
Warrior's Touch by Deb E. Howell

soulhaven's review

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Just putting this here as a wee Goodreads Notice Board for WARRIOR'S TOUCH.

Release date set for 2nd September 2018! Counting down!

04 July 2018: We have a cover. The paperback is currently in the process of having a proof copy printed. If all goes well, then we will push the little red button that starts the release process and the countdown will truly be on. Keep watching my spaces (Facebook, Twitter, website...)

13 October 2016: After a crazy year of moving house and welcoming a new baby, WT has finally been returned to my editor for second round of edits.

29 June 2015: Well, that read-through was eye-opening. Some small errors to fix. And a couple of bigger things (a Scrivener/Touch Screen error that saw an entire scene in the wrong spot, and an editing error that saw an old paragraph still in the story, even though it's irrelevant now). Time to correct...

11 January 2015: Wonderfully exciting to see interest in WARRIOR'S TOUCH steadily climbing. Thanks to everyone who has let me know they're looking forward to it, one way or another. Won't be too long before final edits start. I'll keep you posted!

23 November 2014: Expected Release: Northern Spring/Southern Autumn 2015.

30 October 2014: Contract was signed a few weeks ago. And now Healer's Touch's cover artist, Matt Donnici is on board for WT's cover.

29 July 2014: WT is definitely being read by Kristell Ink.

20 July 2014: For those uber keen, I have made the first 5 chapters available via my Wattpad profile:

... but, that'll still leave you waiting for the rest of the book. So, it's up to you if you want to read that... (plus, it's not been vetted by my editor, though it has been read by Beta Readers)

20 June 2014: For those interested, I have popped a "How I did it(ish)" blog post up on my website: HERE. It may or may not be interesting.

18 June 2014: At this stage, I have no clue of publication date. I apologise.

12 June 2014: WT shared with Kristell Ink. This is the first stage toward final publication. If they like it, then the real work will begin.

24 May 2014: It is currently in the hands of my Beta Readers. Hopefully more pleasure than chore... we shall see (nervous grimace).
Have had some promising comments from one reader regarding the early chapters.