
The Christmas Cottage / Ever After by Samantha Chase

jenafyre's review against another edition

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Who doesn't like a double dose of HEA? With The Christmas Cottage / Ever After by Samantha Chase you get two great stories and two amazing HEA all rolled up into one amazing book.

The Christmas Cottage is about Ean and Lacey. Lacey had a crush on Ean since she was 14 years old. When she took a chance and tried to make a move on him, he rejected her and they had not spoken in years. When Ean comes face to face with Lacey after all that time, he has to admit to himself that she is the one woman that was never far from his thought and she captured his heart all those years ago. Theirs is a super sweet friends to lovers story that had a wonderful HEA that left me smiling.

Ever After is all about Ava and Brian. Ava was suppose to marry someone else, calling off the wedding at the last minute. Brian has been in love with her forever, but knowing that she belonged to his best friend, he kept quiet about his feelings for Ava. This is the story of what happens after the wedding was called off and the story of the growing feelings between Brian and Ava.

I truly enjoyed this double dose of HEA. It is wonderful to visit old friends from the other books by Samantha Chase, and although this is part of a series, it is the perfect stand alone book. If you love friends to lovers books, than you will love this double dose of HEA.

nicki_theoverflowingbookcase's review against another edition

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Fairy tales do come true - you just have to believe. The two stories within this collection were true holiday romances. Both couples find true love and happiness in unlikely places. A great winter romance read.

jbarr5's review against another edition

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The Christmas Cottage by Samantha Chase
This one starts out with Lacey and her lifelong friend Ava is about to be married in 7 weeks and spend her honeymoon night in the family cottage.
Lacey is burnt out with the details, daily of how to wear her hair, etc but she's tactful about it.
Ava wants Lacey-the maid of honor and the best man to get the cottage ready for them-she's got this huge book all about it.
Ava isn't on the same page as to the future and children...and there are other obstacles, her job...
Cottage is supposed to be magical and those who've been married in it have stayed together for a very long time, maybe NOT always happy on the outside...
Lacey will be decorating the cottage with Ava's brother Ean-who Lacey has a crush on....
Twists and turns and love hearing about the cottage first hand. They have their differences and they are older as they get to know one another again.
They do think Ava needs more time with Mason.
Love the locale and wish they had more time around the area in the book.
Pretty predictable. Lots of drama. Other works by the author are highlighted at the end.

jaimejustreadsromance's review

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3.5 Stars
The Christmas Cottage
This story was simple and sweet.
I love the whole "in love with my best friends older brother" plotline. Lacey and Ean were a great couple and I really enjoyed the part of the story where they were stuck in the cabin. I didn't enjoy Ava and her random outbursts, but in a strange way I understood them. Overall it was a cute story with little to no angst and a HEA and I don't regret reading it.

Ever After
I definitely feel like Ava redeemed herself this time around but ONLY after driving me crazy for 90% of this story (and the previous one). If you don't like insta-love stories then you will not like this one.

Overall, both of these stories were okay as long as you aren't looking for stories will deep/meaningful storylines. If you don't mind insta-love and closed-door sex then you might enjoy these stories.
I don't regret reading them but I probably wouldn't bother reading them again.

*I received an ARC from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review

serinde4books's review against another edition

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This was a book I received in my December Lit-Cube Box. The description is "THE CHRISTMAS COTTAGE: Lacey Quinn does not believe in happily-ever-after or the legend of the Christmas Cottage. But her best friend does, and she’s the one getting married. It’s Lacey’s job to make sure everything at the cottage is perfect for the newlyweds. Instead, she finds herself snowed in with the best man, and she begins to wonder if fairy tales really can come true.
EVER AFTER: Ava Callahan wants desperately to believe in love everlasting. But when Brian McCabe walks back into her life and upsets her carefully organized world, her commitment to perfection makes it hard to accept the love that’s right in front of her. Will it take a night in the Christmas Cottage for Ava and Brian to find their happy ending?"
I am not normally a romance reader, but it was christmas time and after the Fisherman I wanted something I knew would have a happy ending, and Romances have a formula that include a happy ending, so this was my next read. This fit the bill pretty perfectly. The two stories are intertwined, and flow together very nicely.I forget how perfect romance novels make love seem, that once in love all the troubles go away because love conquers all. It was a nice change of pace. Enjoyable and an easy read.

For additional reviews please see my blog at

jasmyn9's review against another edition

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This one lead you on a bit of a goose chase for you main characters at first. I didn't know if I was supposed to be rooting for the bride-to-be to work things out with the groom, or if the maid of honor was going to find someone special with the bride's brother. Well, I got a little bit of both before the end. Now this isn't two romances - this is definitely the story of Lacey and Ean. Their romance is very sweet and seeing it next to the bride's "romance" makes it seem even better.

The Christmas Cottage is a place of legend - everyone that spends the night there has a happy marriage. Well, when Lacey and Ean are forced to stay there because of a snow storm things start to happen - but this causes trouble with the bride-to-be, Ava. There are a lot of dynamics in this story, and it was by far my favorite of the two.

Yay! Here we go with Ava's story - the bride from The Christmas Cottage. She doesn't take well to starting over, and turns into a bit of a whiner. She's a little resentful that Lacey "stole" her magic in The Christmas Cottage, and at times her mood swings and fantastical beliefs got a little grating.

I was very excited to see her find her true love though. They made a great match - balancing each other out in a beautiful way.

These two stories are best read together. They are a great pair to read for Christmas.

*This book was received in exchange for an honest review*

limabean74's review against another edition

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My Review:

This book was two stories in one, The Christmas Cottage is a magical place and legends has it that if you stay over night with someone you will have everlasting love. So most of the people in the Callahan family have been married on Christmas Eve and stayed in the cottage over night on their honeymoon hoping that they will find everlasting love. Lacey Quinn is the maid of honor to Ava Callahan and she has turned into a bridezilla. She is obsessed with the Legends and wants Lacey to make the cottage the most magical place on her wedding night but Lacey isn’t expected to do it alone. Ava’s brother Ean is asked to help but Lacey doesn’t want that since she has had a crush on him since, like, forever.

This was a really cute story and sort of a second chance romance. I love the relationship between Lacey and Ava, they have been BFF forever and are like sisters. You really get that friend feel with them and it’s really cute. I actually adored Ean he was just so cute and just thought the two of them together was just great. This book has no sex but it does imply that they did something. I must say I actually thought that this book was done really well and you still get that romance that you want even without all the sex. I loved the Characters and thought they were developed very well and reading the next story in the book just made the characters even more lovable.

Ava’s story I liked but not as much as Lacey’s story, only because Ava was beyond frustrating with her obsession with the stupid COTTAGE!!! By the time I got to this story I was just so annoyed by how much she thought her life needed to be perfect and have everything happen at a certain time in the perfect spot. I did like Brain and thought he was a perfect guy for Ava. Don't  get me wrong, I did enjoy reading this story and I thought both stories were done very well giving you all those warm, fuzzy Christmas feeling with a great romantic story. I can see this being a Christmas Movie on Hallmark. I love the chemistry between all the characters and highly recommend if you are looking to get into the Christmas Spirit with a little Romance and a fantastic story.

Thank you so much for stopping by to check out my review

Hope you have a great day and Happy Reading!

This review was originally posted on Because reading is better than real life

taisie22's review against another edition

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Lacey is maid of honor for her best friend, Ava. Part of her duties is to prepare a family cottage for the wedding night and true love will ensue for the couple. Problem is that she has to do this with the best man and Ava's brother, Ean, a man she's been in love with since the age of fourteen.
This is a sweet romantic story, perfect for the holidays. Ava is kind of a nightmare, but Lacey and Ean are a cute couple and make up for Ava's antics. Nice quick read.

jaimereadsromance's review

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3.5 Stars
The Christmas Cottage
This story was simple and sweet.
I love the whole "in love with my best friends older brother" plotline. Lacey and Ean were a great couple and I really enjoyed the part of the story where they were stuck in the cabin. I didn't enjoy Ava and her random outbursts, but in a strange way I understood them. Overall it was a cute story with little to no angst and a HEA and I don't regret reading it.

Ever After
I definitely feel like Ava redeemed herself this time around but ONLY after driving me crazy for 90% of this story (and the previous one). If you don't like insta-love stories then you will not like this one.

Overall, both of these stories were okay as long as you aren't looking for stories will deep/meaningful storylines. If you don't mind insta-love and closed-door sex then you might enjoy these stories.
I don't regret reading them but I probably wouldn't bother reading them again.

*I received an ARC from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review

ssejig's review against another edition

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Three stars, two stars for the first and second story respectively. Rounded up for the good communication and pragmatism of 3/4 of the characters. Good god, I wanted to take Ava by both ears and just shake her until the stupid fell out. Would I have finished this book if it weren't an ARC? Maybe. But you better believe there was a LOT of skimming going on.
The Christmas Cottage
Lacey Quinn is ready to help her friend, Ava Callahan, do anything. Even get married to the wrong man. Even when Ava turns into a Bridezilla. Even when Lacey's long-time crush, Ava's brother, comes back into town... wait, what? Yes, it's been a long time, but Lacey was never more humiliated than when she threw herself at Ean and he threw her back.
But Ean has never forgotten that girl. And he's impressed with the woman she's become. Once they've spent the night in the enchanted family cabin (which, admittedly, neither actually believes in), it's destined to be true love forever.
Ever After
This story was just painful. So painful. I didn't see a copyright date from earlier than 2013 which makes it that... much.. more... painful.
Ava's a twit. Quite frankly, not someone I'd want to ever meet. She was so self-involved, I was surprised she had time to notice how hard Brian McCabe was chasing her.