eesh25's review

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I apologise in advance for the humongous review. But, in my defence, there are eighteen freaking stories on here. Even if someone wrote one sentence reviews, it would have been a few hundred words. And I tend to get carried away.

So, here we go...

1. Emma Hart: Blind Date
Emma Hart was the only author I knew from this compilation and I didn't like her story. I know it was supposed to be a short story but that doesn't mean you can just skip the 'story' part. This one was just a one-night-stand. There was nothing else to it. Two people meet, they have bad sex (though the characters seem to think it was the best thing ever). I didn't like or feel connected to the characters, especially Carter. And if this was supposed to just show us her writing skills, that failed too because the writing wasn't good. I don't think Ms Hart took it seriously.
2 stars

2. Heidi Mclaugnlin: One Night
I was pleasantly surprised by this story. I really liked it. We got introduced to not only the main characters but also some of the supporting characters. I actually found myself really caring for them (which is not easy to achieve in a short-story). The female character, Alicia, was... interesting. She was a well written character and was absolutely crazy. She wasn't a good person or anything but she was real. This story tells us that guys aren't the only ones who use roofies.
4.5 stars

3. Jillian Dodd: Vegas Love
It went like this. Bad writing. Bad dialogue. More bad dialogue. Worse dialogue. Bad writing. Bad sex scene. Bad Dialogue. More bad dialogue. Bad sex scene. Disgusting thing during sex scene.
At this point, I stopped reading.
Oh and, almost forgot! There was also the really bad story.
1 star

4. J.M. Darhower: Lucky
This story was good. The writing was okay, the pace of the story was good and the content was well distributed (it didn't jump from scene to scene or give too much time to sex). The story itself was predictable in some respects, but not entirely. I can't say much else (no spoilers!). It wasn’t bad, I kinda liked it.
3 Stars

5. L.P. Dover: One Taste
I have one word: Cliché.
I don't think I need to explain that but I will say that it caused me to roll my eyes quite a few times. It was cheesy in a really bad way. Other than that, there was the less than impressive writing. The word I'd use for the writing would be... Vague. The story was nothing special. And what was worse were the inconsistencies. Like:

"I barely had time to get up and use the bathroom before she barrelled through the front door." Even though two paragraphs ago, she took a shower.

"The party location ended up being at Chance’s house" Even though we'd already been told twice about the party's location.

" I shook his hand" Even though he only offered his arm (2 sentences ago). Unless he held out his hand as well (which is unusual) but we weren't told.
1.5 Stars

6. Melissa Collins: Before the Wreckage
The beginning was a high and low thing-
She's a reader! Who only reads romance.
She's a literature major! She buys a book called "Hot for Him" about hot fireman, AKA Paper-Porn.
Then, the fifty shades reference blew everything to pieces.
And if that wasn't bad enough, the MCs had sex with each-other in a dream.
Both of them.
The Same Night
The Same Dream.

Add that to the fact that the last time they met the guy was 10 and the girl, 6 and this story is officially disturbing. I mean, how could you fantasise about a girl who's still 6 in your head. It's not like you saw her grow up.
After that, I was done. This story was a teaser/prequel to a complete novel which I'm NOT reading.
1 Star

7. Alivia Anders: Hold it Against Me
This story was good. The first two pages were a bit fuzzy in the information part but then it was okay. The writing was good and the story was interesting. But despite the fact that I liked it, I can't forget the fact that it seemed... incomplete. Maybe it's a teaser for a full novel or something (it wasn't mentioned).
It was about the MC wanting to get revenge on a guy for something that happened over 3 years ago. We never found out what that thing was. And that was disappointing. But I do like the author so I might check out some other works.
3 Stars

8. Anne Cruise: Prelude
All I have to say for this one is that I like it enough to really want to read the novel Interlude. This book was a sort of mini-prequel or maybe a teaser to that book and it was good. The story was interesting and I wanna know what's gonna happen next.
4 Stars

9. A.O. Pearl: Thou Shall Not Fall in Love
This review will be in the form of lots of question. Here we go:
Did the writing have to be so trying-too-hard-to-be-funny? Was the overuse of words like Va-jay-jay and Queen V as a substitute for vagina necessary? Was there a need for the "sparks" and jelly-legs and the bajillion other things? Did the MC have to describe how hot or handsome or gorgeous Brian was every five seconds? Did everything have to be so eye-roll-inducing? Why was she freaking out and calling herself crazy just for agreeing to go on a date? Does that mean anyone who agrees to a date is crazy? If the friends-with-benefits arrangement is just to get a sense of the chemistry between the two, why do the no-emotions thing? And so on... (since I'm just over halfway through!)

What the fuck was wrong with Ali? I mean, there's quirky, and then there's whatever she was. Overdone (as a character) for one thing. And not counting the fact that I've read the matchmaker/divorce attorney thing before, I didn't like the story or the writing or the characters. The ridiculousness just increases up to the very end.
2 Stars

10. Cameo Ranae: Quintessence
This story was... okay.
There was nothing about it that I loved but there wasn't anything that bothered me much either.
I wish we were told a bit about how a person gets turned. Because Tristan just bit her. But doesn't that mean that whenever a Vamp feeds on a human and doesn't kill the human, they get turned? It was unclear.
One thing that did bother me was this line,
"There was no way he would want me." The typical cliché-ness of it annoyed me.
I also didn't think much of the female protagonist. She was just same-old same-old. Just like the story. It wasn't really anything new. I don't think I'll be reading the novel.
3.5 Stars

11. Jennifer Foor: A Frigid Affair
This story was interesting. It was very different and I enjoyed reading it. I like finding out how Amantha fended for herself and the basics about her life. The writing was good. It was quite plain but fit the story and Amantha. The sex scene wasn't the best written and that was the only flaw. Everything else was great. If this does turn into a full book, I'd love to know what happens.
4.25 Stars

12. Kelly Walker: One Night Wife
You know, for most of the story (until I reached the end), I thought this would be an actual short story. I know all the stories in this book are short stories. But only because they're short in length. They lack completion. I thought this one would be different. It wasn't.
But ignoring that little fact, this was a good story. It was well written and we got to know the protagonist and his life quite well. I might pick up the full novel when it comes out or even the other books in the series this story is a part of. Can't say for sure.
4 Stars

13. Julia Crane: Only Chance
Finally! A short story (because some stories in this book barely had a story) that is somewhat complete. It has an open ending but I'll take. In my head, everything is all fine and dandy with lots of travelling the world the setting down in a house with a white picket fence and 2.5 kids.
But yeah, this story was really good. A bit hurried but that's to be expected given the short, limited length. I'm glad this is not a full length novel, not because I don't want to read more, but because I'm happy with the way it ended. I would've been okay with her flat-lining too but that would've been sad. This, on the other hand, is hopeful.
4.5 Stars

14. Lizzy Ford: A Night Worth Dying For
Oh, this one was really interesting. I don't wanna say anything about it because I don't want to risk spoiler; just that it was great and you definitely should read it.
4.75 Stars

15. Morgan Black: Finding Skye
This short story reviewing thing is getting tiring. This is my fifth review in a row. So, I'm just going to skip to the rating, only adding that I would like to read more about Skye and that I like this writer.
4.25 Stars

16. Savannah Rylan: Shattering all the Rules
There was nothing wrong with this one. It was written well and the story was good. The coversations, the characters, the sex. Everything was good. It wasn't amazing but that's okay.
It was set for 4 Stars until that one paragraph in the end that gave the event in the story more significance. The lines were:
SpoilerCarolina may have been gone, but I was pretty sure I wouldn’t be forgetting her anytime soon. And, after last night, I decided my sister Cora was right. I needed to focus more on my life too sometimes.

I would've liked more than one small paragraph but this'll have to do.
4.25 Stars

17. SE Anderson: Press Your Luck
You know, I was just wondering why, in a book with eighteen romance stories, there wasn't a single one that included a gay, lesbian or bisexual character and then, voila! I read this one.
Now, while I didn't enjoy the writing of the story much, I did really like the idea. A teenager who's struggling to find himself, turned into a spoilt brat throwing around his daddy's cash to get away and to not have to deal with life. Add in his struggle with his sexual orientation and a pinch of denial, life gets pretty damn hard. Marko is a character that I would like to know more about. I want to see his journey and I want to see him come out stronger.
The only problem was the execution. Otherwise, this story could've been so much better. But still, I'm interested enough in Marko to want to check out his novel (if he has one).
3 Stars

18. Steph Nuss: Surprised by You
First of all, information dump much? What was hell was Tessa talking about in the beginning and why were we supposed to care? I knew right then that all those names belonged to characters from the author's other novels. And I was right!
On top of that, there was too much smirking, especially for someone who's quiet and an introvert. And there were errors in grammar!
Honestly, I might actually have liked the story if it wasn't for the dirty advertising tactic. Now I won't be reading anything by this author (at least anytime soon) on principle.
2 Stars

The Authors I would recommend based solely on these stories are:
1. Heidi Mclaughlin
2. Anne Cruise
3. Jennifer Foor
4. Kelly Walker
5. Julia Crane
6. Lizzy Ford
7. Morgan Black
8. Savannah Rylan

Average Rating: 3.13

And... we're done!

samrushingbooks's review

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This review is only for One Night Wife by Kelly Walker. It is the backstory for Ian, whose full-length book will be coming soon enough. Anyway, Ian is about to be deployed and so takes up a friend's offer for a companion for the evening, only to learn that she is someone he knows--someone he had a crush on for a while. A quick decision leads to an even quicker marriage. Fast forward to almost a year later and a lot of things have changed, and Ian is coming home hoping to find his one night wife still waiting for him, but I'm sure that meeting will take place when the novel comes around. This little story was just enough to whet my appetite, and now I'm really looking forward to reading more. I absolutely love the Chadwell Hearts series, and this story was no exception.

beckyrendon's review

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Tons of fun

Be careful your TBR list is going to double after reading this collection. I bought it because several of my favorite authors are in here but now I have some new authors to Amazon stalk.

michalice's review

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I got this book the day of release, and it was for one story alone, One Night with Harrison by Heidi McLaughlin. I am a huge fan of Heidi's and I have a few anthologies that I have purchased for her book alone, but for me One Night with Harrison was a book I could not miss out on. I have no idea why it's taken me so long to get this review out, I even had to check as I was pretty sure I'd already written it.

One Night with Harrison gives us the history of Harrison and how he ended up with Alicia turning up at his doorstep with a baby in tow. When we first meet Alicia in this story, it's made quite clear what her intention is, and what she wants from Harrison., who has no idea what it about to happen.

This is my one chance to show Harrison James that I'm worth his time, even if my therapist disagrees.

Alicia is a crazy piece of work, she is obsessed with Harrison and the only thing she wants from him is a baby, and as we learn later on in the series even this does not last long. Seeing how her mind works and what makes her tick definitely makes for a creepy read, and I honestly wanted to just put a stop to it all and tell her to get herself together and act like a civilized human being.

My heart broke for Harrison, Seeing what he went through without any way of stopping in was heartbreaking, and I really do sympathize for anyone who has had to go through this traumatic experience.

Final Verdict
Heidi has done a great job of making you feel emotionally connected to this story, feeling hate and sorrow for the characters. One Night with Harrison is a great addition to the series and is a must read for any fans of The Beaumont Series.

cherryredsreads's review

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My Review is on Steph Nuss's "Surprised by You".

Yes!  We get introduced to the upcoming characters in her next installment in the Love in The City Series!

Tessa & Justin are one hot couple.

Um, Steph totally thru me for a loop with this sexy short story.  Let's just say it is a nice teaser and full of surprises...

Damn....You get us good Steph!

Loved how Steph takes us right where book#3 left off and sets us up for what is to come with this couple in "Cherished by You (Love in the City #4).   The whole gang is back for a bit..but only a bit.


I need more, like I really need more and I will patiently wait for it... sort of.

"It's really not fair that women can have multiple orgasms." - Justin to Tessa

Um yes Tessa you are one lucky lady.  It's all I am going to say.  You must read to find out what happens and you will not want to miss out.  Believe me Steph's sexy writing is on fire.

Go get this Collection and get that Large cold glass of ice water ready to keep cool while reading all these hot amazing shorts from all these fabulous authors!

Don't miss out!

 5 Cherries Popped


wchappus's review

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"One Night with Harrison" by Heidi McLaughlin

smbmar's review

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Alicia's character is easier for readers to relate to at the beginning of the story. Who hasn't dreamed of winning a contest to meet your favorite band member at least once in your lifetime?!? Her main goal in life is to meet and spend some time with Harrison James, the drummer for 4225 West. She's sure that he will see that Alicia would make the perfect partner for Harrison's rock star life. Her do's and don't for meeting her man are so creative!

Harrison has finally found someone truly interest in him. But is his lucky fan what he thinks she is?

As always, Heidi's books are steamy with some humor and drama thrown in. Her characters are interesting and relatable. The storyline keeps you hooked. If you are looking to start the series or any of Heidi's books, this is the perfect start. You won't be disappointed!!!!!

kara_hildebrand's review

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One Night with Harrison
Oh Harrison how I've missed you. We finally get the details of the night that Harrison met Quinn's mother. I loved reading more about Harrison and what he was thinking back then. I almost wanted to punch her in the throat, but then there would be no Quinn. I'm glad Heidi decided to write this story, but it makes me miss Harrison!

Before the Wreckage

This is the prequel to From the Wreckage. I'm a huge Melissa Collins fan but I've only read her M/M novels. She is a wonderful author and I’m very excited to read the rest of Grace and David's story. They haven't seen each other in 18 years and they still think about the night that David saved Grace from a fire. They have both wondered what each other looks like, and what they might be doing. On night, David sees a woman and he knows it's her! This was just a tease from Melissa, but oh what a great tease! I can't wait for From the Wreckage.

lovehollyxx's review

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For me, the ONE anthology is perfect for when you just fancy a quickie in between books. Last night I curled up with my Kindle app, and experianced three one-night stands, all without breaking a sweat (or taking my eyes off the screen!).

Blind Date by Emma Hart - It's no secret that I love books by Emma Hart, and this short and incredibly sexy story was no different! Dayuuuum! I think her character, Bee, said it best, "holy fucking ovary boom." I definitely want to explore more from Bee, Carter Hughes, and his tie. So. Damn. Sexy. 4.5 Stars

One Night with Harrison by Heidi McLaughlin - I absolutely LOVE Heidi McLaughlin's Beaumont series, and Harrison James has always been my favourite of her characters. This sexy short, I loved, all while feeling like I shouldn't, once I finally remembered who Alicia was!! But seriously, hotness overload, and Harrison--how could I not love it? 5 Stars

Lucky by JM Darhower - I'm ashamed to say that this was my first taste of JM Darhower's writing, but it most definitely won't be my last! Wow! Talk about addicting!! And that sneaky twist at the end... It left me desperate for more, which lucky for us (see what i did there?), we will get in future release, Twenty To Life. I can't wait!!! 5 Stars

Overall thoughts? This bundle of sexy, teasing stories is well worth the bargain pricetag of 99c. And the three stories i've read so far? They get an overall rating of 5 fantastic stars!!

denizyildiz's review

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A bag of mixed goodies. I expected all short stories, but most of these were excerpts.
It was fun to get to know new authors and there are several books I can't wait to get my hands on.

Blind Date by Emma Hart ~ 3 Stars
Short but sizzling. Simple story- well not so much a story line but just smut- mind you, it's very hot- so hot! I want more

One Night with Harrison by Heidi McLaughlin ~ 3.5 Stars
What?! OMG! This is soooo... Crazy? I can't believe the story line! Defo gonna have to read more

A Vegas Love by Jillian Dodd ~ 4 Stars
Smutilious and I want more! so going to read the entire book!!

Lucky by JM Darhower ~ 4 Stars
Thought totally predictable- i was riveted! Well written, entertaining, sizzling and left me wanting much more. Basically my biggest issue with this? It's to damn short!

One Taste by LP Dover ~ 2 Stars??
If I would base this simply on the plot... It would be 1.5stars But i like the writing style and I kinda liked Luke.... I didn't however think much of Lara She is the walking cliche heroine that I guess goes with that cliche plot... I was annoyed by how flakey she was-She was oh so determined not to go there... And then she faltered in 2sec flat

Before the Wreckage by Melissa Collins ~ 2.5 Stars
I am not sure what to rate this. It's well written, but the story - well the romance in particular is just not my thing. It's too predictably clinche and -well for lack of a better explanation- too romancy. So I guess round 2.5 Stars?

Hold It Against Me by Alivia Anders ~ 3 Stars
Never read anything by Anders before. This was entertaining, but I am not sure if I would read more...

Prelude by Anna Cruise ~ 3.5 Stars
This has Cruise written all over it. It's totally her MO and I really enjoyed it. Definitely will read Interlude when it's published!

Thou Shall Not Fall in Love by AO Peart ~ 4 Stars
In one word: smutilicious Basically not much of a plot or anything - but who cares? It's hawt and mega entertaining 4 guilty pleasure stars"

Quintessence by Cameo Renae ~ 2 Stars
Gotta say first up; it's well written The low rating is for the usual usual PNR thingy -in fact I kept thinking I read it before..

A Frigid Encounter by Jennifer Foor ~ 1.5 Stars
My biggest issue with this: I didn't like the writing style I found this terribly boring most of the time, even though I like the idea behind this The smut? So not my thing as well

One Night Wife by Kelly Walker ~ 2 Stars
Not bad but just not for me

Only Once by Julia Crane ~ 2 Stars
Ok so this might not be politically correct BUT while I am aware that this is suppose to be touching and all that , I couldn't find myself giving a toot. Too predicable too cliche - just not my thing

A Night Worth Dying For by Lizzy Ford ~ 3.5 Stars
Gritty, smutty and dark- really enjoyed this one!"

Finding Skye by Morgan Black ~ 3 Stars
Well told, but a tad too melodramatic for me. I might read the novel... Not quite sure yet

Shattering all the Rules by Savannah Rylan ~ 2 Stars
In one word? It's ok Not bad, but not amazing either. Basically rather usual usual. More or less only smut, not bad smut but not memorable either

Press Your Luck by SE Anderson ~ 3 Stars
m/m romances are just not my thing even if they are well written

Surprised by You by Steph Nuss ~ 2.5 Stars
I haven't read any of the Love I'm the city novels- so I found I couldn't connect to this one The character building was too cliche and didn't work for me. Don't think I will read the series.