
To Speak as One by Guy Haley

trackofwords's review

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Inquisitor Cehen-qui isn’t best pleased to receive orders to hand off a xenos prisoner to one of Cawl’s lieutenants, Magos Qvo-87, so refuses and hunkers down in an abandoned Ordo Xenos void station to defend his prize. Undeterred, Qvo deploys his forces – including Alpha Primus, a Space Marine of ambiguous origins and unusually dour demeanour – to press the issue.

It’s a simple premise but there’s a lot more to this story than a straight-up fight. There are plenty of questions left unanswered, but it’s a lot of fun seeing the interactions between these characters and speculating upon their origins and motivations. As long as you don’t mind a little mystery and ambiguity, there’s lots to enjoy here.

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mike_no1's review

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Very good despite its short length.