
Frost by E. Latimer

jenacidebybibliophile's review against another edition

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Disclaimer: This book was sent to me by the publisher, Abbott Press, via NetGalley for an honest review.

This is one of those books that I read in one day after work, and stayed up until about 1:00 AM finishing. Immediately after I finished this book (at 1:00 AM) I went straight to my computer to check if there was a sequel, because I was willing to stay for the rest of the night reading that one as well. Unfortunately, there is not yet a sequel considering this book was just released (silly me). So, here we are. First off, if you weren’t sure if you would like this book due to its description then I suggest you give it a read anyways. I personally wasn’t very sure about it either, but trust me, you get sucked in.

Megan Walker was forced to move from her home in California, with her aunt and uncle, after she accidentally froze the lips of the boy she was kissing. Now residing in a small town in Canada, Megan has to start over at a new school. Soon Megan and her new friend Charlotte are approached by a group of five girls that look strangely similar, and stranger yet, similar to Megan as well. After the girls discuss that there must be a connection between them, each one is suddenly kidnapped from each of their homes by tall men with striking blonde hair. But while Megan is being transported by the strange men, she is suddenly rescued (or so she thinks) by another man named Loki. Loki tells her that he is a fire giant, and that the men that tried to kidnap her were frost giants known as jotun. Loki explains that Megan and the other girls were all part of an experiment that the Queen devised to help make the frost giant population grow, and that she is half jotun…which means that the Queen now wants her back. As Megan decides who to trust and which direction to take, she becomes entangled in a life that she never knew existed.

I really REALLY liked this book! The main character having the ability to freeze things with her touch definitely reminded me of the Disney movie Frozen, but with a much darker and elaborated storyline. I have to start out by bringing attention to the fact that the jotun are all tall (hence the fire/frost giant thing) which means that these are TALL FEMALE CHARACTERS. It is probably weird that I am making a point of this, but it seems that most female characters are impossibly short. As being a taller female, I love reading about female characters that are either tall or simply put…just kick ass. Though the character of Charlotte is short, because she does not have enough jotun blood in her, she is still a crazy little ball of fire!

Of course, there is a small love triangle in this story. As Megan (sometimes known as Amora) struggles to figure out who she is supposed to trust, the reader follows her as she has conflicting feelings for Loki the fire giant and Erik the frost giant. Loki is definitely my favorite character, he is very sure of himself, witty, and a quick thinker. Compared to Erik, who seems to be calculated and sterner, he is the more exciting and spontaneous one out of the two. I enjoyed how the author didn’t make the story ALL about a romance, and that she even left the romance hanging in the air a bit at the end. It definitely makes me crave for the next book because I know how much bigger it will be, romantically and in the action/adventure sense.

I wish there could have been more description and detail when reading about the palace and how extravagant it was. I got the idea that it was marvelous, but I had a hard time envisioning it because there wasn’t a lot of detail. I also would have liked to have read more about the Queen. She was in multiple “scenes” and dialogue, but I don’t feel like I really got to know who her character was. So in short, more detail for the characters and the setting. I CANNOT wait for there to be a sequel to this story, and I hope it comes soon! If you love YA fantasy books, you need to buy this now! I am now addicted :)

hannahsophialin's review against another edition

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I received this book for free from Publisher in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.
Ah, my first Norse mythology book (okay, I have another one by another author, but I'm a little hesitant on reading another of their works...).

For a debut novelist who started the book on Wattpad, Frost isn't that bad of a book. Latimer does a great job with building the world of Jotunheim (there's another name, but that's the easiest I remember) – it's an icy world with frost giants, and there's magic to keep the ice palace from falling apart, etc. I personally think the entire world is really cool, and I would totally hop on an airplane to visit the place if it were real and I wouldn't get hypothermia from the moment I actually step off the plane.

Regardless, though, Frost had a decent grasp on a lot of elements that didn't make too much of an impact on me, not to mention the fact there aren't much Norse mythology going on here. The author is really using Norse mythology as a base and using the usual tropes of young adult fiction to fluff it up.

The writing style? I feel like there's something missing, but maybe it's because there's this gap when it comes to my relationship with Wattpad works. I'm not exactly used to Wattpad works, so I'm a little lenient in this department.

The characters? Petty, petty, petty. Too much pettiness going on here. Too much flawlessness and perfection going on with the jotun. I swear there is so much perfection going on with them, the only flaw they probably have is they're assholes. It's enough that "jerk" is not simply not good enough of a word to describe those jotun.

Most, if not all, hate Megan simply because she is the queen's favorite. They strive to take her down and pretty much urge her to leave, and they do it through threats and attacks. Meanwhile, the queen is completely unbelievable for doting on Megan – MEGAN IS A STRANGER, FOR GODS' SAKES. But Latimer establishes the fact her frosty majesty is perhaps a little cuckoo in the head – you're forgiven, I suppose.

And then there's Megan and Amora – where do the boundaries between them end? Megan is called Amora, Amora is Amora, Megan is Megan. With all of the characters calling Megan, "Amora," it took a long while to get used to the fact Megan's "given" name by her frosty majesty is "Amora." However, at no point in the book does Latimer mention why Megan was given the name of Amora. Thus, assumptions must be made, and I personally believe it's grief and guilt.

Megan, on the other hand, is not exactly as insecure as she thinks. She's secretly brave, and I like her. I would like to say, however, that she is quite naïve in the beginning when she is running from Loki. She makes poor decisions that are worth facepalming – using a credit card, even if it is not her own? Bad idea. They can still track you. (Must be a media hermit.)

The plot and storyline? Weak, but not that weak. I personally think the jotun being vengeful for a good part of the book probably played a big role in the weak plot. In the long run, I think Latimer probably didn't go into much detail with the overall plot because there seems to be a sequel coming in the future.

If anything, Frost is really just a book where the main character learns something unusual about herself and discovers who, or what, she really is. As mentioned before, there really isn't much from Norse mythology coming from this one, but I sure hope if there is a sequel, there are a lot more mythological elements used.

This review was originally posted on Bookwyrming Thoughts

valkyreads's review against another edition

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Thank you, Netgalley, for sending me a copy of this book.

Frost was a very entertaining read for me. I found the whole world interesting because it included some Norse mythology with frost giants and fire giants. These frost and fire giants are at war with each other and our main character, Megan finds herself right in the middle. The story was easy to get into, easy to understand, but yet compelling at the same time. Frost offers something I have read before and I really enjoyed that.

The characters in this book were really what gripped me. Megan is a realistic female lead that is torn with who to trust and what to do. Her voice was strong and made reading from her perspective fun. She has her own bit of sass and you have to give her props for sticking up for herself even when she feels like she’s two inches tall. She resents that everyone keeps comparing her to the queen’s former deceased daughter, which would be exactly my reactions. I felt so badly for her when everyone would refer to her as Amora and not her own name. It seemed like everyone was against her at the palace and resented her for being who she was. I look forward to see her development in the next coming books. It was so interesting to see her ice powers get stronger and how her hair and eyes were turning color just because of her powers!

Erik added a nice companion and protector for Megan. At first I didn’t know if I should trust him because he kept seeing Megan and Amora and I didn’t know where his loyalty truly lied. However, the more he tried to protect her, I knew that he was really just looking after her. I have to say I was completely surprised at the twist at the end!

The one that really stole the show for me was Loki!Oh this handsome little devil was so swoon-worthy that I was so disappointed when he was missing from the book! But boy does he know how to make an appearance as disguising himself as a servant. He added just the right amount of wit, sarcasm, and swoon. Seriously, this guy is adorable and I felt giddy every time he called Megan “darling.”

Now what I really liked about this book was the fact that it didn’t have a weird love triangle. Megan mentions how cute she finds Erik a couple times, but it never really crosses into romantic territory, not the way it did with Loki and I am happy. Loki felt effortless and the attraction was real. It was a little instalove in the beginning, but it developed over time. The romance wasn’t a huge aspect of this book, but an added element. It offers you the chance to really fall into the story and the world. However, I look forward to see how Megan and Loki develop.

Now, we can’t forget about Charlotte! Her friendship with Megan was truly heartwarming. She just met Megan but immediately befriends her and they become best friends. She is loyal and protective of her friend. I really loved how no matter what happened, if Megan said she was leaving, Charlotte asked where and when? No question or hesitation, she was truly there for Megan no matter what.

Now the book wouldn’t be complete without a strong villain and I have to say this book has two. I was completely skeptical about the Queen the entire time because something seemed off about her. However, the real creep for me is her psycho son, Prince Leif. Oh this guy gives me the creeps. I couldn’t stand him! He is cocky, arrogant, and acts so entitled like everyone should be kissing the ground he walks on. I hated the way he treated Megan and I can’t wait to see her get revenge on him! The Queen and Prince definitely have a lot coming to them! I hope.

Overall, this book was really interesting. I can’t wait to learn more about the world and the fire giants now that it looks like we are headed to Loki’s kingdom! The frost giants kingdom sounded so beautiful and majestic with their ice palace I can only imagine the fire giants kingdom being equally beautiful! I am so excited to see where this series is headed and am enjoying the ride. Thank you, E. Latimer for this winter fantasy and I look forward to more of your work.

If you enjoy fantasy that is easy to get into with just the right amount of action and adventure, give this book a try.

Review originally posted on my blog, The Bookish Khaleesi

lou88's review against another edition

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kyouen's review

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This review was first published on [a cup of tea and an armful of books]. Other reviews and interviews can be found there.

I’ve read several books now that have gotten their start on Wattpad and I think this is the first one that I absolutely loved. Frost tells the story of Megan, a girl who recently moved to Canada with her family after she accidentally froze the first boy that she kissed. Canada is as far temperature-wise from California as you can get, and Megan is worried about how she’ll settle in at her new school. She doesn’t have long to worry about that. After meeting a group of girls who look like her, Megan is just beginning to wrap her head around what that may mean before being kidnapped in the middle of the night. Suddenly part of the world of the Frost and Fire Jotun, these figures from Norse mythology believe that Megan will play a pivotal role in their war. Megan has to decide who she believes which is a difficult decision when both sides are keeping things from you. Megan struggles to figure out who she can trust as time is running out.

When I started reading Frost I was concerned that a chunk of the novel was going to be spent in the halls of the high school with all of its drama and uninteresting problems. When a novel is meant to be about a girl stuck between two sides of war between Norse giants, that’s what I want to read immediately. Thankfully, the scenes in the high school only existed to show how strange it was that there were several clone-like girls who all go to the same high school. I really enjoyed the inclusion of Norse mythology. I’m not as familiar with it as I am with Greek mythology, but it was cool recognizing names and places in the story. As soon as Loki showed up I knew he was going to be the Trickster. That colors my view of him because I expect that his role in Norse mythology will come up at some point in the series.

E. Latimer got away from the problem in YA novels of “what are the parents doing while their child gallivants all over the world?” by writing the normal world out of it. Such a small percentage of this book is spent in the real world that we don’t have enough time to connect with anyone in it. The icy setting of Jutunheim is quite separate. A castle made of glittering ice and lit up by magic? I’d probably forget about home for a while too. However, they are still there. I was frustrated that other than writing her uncle a letter that probably worried him more, her family was not really mentioned again. The only problem I had with the Jutunheim setting was the modern technology. Most of the time Megan spent there consisted of great hall dinners, training with weaponry, and spending time in a vast library with shelves upon wooden shelves. It was very jarring to read about computers and cameras later on in the story. Modern technology was mentioned so infrequently that when it was, it was like cellphones suddenly showed up in Game of Thrones.

Something that I did really love about Frost was the lack of girl hate. I don’t recall any unnecessary insults thrown around. It was just the standard pettiness when girls got jealous over things. There was a strong friendship between Charlotte and Megan that remained steady even when they were confronted with difficult decisions and the prospect of romance. It’s nice to read a friendship where the two involved realize that the friendship will last far longer than anything they’re up against. They supported each other unconditionally, and when they needed to decide something, they checked with the other before doing it. It was refreshing to read a friendship between girls that didn’t devolve into insults over something stupid. I hope it remains that way as the series progresses.

I grew more disappointed the longer I read only because I could see the percentage left in my book dwindling. I read most of the book in two large chunks of time. If it had been a weekend I would have read it all in one go. It was a very exciting story in a setting that was very detailed. I’m looking forward to the next novel in the series! I hope it comes out soon.

4 stars.

I received a copy of Frost from NetGalley and the publisher in exchange for an honest review. Frost was published on August 25th, 2015.

kyramnelson's review

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Everyone is talking about how swoony Loki is. I just want to confirm that it is true. And I am an excellent judge of swoon.

Overall, I liked all the characters. Leif is deliciously evil. I loved the strong friendship between Megan and Charlotte. Definitely looking forward to more of them in the sequel :)

bookbriefs's review

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**You can see this full review and more at Book Briefs:**

Frost is a young adult norse mythology book, which kicks off a new series by E. Latimer. (I believe the series will be the same name as the title but I haven't found confirmation of that yet.) You all know how much I love mythology books, and frost is a great take on the Norse tales. I absolutely loved that author E. Latimer took a unique spin on the frost giants, and made them the rulers of the realm. Frost offers wonderfully imaginative writing, solid friendships, great characters, and a refreshing take with a main heroine that has her head and her intuition completely on point.

This may sound a bit strange but one of the things that I appreciated most about Frost was that both the frost and fire sides seemed to realize that they were asking a lot for a normal 17 year old girl to believe- not only that she was part frost giant, but also that their side was the side to be trusted. Loki and Erik (and no there is not a love triangle, for the record.) each realized that Megan had no reason to trust one side over the other because everything was completely new to her. I appreciated the time and space that people gave her to make her own decisions. It made the whole supernatural element of the story fit into what Megan thought was a contemporary world (kind of, other than that whole kissing and freezing a boy incident).

I could not put Frost down. really, this book was over 450 pages and I DEVOURED it in one night. It was that good. I loved watching Megan piece together court life, and figure out just what the heck was going on. What everyone's hidden agendas were. Some I could figure out on my own and some smacked me right upside the head. Romance, fighting, mythology, what more could you ask for in a book. Plus I loved the wintery setting. And if you didn't like the main character Megan, you and I need to have a serious conversation. For real. She is awesome. This book was a homerun for me. I cannot wait to see what is going to happen in book two.

This review was originally posted on Book Briefs