
Old Haunts, a London City Novel by Emmett Spain

ladybedivere's review

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I'll be honest: I was wary that this might just be a cookie-cutter of another popular urban fantasy series. I was quite happily wrong. London City is a place with secrets, mysteries, and mythos of its very own which we are introduced to by our hapless spirit-seeing protagonist, Jack Worthington, who is quite possibly the unlikeliest candidate of all the characters in the book to suddenly be faced with attempting to save the world. Even I didn't predict some of the twists and turns in the plot (a rare thing considering how much I read), and the supporting cast of characters were refreshingly well fleshed out. if anything aggrivated me, it was that the answers to so many questions have yet to be revealed. But alas, the City keeps her secerts...for now. Already I eagerly await the next installment in the saga of Jack, Michael, Kirsten, and the rest of London City.