bmurray153's review

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I admit that upon my first viewing of Interstellar, I felt very ambivalent of my opinion. Loved some parts, hated others. But after two more views, one of which in IMAX, I fell in loved with it, as each time I saw it I discovered more and more.

Some people heavily critique the Nolan brothers' scripts, citing unrealistic and cheesy dialogue, heavy exposition, and numerous plot holes. Naturally, the same applied to this script. I will freely admit though that even if you take away the amazing visuals and dynamic score of the film, the screenplay itself is just as thrilling.

Reading this, I realized just how tight of a screenplay this actually is. No word is wasted, as each line has tremendous importance to either character, development, plot, or science, and with no repetition. The Nolan brothers expertly weave in the themes without overtly spelling them out (there also are far more here than most people have seemed to address). And it was just as emotional as the film, as I found myself tearing up at scenes that got me when seeing the film (a testament to some really well-executed scenes). The dialogue, while not exactly snappy or eloquent, feels incredibly textured, something you can dive into, pick apart, and tie together across pages. Now on top of that, you have a killer story that remains thrilling and whose science adds majesty and wonder instead of unneeded confusion.

Now this was a work in progress, so there are a few lines that didn't make it into the film as well as some great lines that were added after the completed screenplay. But it still stands as a masterwork of science fiction.

On top of the great screenplay, this edition includes over 210 pages the consists of three lengthy storyboards. It is interesting to see how some parts were originally conceived and just makes you realize that the visualization of this great story adds so many more dimensions.

If you love the movie, read this. It will make you love it even more. And if you were frustrated with the film, then I highly recommend you read this. I feel like it creates a new appreciation for the thrilling complexity and interconnected themes that make this one of the Nolans' best.