aletsome's review

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The good stories are good; the others are meh. I really liked the one with the plane crash in the mountains.

anubisnicole's review

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Completed novellas, but dull

I'll make this simple.

Pros- They are all completed novellas and not part of any series. They're quick 1-2 hour stories that you can just read in your sip pare time. No significant spelling or gramma issues either. The biggest pro is the fact that it was free.

Cons- Every single character in this collection was flat and dull. Most stories seemed like the authors got their information on deserted island and being stranded from Gilligan's Island and Lost. The stories seemed very repetitive. It was the same story with the same characters. The only difference was the names, authors, and characters professions. Most of the stories were very boring. Plane crashes and being stranded on an island should be exciting. You should be able to feel the emotions of the characters and experience everything that they go through along side them. Not one of these books made me feel that way. These characters accepted the fact that they are alone on an island way too easily. I'd like to believe that if (God forbid) I was ever in their position that I wouldn't get down and dirty with another survivor less than 24 hours after my plane went down; that I would be focused on surviving or even having a mental breakdown.

I have this book 2 stars because it didn't have grammar issues and it wasn't a sneak peek of a story; they were all completed. They content of the stories lost this collection three stars.

Overall, although I am happy that I got this collection for free, I would not recommend that anyone waste their time reading this. It'll just make you roll your eyes over and over again.