
Play Dead by Ryan Brown

beastreader's review

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Killington’s high school football team, The Jackrabbits have played a good season. They are only one win away from becoming district champions. The town and the boys are pumped.

Cole Logan is the quarterback for the Jackrabbits. He is accosted by several of the Badgers. The Badgers are the Jackrabbits rivals from Elmwood Heights. Two of Cole’s fingers are hacked off. Cole refuses to go to the hospital. Savannah, the sheriff’s daughter drives Cole home.

Black Mona is rumored to be a witch. When one of her cats is gutted and brought back to life, it is Cole and Savannah, who find the reincarnated cat and bring him home. Mona is the biggest Jackrabbit fan. She offers Cole a way to get revenge.

The Jackrabbits were on their way to play the Badgers when the bus they were riding in, goes off the roads and sinks. The Jackrabbits with Mona’s help come back but at what price?

Play Dead is a zombie, feeding, frenzy good time. It is amazing that this book is Mr. Brown’s first novel. He writes like a pro. I really got into this book right from the start. I would put it down, only to tell me husband something interesting that was happening at that moment. There were some gruesome parts but nothing too over the top. I like that things were simple and not a cheese fest. Play Dead is a one sit read.

The only issue I had with this book was the naive ness that the town’s folks had with the boys. I found it a little unbelievable that they were really in the dark about what their sons really had been turned into. Overall, I liked this book a lot. I can’t wait to see what Mr. Brown thinks up next.

dana_dew's review

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I picked this book up on a whim as I liked the cover; I'm so glad I did. I love a good football story almost as much as I love a good zombie tale, so picking up this book was a no-brainer. Ryan Brown's PLAY DEAD is the best of both worlds.

This book is hard to put down, especially once the zombie aspect comes into play. It is clever, fun, and fairly fast-paced. I would highly recommend it to anyone who enjoys a smartly written zombie tale --- PLAY DEAD offers a clever and unique take on the zombie genre --- or to anyone who is a sucker for a good football rivalry.

readertasha's review

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This book was really entertaining throughout the whole book. Never a dull moment to be honest. It was sad for the young football team how they died. I felt it when reading that part, I have a soft part. But I love Cole and Savannah's scenes together. They were cute and hilarious in every scene together. The ending was well wrapped together for everything. So sad and beautiful.

But Im kind of sad that there's no more Cole and Savannah to read about.