
Duck Squad by John Arnold

beastreader's review

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What a fun read. I have always believed that animals can speak. We as humans just have to listen. Some of us have the ability to communicate back with the animals. When I was little, we used to have ducks. Ducks are intriguing animals.

The ducks in this book were stars. Although, the true leader was Quock. Yet, Guk and Op were good sidekicks. It was great that Stan (human) just went along with the fact that the ducks could speak. Well via a laptop but still speak none the less. They way they took on the bad humans were awesome. Then there was the funny moment when they helped stop a thief. If you are an animal lover or just looking for a funny book to read, then check out this book. It is "quacking" good.

100pagesaday's review

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Several laboratory ducks at a university have become aware of just what their purpose is being stuck in their cages. Thanks to some strange drugs from the laboratory Quock the duck has become smart enough to understand human language and even type, Guk the duck has become very fast and Op the duck has become very large. With Quock’s new skill, he learns that the lab is preparing to eat all of the ducks. He and Guk plan an escape and find refuge within a fraternity house with one of the kinder lab assistants. Now, Quock and Guk have to find a way to rescue the rest of their friends and maybe even plan a little revenge.
This is a fun book packed full of adventure suitable for middle grade readers or anyone who loves animals. I loved the personalities of the ducks and how they solved their problems. Teamwork and creative thinking are in the forefront for these ducks, and there are definitely great lessons worked into the story. I also enjoyed the human and animal relationships that are formed. The ducks are very lucky to find a friend in Stan and it was fun to see how having the quirky ducks around Stan helped him out. There was also a good mix of lighthearted humor as the ducks get their revenge on those who would rather eat them! Overall, an exciting and fun children’s book for any animal lovers out there.

This book was received for free in return for an honest review.