
Life's a Beach by Jamie K. Schmidt

kirstym3692's review

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*ARC provided in exchange for an honest review.*

The story of this book was really good, it could've been really good. But somehow it was just.... lacking something.

The whole story moved a little too fast, especially the ending was very rushed. The drama part of books like this are Always my favourite, but the drama in this book wasn't even really there to begin with.

That being said, I love reading about Hawaii, it makes me want to go there as soon as I can. And I loved how Amelia picked her holiday over her job and I loved the way she took over the hotel and changed it around just like that.

I just wish there would've been more of a build up for her and Samuel.

Overall, it was a nice read. But I wouldn't recommend it to my reading friend.

bookdevouringmisfit's review

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I couldn't connect with the characters nor do I see any reason for me to even attempt to. Especially since right from the moment I met Dude, I already outright hated him. I know it's only an alter ego and that he's putting up this act so nobody would really suspect who he really is but I just think it's way too over-the-top already? The way he talks, acts and oh God the slang he uses. I can't. Good thing the sex scenes are hot though. A++ for those. Heh.

alwaysbooking's review

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I received a copy of this book from NetGalley for my honest review.

I have never read anything by this author before. I have to say I was rather surprised by this book. I thought it was going to be another insta fall in love kind of book. However it wasn't and for that I am grateful!

Amelia is just breaking her neck in New York she works as a concierge in a hotel. Dare I say it she is probably the best concierge ever. She handles all of life's problems that get thrown at her with grace and style. She has planned a two week vacation in Hawaii with her boyfriend. He of course doesn't know about it and it's a surprise. She has been paying off this vacation for 2 years I believe. When she arrives at work that day she finds out that the other concierge has quit. Her a**hole boss says she can't go on vacation. She decides after a conversation on the phone with "dude" to go on her vacation anyways and gets fired. She comes home from work early to surprise her boyfriend with the news and oopss he's not the greatest guy! So now she is homeless(she was living with the boyfriend) and jobless... so she decides to take her eccentric aunt and go on vacation anyways! (good for her!!)

Samuel aka Dude is an interesting character. He is from Wall street he actually was really great on wall street so much he is insanely wealthy. Samuel needed a break from wall street he thinks it might actually kill him. He buys a hotel in Hawaii... insert Dude. He decides to just veg for a while... he's going to sell the hotel. There are only a few people who work at the hotel who know who Dude is. He swears they will be set up well when he sells so they don't loose their jobs. Insert Amelia coming to the resort of course she is having a rough time and he actually has to rescue her when they meet. She hates rich men since previous boyfriend and boss were both. So he keeps up the Dude persona.. then of course Amelia steps in on her vacation to help out and she has ideas for the hotel. Which is not what Samuel wants he wants to sell and get out.

I really enjoyed these characters. I also enjoyed the other characters in the book. It's rare to get invested into the other characters of a book unless they are crucial. I really want to see how things pan out for the other hotel staff, Ameila's aunt and Samuel's brother! These flowed seamlessly for me I only had a few pet peeves that I can let pass just because I really enjoyed the characters.

emmdahl's review

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4.5 ⭐

macbookclub's review

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This book started out SO strong! The FMC, Amelia, starts off with a bang and is such a go getter. I love her ambition and taking what she wants in life. The MMC, Dude/Samuel, really plays up the ‘beach bum’ act well and we are all waiting for it to implode on them. But it doesn’t? The middle to ending of this book takes a wild turn in a strange way where everything seems a bit rushed. I love Amelia and Dudes relationship but I wish the way they got to their HEA was different.

bananatricky's review

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I received a free copy of this novel from the publisher via NetGalley in return for an honest review.

Amelia has a job for skerry theme hotel in Manhattan as a concierge. She is literally counting down the hours until she takes her trust fund boyfriend to Maui for a two week all inclusive holiday when her coworker bails and her boss tells her she will have to cancel her holiday. She calls the hotel but is told that they can't move her holiday because the resort is about to be torn down for luxury condos. When Amelia tells her boss she can't stay he fires her. She goes home to find her boyfriend doing the nasty with her favourite barista. Now she has no job, no boyfriend and, perhaps most importantly, no coffee!

With nothing left to lose Amelia takes her psychic aunt Serafina with her, but the brochure lied. The hotel is run down and desperately in need of repairs. The staff are demotivated and she is close to despair. She goes to the beach to relax and nearly drowns in a rip wave. The only good thing is that she is rescued by a gorgeous hunk called Dude.

What Amelia doesn't know is that Dude is, in reality, Samuel Kincaide, former stockbroker and part owner of the hotel.

What follows is a sexy holiday romance with Samuel hiding behind the Dude disguise and corporate skullduggery from the buyer of the hotel.

There were a few typos in the ARC I received and in two places a full sentence was repeated verbatim later - I'm not sure if that was a deliberate repetition by the author or whether one should have been deleted

This is absolutely perfect beach reading, lots of sand in your swimming costume, sexy times on the lanai and a cast of loveable characters.

alice_thompson's review

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I enjoyed it a lot.

I loved the relationship between dude and Amelia. I loved Zarafina and the spice she added to the story.
At first, reading about everything that could go wrong going wrong wasn't much fun, but the connection with dude, how they care for each other is so heartwarming and fun to read.
Amelia is a bit of a peculiar character because of her perspective and way of thinking.

The smut was excellent.

It was good.

cloudsgirl27's review

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It was a good read, but I felt the book was lacking something. I liked the main characters, too.

kimmylovestoread's review

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Full review to come soon.

abailey410's review

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I really enjoyed this book. I really want to go to Hawaii and find my own dude now. Recommended for anyone that wants a fun read with lots of heat and sweetness.

ARC provided from Netgalley for an honest review.