mj_j's review against another edition

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Lots of great stuff in this book!

sarahbreeze's review against another edition

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Helpful but redundant.

spinstah's review against another edition

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This was an impulse download from a promotional email NetGalley sent around - I'm not sure I would have grabbed it otherwise. I skimmed this and focused on the sections that were of the most interest to me. The author spends a lot of time at the start talking about her own experience with cats and other animals, as a way of laying out her expertise. The rest of the book focuses on looking at cat behavior, and I found there was a lot of good information on things like scent marking, grooming, feeding and playing. Maybe if you grew up with animals you'd find that there wasn't much new in these sections, but I found some very useful information. She also outlines a variety of ways to deal with things like eliminating outside of the litterbox, aggression, introducing new cats to one another, etc. I would say that if you have a cat and have ever been exasperated by something he or she has done (ha!) you should consider taking a look at this.

story_sanctuary's review against another edition

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Author Miechelle Nagelschneider describes her journey from a girl animal lover to vet technician to cat behaviorist and relates wisdom and tips learned from her broad experience helping troubled cat owners. This book covers everything from how to resolve problem behaviors to how to interpret mood and stress signals from your cat.

I purchased this book because we are looking to adopt a cat. I've been a cat owner in the past and had very few problems with cat behavior, but as we began shopping for a cat, I wanted to be better educated and prepared to bring a new kitty into our home. Several of the chapters address specific behavior problems, so this would be a great reference book for anyone who has cats with issues like scratching furniture or not using the litter box reliably. I read it hoping to learn how to set up the best environment for a cat in my home as well as how to bring a new cat home with the best transition possible. I definitely learned a lot and feel much better equipped to own a cat. I learned some key ways to avoid behavior problems and what to do immediately should problems arise. I'm really excited about putting my new knowledge into practice. I highly recommend this book for use resolving unwanted cat behaviors or for education on how to have a happy, close relationship with a cat.

shai3d's review against another edition

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I have always had cats and have been able to work with some hard cases to turn them into happy felines with contented families. I personally love to civilize feral cats and find homes for them.

If you are having any issues with your cats at all I highly recommend picking up THE CAT WHISPERER. Rather then reading like a dry training manual, I felt as though I was sitting down with Ms. Nagelschnieder drinking a cup of tea and discussing just how to get all my cats to get along better. I picked up a lot of tricks that I wasn't aware of even after forty plus years of living with them. I just loved the stories of the various cats that she includes to illustrate the methods being discussed.

I rate this book a 5 as this is the best book I have ever read about understanding your cat and how to live with them in a more comfortable atmosphere.

*** I received this book at no charge from NetGalley in exchange for a fair and honest review. All opinions expressed within are my own.

baklavopita's review against another edition

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I didn’t read this book because I have a cat problem. I read it just to learn more about cats and cat behavior. I was so impressed that I ordered copies for three more family cat households. Chapter Four provided us excellent guidance (we followed closely but on a schedule to seemed to fit out cats) when we added a second four-month-old kitten to our house. We now have two kittens who are definitely best friends. They groom each other, play together, sleep together, and have a rollicking good time. The book is full of details about cat behavior that I find endlessly intriguing.

tipsytarsier's review against another edition

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Very interesting, with good tips and tricks for training both the humans and the felines in the house to get along better.

drmarti's review against another edition

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Very helpful - practical tips with good explanations of why they work.

karmakat's review against another edition

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I think the strength of this book is the explanations on why cats act like they do - how they learn cat social skills, how their brains works, how they view the world, etc. I was impressed by that and some of this did make me think. And I think that most of her ideas would work if the humans involved are willing to do them.

However, there wasn't really that much new information in here about the techniques to change your cat's behavior. MN does go into a lot more detail that many other books, although at times I wish there had been more. For example, she talks about using wand toys and doing the "prey sequence." And while she describes this generally, with as much as she talked about it as a tool (and as much as she was willing to give detailed, step-by-step instructions for other things), she didn't really describe anything new. I was hoping for some really developed technique there. Instead, I learned nothing I didn't already know about how to use wand toys. I will be trying some of the techniques regarding aggression.

I think a lot of people are going to find her techniques too slow and time-consuming. Based on my experience working in animal care, people are looking for a quick fix. I don't know anyone who is going to take weeks (perhaps months) to introduce two cats. And people with small homes are going to find some of the techniques challenging just from a space perspective. I also found her writing to be a bit arrogant (especially that introduction) and I think she could have mentioned her product website a lot less. It started to feel like she was promoting that every couple of pages.

hcarver's review against another edition

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Interesting read. However, she apparently does not consider picky eating a problem. She doesn't even mention that cats can love a food one day, but a few days later, open another can of the same food and they act as if you're trying to poison them. Are our cats unique?