
Fractured Suns by Theresa Kay

leahka89's review

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Fractured Suns picks up pretty close to where Broken Skies left off. Jax, her brother, Flint, Peter, and Jastren are all holed up in Peter's cabin out in the woods. Jace is still pretty busted up, but he is doing what he can to recover. His relationship Flint, and well everyone, is strained because of the mental stress they have all been under. Jax is still very broken from what Lir did to her, but she is holding herself together so she can be strong for those around her.

Jax is so bad ass in this book. She has made the most progress as far as character development than anyone else. When we first met her in Broken Skies, she was broken and fragile. She needed her brother and relied so heavily on him. Through Broken Skies, she finds Lir and gains strength from their relationship. But in Fractured Suns, she pretty much just says EFF ALL Y'ALL and handles things herself. She is tired of every decision she makes being questioned and tired of everyone treating her like she is still this sheltered, fragile little girl. Once she makes up her mind to take charge of her life and stop relying on other people for strength, she really starts coming into her own.

What really makes this a five star book for me is the bond (no pun intended) that Jax and Lir share. After everything that has happened to them and even despite the fact that are hardly physically together in this book, they still are there for each other no matter what. Yeah, there are times when they doubt each other's motives or whether they can trust one another, but those thoughts are quickly pushed away. When things start to get rough, they go to bat for one another. Lir really steps up for Jax in this book. Jax is... dealing with some things, and even though Lir cannot physically be with her, he does whatever he has to do to take the heat off of her. Jax is so much stronger in this book than she has ever been, but she still needs Lir. It's not the same type of neediness that she possessed before where she had to have someone to be her strength, but now it is the type of need that you really only have with someone you truly love. Lir knows that Jax can handle her own, but he doesn't want her to handle it on her own. He wants to take what he can off of her and put some of the burden on himself because he loves her and he sees what she is going through. They really are one of my all time favorite book couples because there isn't any BS with them. They go through some tough stuff, but the bond that they share is something that even the best love stories out there can't come up with.

So, there are a few twists in this book. Mainly three big ones: one that you can pretty much see coming, one that is a big surprise and came out of left field, and one that left me sobbing on my couch while my dog (literally) licked tears off of my face and gave me a "WTF is wrong with you, mom??" look. Seriously, the last twist that happens caught me so off guard. As it is happening, I was like "Wait.... What? WHAT? OMG WHAT?" and then proceeded to read one of the most heart wrenching moments in alien book history. This last twist also supports my last paragraph on why Lir is so freaking awesome. I won't give any spoilers, but what he does for Jax is something that is absolutely selfless that it left me speechless. I just... I just can't even talk about the scene right now. Too soon. The wounds are too fresh. You're just going to have to read it for yourself.

We also get some pretty kick ass supporting characters in Fractured Suns. Most of them made some sort of appearance in Broken Skies, but now we really get the chance to get to know them. There are three that really stick out for me: Stu, Rym, and Trel. We know Stu from Broken Skies because he was the son of the scum bag Lenny who tried to send Jax off the Breeders. Well, he is back in this one, but let's talk about doing a 180 character flip. Seriously, this dude goes from scum of the Earth in my head to being pretty freaking awesome. Also, Lir's cousins Rym and Trel are back. Rym places a HUGE roll in this book, which is so awesome because he is so funny. He is my soul mate when it comes to making inappropriate jokes at the worst time possible. Seriously, it's one of my super powers. Anyway, I feel like these could have come from the same universe that Jennifer Armentrout's Daemon Black and his crew came from (which is a pretty freaking big statement considering Lux is in my top 5 of all time favorite books). Rym reminds me a lot of Luce from Lux, and Trel reminds me a lot of Ashley. Both awesome characters in their own ways, and both really bring big things to the table.

Overall, this is a fantastic book. I loved Broken Skies, but Fractured Suns knocked it out of the part when it comes to character development, action, and plot twists. I couldn't put the book down, and since we are left on the edge of our seats, I will be anxiously awaiting book three. I can't wait to see where all of my favorite characters end up. If you are a fan of the Lux series by Jennifer Armentrout, I absolutely recommend this book to you.

thebooktrollop's review

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I wanted this book more than I wanted my next breath. I was anxious for it, like a herion addict needing their next fix, just anticipating until it hit my veins (or, ya know, my Kindle)!

When I cracked it open and begun the journey through this alien-dystopian, I was sucked in almost immediately. It grabbed my attention, didn't let me pull away until I got to the end, and even with the ending, I was still swiping left, cursing the author for ending her words!

Enthralling, anxious, nerve wrecking, add some tense scenes, and a HUGE CRY FEST, and BAM...

Fractured Suns was born...

I spent the entire book like this...

I never knew what was coming around the corner and when I finally figured out what was going on inside of Jax's head, I was swiping furiously to get to the part where she figures it out herself!

Everything was fabricated, the push and pull was almost way too much to handle. I wanted Jax to run to Lir's arms and never let go. Let them fight this war together, combine humanity and aliens all around.

But that didn't happen... at all..

I was disappointed I didn't get to see them together more but I understood where Theresa was going.
The back stories had to be given, everything else also had to happen in order to set up a finale that is going to completely blow me away, hopefully.

(My vagueness is purposeful here)

The anticipation for Book 3 is going to drive me INSANE!

Completely and utterly, INSANE!!

I need the answers to these questions, I need to know WTF is going to happen, I need to know WTF happenED to start this crazy shit, and I need Lir and Jax to go ahead and give into their basal instincts already!

In other words, lets see that electricity ignite my kindle because the anticipation is leaving me... frustrated!

And I heard alien sex is all the rage... But I guess since there is a war happening, they should be focusing on that...
But what-evs.

If you haven't picked the first book in this series up, then you are missing out on some amazing action, angst, swoonliness, heart beating out of control anticipation, confusion, love, family, friendship, trust, lies....


This series seriously rocks my face off, and it is so well written. The author just grabs ahold of you and sucks you into her world, without mercy or regard for your poor little heart or your feelings.

I would be mad if I wasn't so impressed.

I give this second book a 5 "I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU DID THAT TO MY HEART, THERESA" Stars!!!

If you are still around, you need to pick up the first book, Broken Skies.

rampion12's review against another edition

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thepaperreels's review

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"In the face of everything we’ve been through, both together and separately, nothing matters right now but the fact that, for this moment, we are both breathing and not alone."

I don't even know where to begin. I guess by thanking the book gods first because Fractured Suns isn't a product of Second Book Syndrome. Fractured Suns is not a filler so if you loved the first book, Broken Skies, and you're afraid that the sequel will disappoint you.... please banish that thought right away. Second, thank you Theresa for not letting your readers down. That looooooong time you took to release the sequel is oh so worth it. :D I already know that Theresa will drop a bomb but I didn't expect it to be this explosive!

Fractured Suns started with Jax already living in the woods with her brother, Flint, Peter and her grandfather. At first I thought I have to wait ages for Jax and Lir's reunion but Theresa is full of surprises, she gave that moment to her readers immediately and introduced a deeper plot. Turns out, Fractured Suns is more than just the love story of Jax and Lir. Its action packed, dramatically written and fast paced. New characters will be introduced, old ones will make appearance and the challenges that our main characters will face will be doubled. Because this isn't about the two of them anymore.... the whole world, at least what's left of it, is at stake.

I always knew that Jax was a badass and kind of a softie especially when in comes to the people she cares about. But here at Fractured Suns, you will get to know her even better. Jax went through a lot in this book. I'll warn you now that it wasn't smooth sailing through the whole novel. Jax is still understanding things about herself and going through all of this with trust issues. I LOVE LOVE LOVE the character progression that happened. Jax is still caring and badass but she absolutely grew up a lot in this book. She learned, she made mistakes and she fought. I just know that I will root for Jax whatever happens.

Theresa Kay heard my prayers and gave us Lir POV's and it was golden.

"Bond or no bond, she is my future and I will not let her go again"

Feeeeeeels, people. Feels. I have nothing but FEELS.

I honestly can't say anything anymore without turning into a crazy fangirl who will just type nonsense about my love for Jax and Lir so I really have to stop right here. Fractured Suns is absolutely satisfying and worth the wait. Theresa Kay just proved why this series deserves to be on your reading list.

momwithareadingproblem's review

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I received an eARC of this book from the author in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of this book or the content of this review.

Fractured Suns
by Theresa Kay is the follow up to [b:Broken Skies|20764638|Broken Skies (Broken Skies, #1)|Theresa Kay||32729438] and follows Jax and Lir a few months after the attacks in the E’rikon city. ***Please note that if you HAVE NOT READ book one of Broken Skies there are minor spoilers in this review.*** Jax successfully rescued her twin brother Jace from the cruelty of the E’rikon and is now hiding out in the woods with Peter, Flint, and her newfound grandfather Jastern. Lir is still in the city supposedly working with his uncle to launch a full scale war with the humans. But Jax learns quickly that not all is what it seems and sometimes family bonds aren’t strong enough to win out.

OMG!!!! I don’t even….what….argh!!!! SO GOOD!!!! So that pretty much sums up my thoughts on this book. It is so dang good! I couldn’t sit it down and finished it in one night. Sleep was not necessary while reading this book. The suspense, the additional world-building, the link between Lir and Jax….just AH-MAZE-ING!!!!

Jax is more than a little lost this book. She’s thankful to have her brother and best friend, but the link she had with Lir is broken and she doesn’t know why he did it. Her E’rikon grandfather (BIG SURPRISE) is bordering on cruel where she is concerned and she doesn’t know how much or if she should even trust him. She’s confused, hurt, and lonely but she doesn’t stay that way for very long. Her character grows and becomes something I don’t think she’s prepared for!

And Lir….can you hear my happy sigh? The author…God bless her…gave us chapters from Lir’s POV this time and I have to say I loved them. It helped to understand what he was thinking and the decisions he made during Broken Skies. Lir is also broken at the beginning of this book, though he holds it together better than I would. He’s been tortured, beaten, and questioned about the half-breed he brought into the city. He is being blamed for the staged attack on the city and it’s his cousin that offers him help. He doesn’t know who to trust, but he knows he has to find Jax and keep her away from this impending war.

Lir and Jax are not together for more than 90% of the book, so prepare yourselves for that, BUT that makes for two very interesting intersecting plots. Lir is focused on saving his sister, his people, and somehow getting out of the city. Jax is focused on returning to her old home and warning them about the impending attacks. While the book focuses mainly on the impending war between humans and E’rikon, it also focuses on the fractured relationship between Lir and Jax. There’s little romance in this book, but there is plenty of suspense and plenty of action.

Overall I liked this one just as much as the first. It does not suffer from second-book syndrome! Jax and Lir are two of my favorite characters and they really shine in all their brokenness. I can’t wait to see what the author has in store for them next book. If you enjoy science fiction, a little alien love, and a good dystopian, this is the book for you. Just remember to read book one first.

booksandbark's review

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Disclaimer, January 2021 (not a re-read)
The toughest thing about having been on Goodreads for over half a decade is how much my opinions have changed. Especially because when I started posting reviews and rating books, I was a teenager with absolutely no taste in books. Had I read Fractured Suns (or really most other books I read in high school) today, it would probably receive a rating closer to 2 stars. I'm keeping my original rating and review for record's sake, but please be aware of the fact that my opinions of this book reflect those of a fifteen-year-old girl, not the person I am today.

maryamhussain's review against another edition

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*4.5 stars

heatherleann's review against another edition

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*I received this book as an ARC from the author in exchange for an honest review*


First of all, Fractured Suns picks up right where Broken Skies left off. Jax is reunited with her brother, they are both introduced to their grandfather, Lir has severed his connection with Jax, and Lir has stayed behind in the E'rikon city.

But things are not always as they appear. Loyalties will be tested, bonds will be broken, blood will be shed, and choices will be made that will ultimately determine the fate of both races.

Jax remains a flawlessly flawed heroine, still coming to terms with who she is, and what it means for who she used to be.
Lir is discovering where his true loyalties lie, and readers get a new perspective on Lir because DUAL POV!
Jace struggles and changes, and you're going to have to read the book to figure out what that means.

This book was equally as fantastic as the first one, and this series is so unfairly underrated. If you enjoy books about aliens, betrayal and romance, WHY HAVE YOU NOT READ THIS SERIES?! Theresa Kay has done it again with this fantastically written sequel. Definitely a 5 star read in my opinion.

lenoreo's review

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OMG EPIC!!!!!!!!! Yes yes yes, I feel your jealousy and I understand... I was honoured to be a beta reader for this book. And thankfully this time I had people to talk to about it so I didn't have to go insane waiting for release!

OK, so back to the important stuff -- I've actually just finished my second read through of this gem, and let me tell you it's even better a second time through. It's like one of those movies that is awesome the first time through, but on each viewing you start noticing more and more. The intricacy of the plot left me a bit dazzled the first time through, and holy cow do you notice all the little subtle setups even more the 2nd time around. I'm not saying it wasn't amazeballs the first time through, I'm just stuck in happy land over here and amazed at all the little nuances that I may not have noticed b/c I was a bit greedy when I first got this in my grubby little hands. *snort* I know, shocker right?

Quite frankly, I'm still reeling. Ms. Kay sets a perfect pace in this book -- not too fast that things get lost, but a steady build that keeps you clamouring for more as you go along. Jax is still as fiesty yet broken as ever....but you actually got to see her gain strength as the book went on. Not without setbacks, but that's kind of realistic right? And we get Lir POV!!!!! Still totally in love with that alien boy. I was soooooo worried at the end of book 1....I mean, most of me knew there was an explanation for the bond break, but I was so heartbroken that I wasn't sure I would be able to forgive him. But I did!! While his role in the book is not as prominent (this is still mainly Jax's story), I liked getting to learn more background about the E'rikon through Lir, and I felt like we got to see more of who he is...the struggles he's dealt with.

And that brings me to secondary characters...and specifically how much I LOVED them. Rym turned out to be so much more than I was expecting -- I AM IN LOVE! What's with these E'rikon boys? He was hilarious, and yet had his own depth. Then there was the surprise of Stu! Did NOT see that one coming, and yet his role fit so well. Especially when we got to meet Ethan! LOVED him and what he brought to the story. Still learning to love Emily, but immediately fell in love with Gavin. Can't wait to see more from some of these newbies. And then there's Flint....I did NOT expect how big his role was going to be in this book.

So yeah....another book hangover book. By the time the ending comes, my mind was just whirling with all that we'd learned, and it's going to take a while to process it all. If you fell in love with Broken Skies (and how could you not), then you will not be even remotely disappointed with this book. Solid characters, intriguing world building, fast paced plot, fabulous imagery, and an author that takes risks. The downside? Waiting for book 3 is going to be a bitch....

marie_thereadingotter's review

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3.5 stars