
Farseer by William King

lerat42's review

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If I had to describe these books I’d probably call them a “guilty pleasure,” but honestly I don’t feel guilty at all about reading these books. For those unfamiliar, Warhammer 40K is (among other things) a game you play with miniatures and being that I collect 40K miniatures, part of my enjoyment of these books comes from seeing that world “come alive.” So honestly, I probably don’t expect too much else from a 40K book which makes it a little harder to give an objective review about them. But occasionally I read one that catches me up in the story even more so than the background material, and this book is one of those. While I thoroughly enjoyed the additional background info on the Eldars and the Chaos Characters, I also found myself rooting for the hero anxious to see how it would all turn out. Sure it is not great art. But it great fun.

samue_l's review

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CW: Warhammer 40,000. I know the general population doesn't care much about 40k, but I'd still like to write a short review anyway :)

FARSEER is a great 40k novel that isn't space marine focused or just bolter porn. It's one of the best 40k books I've read on a storytelling level. The Aeldari—probably my favorite faction—have been historically notoriously mistreated in the setting, so it was a refreshing read to say the least.

As far as xenos-centered books go, this is my favorite behind THE INFINITE AND THE DIVINE, which is likely impossible to beat. I'll probably read more William King in the future. I also believe the novel would serve as a wonderful first read for someone who has an interest in the setting/lore.

Because Warhammer books are limited by the setting, the small clique of flagship authors, and the authority of Games Workshop, I rate them on a different scale than other books. I.e., FRANKENSTEIN is a hands down five-star book. But it offers more to a larger population of readers, not to mention its cultural impact. With that said, FARSEER earned 5 stars from me.

jarichan's review against another edition

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Ein weiterer spannender Ausflug in die Welt von Warhammer 40K. Hier gefielen mir vor allem Simon und die Beschreibung, wie er sein Schiff steuert. Eine faszinierende Methode und der Weg ins Hexenauge ist genial beschrieben.

Leider hapert es bei William King ein wenig am Tempo. Die Kampfszenen scheinen gleich schnell stattzufinden wie die gedanklichen Vorgänge der Helden. Das macht die Geschichte grundsätzlich etwas zäh.

Trotzdem las ich gerne in dem Buch, da ich einfach immer wieder gerne in dieses Universum einsteige und es erkunde.

brian's review against another edition

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Another good 40K story from William King.
Janus Darke is a sown on his luck rogue trader, having once been the man who could do no wrong.
When an Eldar Farseer offers him and his crew a commission, he doesn't have much choice but to accept.

Keeps moving at a good pace, the main characters are well written.
Interesting ending, would be good to find out what happens after.