
Cupcake by Rachel Cohn

booksandbosox's review against another edition

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The more I read Cohn, the more I like her. Her writing style is absolutely spot-on with the way teens speak and think and feel these days (at least it seems that way to me; I don't think I'm too far displaced from my teenage years to make this call). I read the first book about Cyd Charisse, aka CC, back when I first started working at the bookstore and I enjoyed it well enough. I didn't read the next book but when this one showed up on our shelves, I couldn't resist it. I don't feel like I missed out on a ton of important stuff by not reading the middle book, which is really good. This one tells the story of CC's move to Manhattan and her new life there and the inevitable interruption by her true love, Shrimp. CC is just a wonderful character; in some ways she's the really cool and individual teenage girl I wish I had been in high school. I think Cohn is an important author for teen girls because she deals with real life heavy issues but not in a preachy or scary way; sometimes she's a bit like the movie "Juno" on paper. I just really enjoy the way she phrases the inner workings of a teenage girl.

alittlespook's review

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First of all, it wasn't at all clear (until I looked it up just now) that this was the third book in a series. So there's that.

I read a lot of books. I read a lot of YA. But this book had so many name-drops and allusions to pop culture and such that I, at one point, read four different things i didn't get to my husband, who Googled them for me. There are books for people who read classical books that have allusions to such, there are books that have no allusions except their own, and there are books that are written for people who are hip, read the latest gossip magazines and pick up the newest bestseller from the rack at the grocery store. This book is one of the latter, and as interesting as it seemed, it's difficult to get into a book if half the main character's dialogue goes over your head. That may mean I'm out of touch with the cool things of today, but regardless, I'm not going to be finishing this book any time soon.

nancyrobs's review

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Good story. Though some formatting issues with the ebook were distracting. But an easy, light hearted read.