
Wrong Ways Down by Stacia Kane

elliefufu's review

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All I heard was Terrible and I had to read this book. So good and I loved seeing things from his point of view. I hope we get more of these novellas in the future

loishojmark's review

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Read 14/08/2013. Five stars.
Re-reading 16/11/2015. Again five stars and a freaking hot, Terrible-fever...

sammy234's review

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I love you, Terrible. You are basically what would happen if Mr. Rochester became a thug, got an Elvis haircut, and forgot how to speak English properly. Okay, not really. But I adore you almost as much. I guess ugly dudes with big hearts in books are kind of my thing ?

andimontgomery's review

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For such a short novella, it took me a LONG time to finish this. Let me start by saying I LOVE Terrible. Stacia Kane does a fantastic job making an enforcer--who is far from attractive--be literally swoon-worthy. But the abundance of Downside dialect just took a lot of effort to read, and the plot was somewhat slow.

This novella follows Terrible as he investigates several attacks against Bump's people. Terrible is fiercely protective of all women (not just Chess), and that makes him all the more wonderful. Chess has a bit part, but when she's there, you can really feel Terrible's attraction to her.

Terrible does his job well, as expected. But being in his head didn't work for me, and I'm ready for Chess's point of view in the next book!

ac223's review

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Downside Ghosts is one of my favorite series, so of course I want to read everything. Wrong Ways Down is written from Terrible's POV, and it only made me love him more!

moshimoshimoon's review

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I still like terrible and I like the story. I just don’t feel the way it treats drug addicts is consistent . Apparently chess is the only holly cow that has good reasons to pop pills but the rest of them are scum. It’s weird how the books, at least so far, are treating her pill addiction as if it was nothing more serious than some pot smoking.

beccainabook's review

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Ahhhhh the trouble with Terrible.

I loved getting into the mind of Terrible! In this novella, told in Terrible's point of view, we were able to learn more about where he came from ands his feelings toward Chess. I want !more Terrible in my life!

leelah's review

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5 Stars for me.

I am not easily sold on novellas. I have to be really interested to pick one up. But I had two very strong reasons to pick WWD.
First, It's Terrible's POV. 'Nuff said. Terrible is one of the most interesting characters in UF genre simply because he doesn't fit usual gorgeous hero mold.
Second, I had an opportunity to read Stacia Kane's story (Rick the Brave) in anthology [b:Home Improvement: Undead Edition|9450406|Home Improvement Undead Edition|Charlaine Harris||14335169] and I was blown away with her craft to pack so much awesomeness in smaller-than-novel format.
It was soooo worth it.
Terrible's voice is simply a delight to read. I knew he was gret character from series, but being in his head made me love him even more. He is so non-judgemental toward people (not just Chess) and he is very matter of fact. I loved that about him. He knows his place and he is quite hard on himself from time to time, but his view of the world is too good for a man who grew up in his conditions. He isn't bitter or hateful for the way he looks, he is just very realistic and he tries to give his best as an enforcer, as a friend and as a lover.
Dear Terrible, I don't think all those dames were with you only for your money... :)
My favorite part of this novella was the way Terrible saw Chess. Trust me ladies, if you haven't met one yet, you would wish to meet a man one day who would look at you the way Terrible looks at Chess. There is one scene in novella; Chess holds little toiletry bag that she carries with her always and Terrible thinks that's "so fucking cute." I melted right there. With that "so fucking cute." I still have this stupid, dazed face when I think of that scene.:)
I want more. More Terrible's POV. I am dying to read his pov between [b:Unholy Magic|6557156|Unholy Magic (Downside Ghosts, #2)|Stacia Kane||6749788] and [b:City of Ghosts|7352840|City of Ghosts (Downside Ghosts, #3)|Stacia Kane||6912417]...
Great addition to series.


OMG, the cover is gorgeous!!!! Can't wait for this novella!


"It's thin line between right and wrong.
It's even thinner one between wrong and dead."


amyiw's review

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Interesting take on the Downside. We get Terrible before he is mad at Chess. We get to see him figure out the happenings without Chess, yet Chess is always on his mind. Nice to see inside that mind.

The story line is interesting yet I still don't like the Downside much. I'm going on to a end novella to see them together.

audiobookmel's review

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Woohoo! Terrible.

What a great short story. It wasn't easy to read. The thoughts in Terrible's head are the same way he speaks. It makes you slow down to read, what would normally be a very quick read. In this case, it is well worth it.

We really get a peak into Terrible's thoughts. I just makes me love him even more. He is a lot smarter than he gives himself credit for. I thought it was great to see him so proud of himself for solving the case. It was different to see how he feels about this job and about Bump. We already knew that he was beyond loyal to Bump, but we learn more about it. We also see what goes through his head while he is beating up on people. We also get to see how nervous he is to be around Chess.

Even though this story takes place between book one and two, I wouldn't recommend this book to people who haven't read the series. I think the slang would be too much if you didn't know where it was coming from. Also, to see Terrible from Chess's eyes would be better as well. You would just be so much more familiar with the world that is Downside.

I really hope we get another Terrible POV after they hook up. I would love to see how that changes his perspective.

Kudos to Stacia Kane for pulling this off. I can't imagine how hard it must be to write with so much slang through out this entire book. Kudos to her editor too.