put work into getting back together by each realizing what they were doing to sabotage things and worked to repair their own problems in order to go forward together. There was a greater sense of equal responsibility in their relationship than is often seen, and I really liked that.

Plus, these two were incredibly hot together, even if they do have a tendency to get busy in the great out of doors, where everyone knows there's spiders. [shudder] ;)

Make Me Want is the third book in the series, but works just fine as a standalone.

Rating: 4 stars / B+

I voluntarily reviewed an Advance Reader Copy of this book

doris1310's review against another edition

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Naja, konnte mich mit den Charakteren und ihren Hintergrundgeschichten nicht so richtig anfreunden...


Was ok. Didn't like the main characters and their backgrounds that much.

laura_sorensen's review against another edition

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Again, Brooks did well with the trope, kind of walking the line between Professionally Fighting and Personally Hitting It Off, as well as Wanting Something Casual vs. Coming Back For More.