
A Big Surprise by Kate Finch, Kate Finch, John Steven Gurney, Tim Jessell

nicolemhewitt's review

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3.5/5 Stars
This review and many more can be found on my blog - Best Kids' Reads.

My nine-year-old daughter is a big animal fan and she really loved these books. They are great fun and also very cute! They have lots of adorable illustrations, which was always a big draw for my daughter when she was a bit younger (not to say that she doesn't still like them now, but she's willing to read books without them now that she's older). I would say that these books would be perfect for the second and third grade crowd, but would also work for younger kids who have moved on to chapter books - even though the books are 96 pages, a lot of that is illustrations, so it makes for a pretty easy read. Plus, the themed rooms in the hotel are perfect to capture a child's imagination!

When my daughter was reading the first book, she kept stopping to tell me things that were happening in it - "Mommy, the hotel is just a regular hotel for people." "Mommy, the just got a dog to take care of" "Mommy..." You get the idea. This is a sure sign that she's enjoying a book!

My only issue with the books (as a mom) is that they keep losing the pets that they're taking care of!! Yes, they always find them again, but in the span of two books, the kids lost four pets! It's not the best example of responsibility. Books like the Animal Ark series show a more realistic portrait of taking care of animals (although, these books do at least show that the kids have to do a lot of work to feed and walk the animals). Still, the books are meant to be fun and cute and aren't really meant to be taken all that seriously. They're perfect for the younger set! If your child enjoys books about animals, I'm sure they would love these.

**Disclosure: ARC versions of the first two books in this series were provided by Scholastic via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. No other compensation was given. All opinions are my own***