
Domino (2018-2019) #4 by Gail Simone, Greg Land, David Baldeón

quirkycatsfatstacks's review

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I’m still loving the fact that Domino has her own series. It’s great that they’re taking the time to explore her ability set more – it’s always felt a little overlooked. If you haven’t been following what’s happening before now, you probably want to get caught up first (duh).
I keep going back and forth between finding the antagonist fascinating and kind of silly, though if I’m being honestly I like him on the whole. He’s a perfect balance for Domino, bother literally and figuratively. For this issue he mostly fell under the ‘interesting’ side of things.
I love dramatic reveals of the villains past, at least when they’re done well. This one was done well, and it explains his little sidekick too, which is a huge bonus. It also explained his ties to Domino, and how he knew exactly how it all worked.
The main Domino plot was filled with a lot of comic relief this time around, but it fits. She’s desperately trying to get a handle on her powers, but she just can’t seem to ignore the fact that her new sensei (I’m refusing to call him master here because it sounds wrong given the context) is a total babe.
Not sure how I feel about the plot happening with her two friends. It’s sweet that they’re trying to help, but I’m still extremely concerned that one actually is a traitor. If that is the case then that means one of her loyal friends has put herself in a situation where she’s alone with the traitor and it’s been really hard to get that thought out of my head.
Bonus points for the Deadpool cameo, which was both funny and oddly endearing.

doyoudogear's review

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Domino is flipping fantastic! I love her humor and the randomness of her ability. Luck isn't always lucky, but she makes it work. Her history is also really interesting. Now that I know more about the villains, it's hard to hate them as much. They've suffered for their differences, too. They're trying to make things right the only way they know how -- through violence. It's all they've ever known, and it's hard to remain unaffected by so much cruelty. Their relationship to Domino is bizarre and fascinating, but really unfortunate. It's not her fault, but she's their target nonetheless.

I'm actually really worried about Domino's posse. Her friends are trying to do the right thing, but I think they acted impulsively (out of love for their friend), and now bad stuff is inevitable. These villains are nasty, and I don't see how this story will end well for everyone. If you're looking for a new comic to start, I cannot recommend this one enough.

Originally posted at Do You Dog-ear? on August 8, 2018.