
To Love and Serve by Caridad Piñeiro

inmyhumbleopinion's review

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Somebody is killing off vampires and FBI Special Agent Diana Reyes has intimate knowledge of vampires. Five years ago, vampire Ryder Latimer stepped into the path of a bullet meant for Diana, at once saving her life and condemning her to death when his blood contaminates her open wounds. Since then they have fallen in love and his vampire kiss and some experimental blood treatments are all that is keeping her alive. In this sexy paranormal romantic suspense novel we are treated to a different kind of wacko then the first book in this spin-off series but the underlying theme of justice v. vengeance, love, duty and honor prevail.

timitra's review

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Rated 3.5 stars

This book started really slowly for me, it took me awhile to get into it, I'm not sure if it's because this is the first book I read in this series or what but when I got into this story I really enjoyed the ride that it took me on. A ride filled with emotion, angst, drama, action and suspense. A ride I thoroughly enjoyed.

Now on to the characters I liked the main characters (Ryder and Diana) but didn't love them because their repetitious rehashing of their issues annoyed the hell out of me and worked my last nerve. I liked and am intrigued by the secondary characters (Michaela and Jesus) so much so that I definitely want to read their story.

Overall this was a really enjoyable read. The little bombshell that was dropped at the end of the story has me wanting more of Ryder and Diana's story. The world is just different enough from the other vampire worlds have read and continue to read that it definitely has me wanting more and very open to reading the rest of this series.

elylibrarysec's review

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Rating: 4 1/2 stars

I received a copy of this book from the publisher and the author in exchange for an honest review. I was not compensated in any way.
The paranormal action starts right from the first paragraph. In my opinion, this is one of those series that you will want to read in order. You could try reading this one first but a lot of things make more sense if you read For Love or Vengeance first. Although Caridad does state that this can be read as a standalone.

This is a genre that you have to respect what the author does in order to develop their stories. I’m sure that some research was involved since our author is also creating her story during what appears to be current times. But she must have a really great imagination since a lot of what she creates doesn’t actually exist.

You will find that Caridad has the suspense and mystery continue almost to the very end of the book. When the ending comes, you’ll be left with a smile on your face. This is a must read for anyone that likes a little mystery/suspense with their paranormal fix. And the good news is there’s another book coming out in November.

I found a great group to listen to while reading this series is Queen or their lead singer Freddie Mercury.