rebekahmorris's review

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It took me quite a few days to get through this collection of stories. Some I enjoyed, and some I didn't.

Kittens and Snow Flurries
I wasn’t sure if I’d enjoy this story when it started off with two Hollywood actors, but they pulled me in and the christianity of one of them was refreshing. I enjoyed the whole “bodyguard” aspect. My one complaint was the rather passionate kiss in the snow. Did it have to be described that much and take that long? For that reason, I’m hesitant about recommending it. It also dealt with drinking, and child abuse, but nothing was graphic, and there was a strong message that Christ is the only real help.

Finding Christmas and You
A fun story. Not a favorite, but it was enjoyable. I really appreciated the comment by one of the characters about Jesus didn’t come to save us from all our troubles and give us a happy life. So true. There were some times the story felt a little confusing, but not enough to really dislike it.

Once Upon a Christmas Star
This was such a sweet story. A different twist to “the Gift of the Magi” which I enjoyed very much. There was quite a bit of the girl wishing the boy would kiss her, which got old quickly, and a bit of going behind Dad’s back to get him what he really wanted. Overall though, I’ll probably read this story again.

A Christmas Hallelujah
Boy meets girl. Both have difficulties they are dealing with, and they each decide that they can’t be more than friends because of these issues. But they can’t stop thinking about each other. All. The. Time. Not much praying over things, just “I wish we could, but we can’t” over and over. I did like the characters, and saw great potential for a wonderful story, but it wasn’t there for me.

The Second Noel
Some stories by this author I love, and others I don’t. This was one I enjoyed. Yes, there was romance in it, but that seemed to be a side story, not the main focus, which I greatly appreciated. I learned a lot about Diabetic Alert Dogs, and would recommend this story.

Home for the Holidays
I only skimmed this story. I wasn’t interested in reading about a girl who was willing to act a lie and insisted that she could get any man to ask her out. Just not my kind of story.

Montana Skye
This story was a delight to read. Yes, it did deal with some tough issues, but it was never done in a way that felt defiling. The characters were real, and though it didn’t all take place around Christmas, that’s when it ended. It’s one I’m sure I’ll read another time.