
Lucas: A Story of Love and Hate by Kevin Brooks

ensaris's review against another edition

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This is one of those special books that if it hits you, hits you hard. It doesn't matter how many times I read it through it's still a riveting, intense and at times truly, truly magical journey of purest love and blind hatred.

stormyharper's review against another edition

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Wow I am getting through my TBR my physical one I remember when I picked this book up quite a few years ago at the charity shop and I've only just got around to reading it so this is about Caitlin McCann how she meet lucas the first time she saw him was when her dad was driving and they were going across sort of a bridge and she couldn't keep her eyes off him they were picking up her brother Damian I think his name was she went out one day with her best friend Bob and Bob decided that they would go to a pub and I've got very good much drunk but not
Caitlin McCann on their way back home but needed to be ill so Vicky pulled over the car I think that's what her name was and when they pulled over her brother started throwing Stones at this person on the beach side and it was the same person she saw that day on the bridge we later find out that his name is Lucas I'm one day there's a girl who was drowning in the sea and Lucas save her and bring her back to shore but because she looked a bit indecent he decided to make sure she looked a bit more appropriate if you're not mean so she's not showing everything off to everyone around her but her mum got the wrong end of the stick and what he was trying to do something else I got to witness it was a really good rock and I'm glad that I had it I did also like the bunker by the same person

jenny_hedberg's review against another edition

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En riktigt bra bok faktiskt även om jag förväntade mig en mer framträdande kärlekshistoria. Jag gillar att hela historien är höljd i mystik och att allt med Caits brorsa reder ut sig. Min favoritkaraktär i boken är helt klart caits pappa som försöker så gott han kan.

De flesta karaktärerna i den här boken är ganska "goda" vilket skulle kunna ha blivit bokens fall. Även de personer du inte sympatiserar med får ändå förklara sig själva och framställs mest som lite vilsna själar men jag tror att det är lite av sensmoralen i boken, att även de som är "onda" är snälla innerst inne och att man måste ge alla en chans, eller två.

Trots att den här boken är ganska långsam så vill man inte lägga ifrån sig boken, jag ville hela tiden veta vad som skulle hända. Jag tycker att författaren har gjort ett riktigt bra jobb med historien och alla

oumaima_mekni's review against another edition

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I wasn't very excited about this book when I first started reading it, I just couldn't fathom the obsession about a young boy living on his own, who's often called a gypsy. Then gradually and unexpectedly, the book grew on me and I never anticipated myself to be that overwhelmed when the protagonist and Lucas had had their first real chat. I was just as happy and as nervous as the protagonist herself. And when it comes to the end, I was heartbroken and I closed the book with a big lump in my throat. I just wanted to reach for Lucas and pull him with all my force, I didn't want it to end that way, yet I wouldn't chose any other ending.

casspro's review against another edition

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Sorry to say that I don't remember a damn thing about this book. I have a pages and pages of quotes that I wrote down into a notebook that says I loved it, but for the life of me I can't tell you what the plot was about. It gets demoted points for lack of memory, despite my scrawlings on the writing.

devon_o_mon's review against another edition

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I read this book when I was younger and I still think about it to this day. It’s about a young girl, who lost her mother when she and she now lives with her alcoholic father (who is a writer) and her dog (which is really her only friend) Her brother is away at college (he does show up though) They live on a small island and her and her family do not really fit in. When she sees Lucas she knows that life is about to change. Lucas becomes her friend and everyone around the island judges him for his way of life and she has to stand her her ground against the town she grew up in just to learn from his interesting stranger. Lucas spends him time making not only Caitlin but the reader thing. This book is very interesting and powerful. My only issue is the ending. I hated it so much the first time I read it, but when I read it as an adult it was inevitable. The perfect ending for this story.

4saradouglas's review against another edition

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There's something about Lucas you can't help but love. Cute, mysterious, observant, self-sufficient, a little dark, a little dangerous... you can see why Cait falls for him so easily. Living in a small town growing up, it's also easy to see why the town turns on him for seemingly nothing. This is a very dramatic edge-of-the-seat kind of book. I've read it twice now, and am sure I'll read it again someday.

kaycur's review against another edition

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I found the first half of the book rather boring.. but the second half and the end were actually really good.. a lot of the descriptions were almost TOO detailed though, and it got kind of mononous after a while.

owls_rainbow's review against another edition

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This was an odd book. I thought that the characters were mostly well-rounded - Bill was rather undeveloped and I was curious as to her real name - and the depiction of small town life was fairly accurate but I found Lucas as a character disappointing - particularly his resolution, and Mac's obvious alcoholism was largely ignored which I didn't think was a particularly good thing, and at the end it seems to be magically getting better with no outside help. You also have a man who hasn't said much throughout the story going into quite a profound monologue which seemed out of character but at the same time it shouldn't since the character was written as an author.

Overall 3.5 out of 5.

kelsmiller's review against another edition

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I loved this book! None of Brooks other books match up to this one. Its a must read!