
Secret Investigation by Elizabeth Heiter

theavidreaderandbibliophile's review against another edition

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Secret Investigation by Elizabeth Heiter is a fast-paced suspense novel. It is the second novel in the Tactical Crime Division series. Each book in this exciting series can be read on its own. This novel has strong characters and plenty of action. Romance does develop between our primary characters and I like that it builds slowly. I like the suspense and danger in this story. I find it intriguing. Readers will enjoy trying to identity of the bad guy (depending on your sleuthing level on how soon you figure out this whodunit). I liked that there was more to the mystery than just defective armor. There is danger, suspense, romance, and action in this intriguing tale. I found Secret Investigation to be a captivating story that was over far too soon. Secret Investigation will have you quickly turning the pages to see what happens next.

scoutmomskf's review against another edition

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Fantastic story that gripped me from the first page to the last. FBI agent Davis Rogers was devastated to learn of the death of a friend of his when her unit's body armor failed. When he learns that his team will investigate the manufacturer, he wants in on the assignment. He is determined to bring the traitor to justice.

CEO Leila Petrov was horrified to discover that her company's armor had failed so badly. She is more than willing to give Davis unlimited access during his undercover operation. She is also determined to be part of the investigation.

Sparks flew between Leila and Davis from the beginning. Part of it was Davis's certainty that someone at Petrov was a traitor against Leila's refusal to believe that anyone at her company would do something so heinous. The other part was the attraction that flared between them. Unlike some romantic suspense stories, both Davis and Leila are aware of the complications that could arise if they give in to their attraction. I liked the way that they got to know each other, admitted to their feelings, yet still managed to keep things professional between them. There was a little trouble with trust between them near the end when they butted heads over the likely suspects. Both had to take a good look at whether love could overcome those momentary lapses. I liked seeing them come together at the end, ready to move toward a future with each other.

The suspense of the story was fantastic. Davis is driven to discover the truth behind his friend's death. Leila will do anything she can to prevent any more deaths. Leila is working at a slight disadvantage, having only recently taken over as CEO from her father. Some employees feel she isn't up to the job, especially after she ended their weapon manufacturing to concentrate solely on armor production. As the investigation progressed, Davis and his team discovered that the problem was much bigger than they suspected. The more they learn, the narrower the suspect pool becomes. The number of twists and turns kept me guessing until the very end. Every time I thought I knew who it was, something would point to someone else. Then someone else would move to the top of the list, then back to the first person. I was a little disappointed in Davis because I thought that he allowed his personal feelings to influence him a little more than he should have regarding one suspect. The final confrontation was intense, with an unexpected resolution.

There was also a secondary part of the investigation pursued by Kane, the undercover specialist, and Melinda, the profiler. Kane is a loner, as most undercover operatives are, and doesn't appreciate being paired with Melinda, who sees him more clearly than he likes. There are sparks between them, in equal parts antagonism and attraction. Both of them make mistakes that nearly get them killed. It will be interesting to see if they show up again in later books.

theeditorreads's review against another edition

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The story starts with a ghastly prologue which becomes the next case that the Tactical Crime Division has to work on. Headed by Director Jill Pembrook, whose leadership we witnessed in Book One - 48 Hours Lockdown, TCD is back with another crime to be investigated.
...a rapid response team that could activate quickly and take on almost any threat.

Davis Rogers, an ex-Army ranger turned agent of TCD, feels at home with the team. But this latest case is personal for him, as someone he was close to has died because of faulty body armor. And the main supplier of body armor to the military is Petrov Armor, since the last five years.

Thirty-year-old CEO Leila Petrov is at the helm of Petrov Armour since the last one year, ever since her father retired. Three weeks ago, she lost him to a mugging gone wrong. Having not had the time to even grieve his death, this horrifying incident of so many innocent lives lost and which involves her father's legacy sprung up.

More than being undercover, I was amused at the position Davis had to take at Leila's company for the assignment. Harlequin Intrigue is a breath of fresh air in this respect. As was Leila putting on her own sleuthing hat and trying to determine who the real culprit is in their company if any.

The most interesting thing was the parallel story going on apart from Davis and Leila's. Dr Melinda Larsen, a profiler for TCD and Kane Bradshaw, another agent who carried out the investigation at another level. But, their story remained unresolved and I hope to see more of them in the next book(s). Also, Evan from Book One made a very brief appearance, and I wanted more of him. This wanting more never ends, does it?

Both the storylines were too suspenseful and also dangerous at times while following their individual trajectories and yet remained related to each other. This is my first read by [a:Elizabeth Heiter|7114626|Elizabeth Heiter|] and I enjoyed every word of it. The best part was that the suspense was there till the very end and I didn't see the ending coming, didn't expect an ending like that in a Harlequin. But it was somehow a perfect conclusion.

kbranfield's review against another edition

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Secret Investigation by Elizabeth Heiter is a perplexing mystery with a diverse cast of interesting characters and an intriguing storyline.

The body armor failure during a military training mission gone horrifically wrong makes Tactical Crime Division's newest case quite personal for FBI Agent Davis Rogers. He and the rest of team are certain that CEO Leila Petrov is involved in selling inferior body armor to the military. But upon first meeting Leila, Davis believes her when she proclaims her innocence. She wants to know who is responsible for such an egregious act, but could Davis's theory that it is an inside job possibly be right?

Leila and Davis are reluctant partners in an investigation that threatens Petrov Armor's future. Davis and the team suspect someone very close to the top of the business is involved but Leila is harder to convince. The family owned business includes her Uncle Joel who is like a second father to her and her closest friend Eric Ross. Could someone she loves and trusts have betrayed her?

The investigation takes a few unexpected twists when agent at large and loner Kane Bradshaw acts on a hunch. Just as he is close to uncovering some valuable evidence, FBI Profiler Dr. Melinda Larsen complicates his plan.  Will Kane and Melinda escape from a dangerous situation?

Secret Investigation is an engaging mystery that also includes an unanticipated romance between Davis and Leila.  Pushing their unexpected feelings aside, they work to unmask the person whose greed cost so many lives. With well-placed red herrings, Elizabeth Heiter brings this clever mystery to a shocking conclusion. Although this newest release is the second installment in the multi-author Tactical Crime Division series, it can be read as a standalone.

mommasaystoread's review against another edition

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If you require more romance than suspense or even equal parts romance and suspense, Secret Investigation may not be what you're looking for. This one is kind of romance adjacent. There are looks exchanged and Leila and Davis clearly share an attraction, but I just didn't get the romance vibe from these two. There's also what seems to be a little something going on between a couple of the other members of the team in this one, but there are only hints of what it could lead to. What this one does excel at is mystery. The suspense side of Secret Investigation is well - suspenseful. The pacing is good and while there are a handful of characters to choose from as our culprit, the author doesn't quite give us enough info to completely solve this one until the reveal is upon us. I wouldn't necessarily like that in a longer story, but for the length of this one, it works pretty well, and it serves to keep the pages turning. The relationship between Davis and Leila is sort of a forbidden one at least from an FBI standpoint, or it would be with a bit of relationship development. As it stands, it's pretty darn close to instalove. Nevertheless, the characters are likable, and I do enjoy a good fast-paced mystery, and on that, this one certainly delivers.

robinlovesreading's review against another edition

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In this thrilling book Secret Investigation, Davis Rogers is sent undercover to Petrov Armor to try and discover why body armor was defective, resulting in the deaths of American soldiers, including one of his friends. He is not sure he is the man for the job because when the FBI, who oversee the specialized Tactical Crime Division (TCI), investigated Petrov Armor, he felt an immediate attraction to the company's CEO.

As CEO of Petrov Armor, Leila Petrov is happy that her company was not found at fault for the armor, although she is saddened by the loss of lives. Imagine her shock when she discovers that an FBI agent she previously met is sent in undercover to further investigate her company. She doesn't want Davis there. It doesn't help that she is attracted to him, but more so, and most certainly far more important, she cannot believe that any equipment that left her company could be found at fault.

There are only a few people Leila's company who could be responsible for any faulty armor, her uncle, her ex, who is the company's salesman, or the head of R & D. It doesn't take very long for Davis to begin to see through the cracks that one of these people is responsible, not only for the equipment failure, but for the death of Leila's father, which was very recent.

This fast-paced story kept me on my toes. On the one hand, just as each story in this series offers, there is the romance that develops between the primary protagonists. That is not the focus, however. Instead, quite a bit of emotion is at play in these sweet romantic suspense books and this builds up slowly. What is primary in this story is the intrigue and the danger. Every time I was certain who was the guilty party, I was thrown off guard. As the book reached a shocking conclusion I all but held my breath. What an excellent job Elizabeth Heiter did with this book! It is the perfect companion to what is certain to be a very successful series.

Many thanks to Harlequin Intrigue and to NetGalley for this ARC for review. This is my honest opinion.

nadenetotallyaddictedtoreading's review

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Secret Investigation by Elizabeth Heiter is the second book in The Tactical Crime Division series.  In this new series each book is written by different authors. This installment features Agent Davis Rogers and CEO of Petrov Armor, Leila Petrov.

      Agent Davis requested to be a part of the investigation into the defective armour manufactured by Petrov Armor. His reason for the request stemmed from the fact that one of his friends died from bullet wounds received in an ambush while wearing one of these armours. Determined to uncover the identity of the person or persons responsible and make them pay, he went undercover at the company. However, he never expected to be attracted to the lovely CEO, an attraction that may jeopardize the investigation.

Leila, who became the CEO after her father’s death, was dismayed to learn that the armour manufactured by her company may have caused the tragedy involving Davis’s friend. Reluctantly she agreed to allow Davis to investigate within her company. She refused to believe her employees would be involved, especially those close to her. Will she be able to accept the truth when it comes to light?

The story started out tragically and ended on a bittersweet note. The scenes in between had me turning the pages as I needed to see how it would unfold.  Davis’s investigation revealed more than just defective armours, which added another element of danger to the story. I guessed  the identity of the mastermind behind the defective armours from quite early in the story, but I hoped I was wrong for Leila’s sake.

As with the first book in the series, the romance took a backseat to the investigation. The story made the reader made aware of the attraction between the characters and evidence of their emotions, though minimal were present in their interactions with each other. If you are a reader who loves passionate love scenes, then you will be disappointed to learn that those were not present in this book.

This story included a sub plot, which added another facet to the story. It featured two characters whose story is incomplete, and which I am interested in learning more about. Although both storylines followed distinct paths, they were interconnected and made for some interesting and dangerous moments.

I enjoyed this installment and thought it was a great addition to the series.This review was originally posted on Totally Addicted to Reading

annarella's review against another edition

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I'm loving this series and I loved this instalment.
It's gripping and entertaining, the characters are well thought and the plot kept me hooked till the end.
A more complete review will follow.
Highly recommended.
Many thanks to the publisher and Netgalley for this ARC, all opinions are mine.

nadenetotallyaddictedtoreading's review against another edition

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Secret Investigation by Elizabeth Heiter is the second book in The Tactical Crime Division series.  In this new series each book is written by different authors. This installment features Agent Davis Rogers and CEO of Petrov Armor, Leila Petrov.

      Agent Davis requested to be a part of the investigation into the defective armour manufactured by Petrov Armor. His reason for the request stemmed from the fact that one of his friends died from bullet wounds received in an ambush while wearing one of these armours. Determined to uncover the identity of the person or persons responsible and make them pay, he went undercover at the company. However, he never expected to be attracted to the lovely CEO, an attraction that may jeopardize the investigation.

Leila, who became the CEO after her father’s death, was dismayed to learn that the armour manufactured by her company may have caused the tragedy involving Davis’s friend. Reluctantly she agreed to allow Davis to investigate within her company. She refused to believe her employees would be involved, especially those close to her. Will she be able to accept the truth when it comes to light?

The story started out tragically and ended on a bittersweet note. The scenes in between had me turning the pages as I needed to see how it would unfold.  Davis’s investigation revealed more than just defective armours, which added another element of danger to the story. I guessed  the identity of the mastermind behind the defective armours from quite early in the story, but I hoped I was wrong for Leila’s sake.

As with the first book in the series, the romance took a backseat to the investigation. The story made the reader made aware of the attraction between the characters and evidence of their emotions, though minimal were present in their interactions with each other. If you are a reader who loves passionate love scenes, then you will be disappointed to learn that those were not present in this book.

This story included a sub plot, which added another facet to the story. It featured two characters whose story is incomplete, and which I am interested in learning more about. Although both storylines followed distinct paths, they were interconnected and made for some interesting and dangerous moments.

I enjoyed this installment and thought it was a great addition to the series.This review was originally posted on Totally Addicted to Reading

annarella's review against another edition

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I'm loving this series and I loved this instalment.
It's gripping and entertaining, the characters are well thought and the plot kept me hooked till the end.
A more complete review will follow.
Highly recommended.
Many thanks to the publisher and Netgalley for this ARC, all opinions are mine.