
Cinnamon & The April Shower:Canela by Amy Crane Johnson, Robb Mommaerts

katec9999's review

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Solomon the Raven spends an April spring day flying around to check up on the baby animals of the forest. Cinnamon Bear introduces her new cub to him, and he also checks up on Pearl Squirrel and the Cardinal family. Back at his tree, Solomon notices a storm coming, and rushes to warn the busy animal families. After everyone is safe, Solomon and Cinnamon discuss how even though storms are scary, the rain helps the earth in many ways. [return][return]This story takes a long time to unfold for a picture book. It isn’t until page 16 that anything really happens. Solomon is clearly the protagonist, but the title is Cinnamon and the April Shower, and the cover is Cinnamon with her cub. Solomon is not shown at all. [return][return]The illustrations have a Disney like quality, and would be very appealing to children. However, there is one illustration on pg. 17 where Solomon is supposed to be concerned, but instead looks scary and almost evil. This would be confusing to children who are looking at the book without reading the text.