
Blast #2 by Wyndham Lewis

octavia_cade's review

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Stripped of nearly all of its fiction, this is undoubtedly worse than the first issue, and it's no surprise at all that this, the second issue, was the last. What a tedious collection of wankery it is - pompous, pontificating, essentially unintelligible. The only thing saving it from a single star is all the artwork. That is genuinely interesting - full of geometry and abstract forms, there was not a single piece of artwork here that I didn't spend substantial time looking at. The poetry, however, is largely indifferent if not actually dreadful, but it's the essays on art (and note the placing of that apostrophe, Mr. Lewis, because the difference between "its" and "it's" clearly escapes you) that's where the rot sets in. Well, you can see my opinion above. Of course it can only be appreciated by intelligent minds, so says the editor, in response to those who didn't slaver over issue one, but all I can think is new clothes and emperors, and that the production of stuff like this, even over a century ago, is what gives intellectualism a bad name.