
Virtue and Honor by Randi Perrin

bookingbonkers's review

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This book, much like the first two, was a gripping and wonderful read. Although part three of the series, it can be read as a stand alone novel. You would, however, miss out on the lovely discovery that this book is about the daughter of two amazing characters that are in the first book! It was so touching to read having been invested in them before and to catch up with them years on.

The author has a way of making the characters really get you involved in them and wanting things to go well for them. The story is a beautifully crafted tales of earthbound angels that is anything but far fetched. I loved how this story, like the first, has kept its feet in the ground even though some of the characters have wings.

Having read all three of this series, I think I can safely say that they are all great and that a Randi Perrin book is a guaranteed great read.

I love fantasy books and especially enjoy them when they feel very real and easy to get into. This book is one of those and one which I admire as well as loved to read as I think that is quite a challenge for an author to do.

I also like the fact that, where some series are just a rehash of the first story, this one is not. There are similarities but, as with the second book, this one had its own qualities and edge to it.

I cannot recommend this book highly enough and cannot wait to read more from Randi Perrin.

becsa's review

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Angela Waters is 21 and juggles being a nurse along with being an earthbound angel. It is a job she takes seriously. On a rare night out with her best friend Harper she saves the life of Mason Kearney, a male stripper and hopes that no one saw her.

Mason Kearney has not had an easy go of it the past year or so. His girlfriend dumped him, his mom died and his "step-dad" Seth Black has turned into more of an ass. When he manages to get a nail stuck in his arm he winds up at the hospital where he sees Angela again and asks her for coffee.

As Angela and Mason begin to get to know each other and start a relationship they have no idea how much more is at play and how their lives are intertwined and not in a good way. When Angela must make a very difficult choice will she honor the greater good or just herself?

This was another good story in the series and the battle between good and evil.

I liked Angela and I felt bad that she had so much responsibility at a young age. I thought it was funny when she went to take a drink at the club and what happened next. Poor girl! I liked her relationship with Mason and they just seemed to work together so well and had a great time together. I loved the special place he took her!

Mason was great and I felt bad that he really had some sad crap in his life. I felt bad when Billy asked if he could date Lilith and even more with the other thing Billy asks him later. His step-dad was a total ass and I felt bad that so much seemed to go wrong for him. Until he met Angela.

So there were a few twists and turns and I kind of pieced a lot of it together during the book but a couple of things I sure hadn't. I did figure out who was causing the problems but some of the other stuff I didn't remember - like who Lilith was. The stuff with Mason's mom definitely surprised me!

I'm definitely interested to see if there are any more books in the series and where it will go now!

nikkismiles43's review

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Virtue and Honor ( Earthbound Angels Book 3 )
By Randi Perrin
5/5 Stars

Virtue and Honor is the third book in the Earthbound Angels Series by Randi Perrin. Since it's part of a series.. I suggest you read the books in proper order. You will not regret it, I promise you!!!
I have absolutely loved this series!! If you enjoy the madness of a paranormal life. This book is for you!! It has angels and devils, amongst other odd things!
I truly can't say enough wonderful things about this book ( and series ) ! I love the closeness of the friends, the tight bond of the close knit family! They will do anything for one another, just like family should… blood or not!!
Angela Waters is the strong female character. She loves her job as nurse. But loves being an Earthbound Angel more. She absolutely love helping people in their time of need… good or bad, she's always willing to help.
Mason Kearney is the secondary character in this story. He is smart, strong , independent, and a true gentleman at heart.
You have to read this story this book to see what journey the two will take you on!! It's full of unexpected surprises, twists and turns!!
I love all the unexpected plot twists! Just when you think you have everything all figured out, bam! Something happens, you weren't expecting!!
I am just a little sad…. to see this series end! I have loved these characters from the beginning!! Every woman needs a true friend, like the ones in this series! You seriously need to give Book a chance! You will be pleasantly surprised! It's well written and wonderfully thought out! You'll love it, just like I do!! Amazing job, Randi!! I can't see what characters you have for us next!!

arthistorygirl's review

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Virtue and Honor by Randi Perrin is part of the Earthbound Angels series. This is the third book in the series and can be read as a standalone. I have enjoyed this series of earthbound angels and how they live normal lives as everyday humans but also have a life as an angel to assist us on earth. This story follows Angela and Mason. Both have complicated pasts but are truly meant for each other. I enjoyed reading their story and watching it unfold. Angela is very innocent and naïve but with a heart of gold and lost her best friend and love. Mason is experienced and had his heart crushed by an ex. The two have normal relationship struggles but also the added twist that Angela is an earthbound angel. Her work as an angel also is filling her life with twists and turns.
I really enjoyed the characters Angela and Mason. I was rooting for them to make it out of the turmoil together. I have read the other books in the series and liked how the past characters were brought into the story. The characters are great and the story was exciting. I will continue to look for books from this author in the future.

katie_83's review

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Virtue and Honor
By Randi Perrin
5 stars!
It’s another fantastic 5 star read from Randi Perrin! I am completely hooked on this series. The author has totalled opened my eyes to paranormal romance and I have really enjoyed it. I really like the authors writing style, her stories just flow seamlessly and are so easy to read. The characters pull you into their stories and are always likeable. One of the many things I like about this author is her descriptive writing. I can always imagine what I am reading, from the scenery right down to the vivid colours and intricacies of the angel wings. Again with the other books I found myself not wanting to put this book down.
Virtue and Honor is the third book in this series and in it we meet Angela who is Sera and Destin’s daughter – she is also an earthbound angel.
I really liked Angela; she definitely reminded me of her Mum and had a great mix of both Sera and Destin. She had a great compassionate nature and you could see that with the people she helped both in her job as a nurse and an earthbound angel.
Mason was just super yummy and I could see why Angela fell for him! Their first meeting was great and I loved the connection that they had with each other.
I loved some of the unexpected twists in this story too!! If you have read the previous books in this series then you will not be disappointed with this new installment! If you haven’t read them then I highly recommend that you do – all three books are amazingly written!

bwagner's review

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Virtue and Honor (Earthbound Angels Book 3) by Randi Perrin is the third book in her Earthbound Angels series. This story can be read as a stand alone but I would highly suggest that you read the previous two books as it will give you some background information on some of the characters that you will meet in this book. The one thing that I enjoy the most about this author is her imagination with her writing style. This is a fantasy story that has a few twists and turns and will keep you engaged until the last page. Her characters are true to life and connectable. I enjoy how this series has made the female characters the heroines, of course there are the males in here to complete the romance part. In my opinion it is very rare where we see such strong female characters. Find out if these characters will be able to save earthbounds from evil.

Angela Waters has two jobs, one she is a nurse and the other she is an earthbound angel. What will happen when she is out one night and saves a stripper, Mason Kearny who has southern charm but also a secret. This leads her to question her angel job and all the injustices which also leads to something that will change her life forever. Right now she is in the fight of her life with a demon who is trying to take her wings on top of her falling for the Alabama boy. She is sent to find out everything about a group of angels that have been rallying behind her. Will she save the earthbounds from an untimely demise? Will she survive with her heart and her wings or will she lose them both?

Angela and Mason's relationship is not all that normal. She keeps popping up where ever he is, it confuses him. Angela has the weight of the world on her shoulders and Mason has a past that haunts him. They really do complete each other when you wouldn't think they would. Mason is determined to win Angela over, will he be able to? These are great characters, Angela is our heroine of the story and she is strong. I give her so much credit for doing what she does, she has the weight of the world on her plus a demon trying to take her wings away from her. Mason, in my opinion could have been a little stronger but he is lovable. He is responsible but yet has a mystery about him that keeps you wanting to know more about him. One of the other things that I enjoyed about this story, is that we got to meet some great new characters. I hope that we get to see more of them in future books. Honestly, fate just keeps throwing curve balls at them but will they be able to survive them? What will fate have in store for these two? Find out what happens with Angela and Mason as they start they journey together.

I am not sure how many of Randi Perrin's books I have read but this is my favorite of her series. I hope to see more from her with this series. Randi has spent the majority of her life writing in one form or another. When she isn't writing, she goes insane. Her husband has learning to recognize when it is time for her to empty her head of the voices and gives her the time to put them on paper. This is a fast page turner that will keep you turning pages just to see what is behind the next page. I lost track of time with this story as it is that fast reading. There are twists and turns that maybe be surprising. Find out what happens to Angela and Mason. Will they find their HEA? Will she save her wings?

angelahayes's review

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5 Stars

Virtue and Honor is the third (and final) book in the Earthbound Angels series, by Randi Perrin. It is a superb paranormal romance with plenty of action, drama, suspense, angels, demons, good vs evil; and a sexy, sweet love story. I have loved this series so much, I am sad to think that it is over. Having to say goodbye to these characters makes my heart ache. I hope somewhere along the line, Ms. Perrin will let us revisit this series again with a new book (hint, hint, hint Ms. Perrin).
If you haven’t read Virtue of Death/ Book One (Destin & Sera’s story) or Promises of Virtue/ Book Two (Cheryl and Luc’s story) yet, I really recommend that you do, because even though you could read these books as standalones, a lot of character information and backstory are found in the other books and having all those details as well will really enhance your enjoyment of this book.
Angela Waters is twenty-one years old and works as a nurse in a busy ER, as well as being an Earthbound Angel whose destiny lies in performing miracles. She is a little shy and reserved, but with a kind and compassionate heart. There has been a past loss that shadow’s her life and she feels little broken by this experience. Because of her hurt, and her ‘double life’, Angela hasn’t dated much and isn’t interested in a relationship. Even though she has a close relationship with her parents, as well as her best friend Harper, there are times that Angela feels extremely lonely.
After much nagging, Harper finally convinces Angela into going on a ‘girl’s night out’. They end up at a nightclub that has male strippers, and it’s there that one of the strippers catches her eye. He’s drop dead gorgeous and she can’t help feeling drawn to him, like no one ever before. An incident occurs that requires Angela to step in to ‘save’ the sexy man’s life and little does Angela know that her intervention is only the beginning of a chain of events that will change her life forever.
Mason Kearney works as a construction worker/carpenter by day and a sexy stripper by night. He is in the middle of renovating his own home, as well as having other bills that have depleted his bank account. He juggles both jobs in an effort to make ends meet. He’s working the stage one night at the club, when he is captivated by a gorgeous woman with the most beautiful violet eyes he’s ever seen. He can’t stop thinking about her.
Fate seems to be throwing these two together, because the next day he has an accident at his work site and is taken to the ER, the same ER that Angela works at. This isn’t to be the last time he sees her either, and he’s willing to do anything to get to know her better. They soon fall under each other’s spell and their budding relationship begins to blossom. But he has secrets that haunt him and threaten to destroy his chance at happiness.
Then, Angela and the entire Earthbound Angel community comes under threat, when a powerfully dangerous Demon begins targeting Angels. The clock is ticking and unfortunately Angela is the only one who’s capable of defeating this vile threat and there is absolutely no room for mistakes.
Will Angela have to go against everything she believes in to be able to defeat this evil? With so much at stake, will Angela choose her heart or her wings? Why are the Earthbounds under threat? What does the future hold for Mason and her?
I have been anticipating the release of this book and had thought a lot about what the story would entail, I knew it would be good but I wasn’t expecting Ms. Perrin to leave the best till last. This is definitely my favourite story from the trilogy!
The story is so well written; with Ms. Perrin’s wonderful, vivid and descriptive style which entices you into her stories and holds you there, clambering to absorb every detail of her incredible story, and leaving you hanging on every word just to discover what happens next. I have said it before and I say it again, that Ms. Perrin is certainly a masterful story teller, who’s able to skilfully choreograph elements of suspense, action, adventure, humour, heartfelt emotion and sinfully sexy moments- into a sublime story.
I found this story to be a little darker, grittier, and more complex than the previous stories- which I loved. It gives this story its own unique flavour and identity within the trilogy, while remaining true to the thread of story that flows through all three books.
The characters are perfect! Mason and Angela, sigh, are so great together. It’s kismet! They are beautifully written, fully developed, interesting and endearing.
I also loved catching up with the characters from the previous books, and finding out what’s been happening in their lives.
This story has a quick pace and flows smoothly. It is easy to read- I read it in one sitting.
Now I’m anticipating what Ms. Perrin will be offering us next!

A wonderful conclusion to the trilogy, Thank you Ms Perrin!

jennadb's review

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Virtue and Honor is the third and sadly the last book in the Earthbound Angels series by this talented writer Randi Perrin. I am sad that the series is coming to an end, as I have thoroughly enjoyed reading about these wonderful earthbound angels in all three books. You must read each book in order or you will not understand the relationships between the characters. All the characters from the previous books are written into this one, although they do not have big parts but I love them just as much as I did when I read the first two books. Randi introduced us to two new characters, who were just as enjoyable to read about as they fight evil for a love that conquers all. Randi has a way of writing that draws you into this magical world she has created for us to enjoy.

In this book we see Angela who is destined for big things to come. She is an angel who must fight an evil that is set to destroy everything she knows. When she meets Mason, who is a sweet southern boy, she learns that family and true love, in the end, is all you need.

There will be laughter, love and a little sadness in this story but if you are looking for a good and fun read about angels then Virtue and Honor and this series is just what you need.

rooskie87's review

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Virtue and Honor (Earthbound Angels Book 3) by Randi Perrin
5 stars

Virtue and Honor is the 3rd book in this series by Randi Perrin. It can be read as a standalone, but I'd highly recommend reading the first two, to get a better understanding of the history and back story.
I really loved this book, and I keep saying "this is better than the last" but its true! I really fell in love with this story.
Angela has two jobs, one as a nurse and the second is an angel here on earth. On a girls night out, Angela sees an attractive man, Mason. She later sees him because of her job and pulls off a miracle, but at what cost? What else is out there waiting for and causing more trouble?
I really don't want to give much of the story away as it was such an enjoyable read. I really loved all the characters and they felt her relatable. Again I can't wait to read more from this author!