
Batman #5 by Tom King

jmart81's review

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"I am Gotham, Kill me!"

I like the way this ended with Gotham man. He was crazy powerful, but if they could just buy those type of powers from somewhere, why cant others. Loving the story line.

rashthedoctor's review

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OK maybe i am being harsh , but this was supposed to be the end of the first arc in the Batman rebirth title and all through the arc all Batman did was destroy tons of Bat-mobiles and bat-phone. i don't remember him throwing a single punch until this issue and when the stakes came and i expected a Batman v Superman-esque Battle, Where batman showed his Skills in preparedness, martial - art and basically cleverness vs Gotham what i got instead was Batman calling Justice league for a Get-your-Justice-league-ass-Kicked Cameo ....

... Man this was so bad the only thing that i truly liked here was the fact that Batman in an issue titled over his name actually did something else than say "I am gotham" or "i am Batman" or "Gotham is MY city" . And also the Witty monologue from Alfred in the begining , as a individual issue this was probably one of the OK-ish issue in the Tom King run but this was the end of the first arc and this was absolutely horrendous

I absolutely hated this arc and i grew more hateful with how they ended it , i don't care if it got average rating in Goodreads, i don't care that Newsarama and IGN gave it an 8 and 6 , i Fucking Don't care that Tom King is kept in high regard this was absolute shit , the WORST BATMAN story arc i have ever read .

The Fact than now as per Tom King who said his Batman run will give Batman what he truly deserves involves , Batman talking a lot and basically staying away from action and apparently Dying* (AGAIN!) , and about everything and everyone else but Batman himself .

*So Why is he Dying again? oh right Batman sales are at all time low now , so No Don't change how things are done by Tom King , let's just kill Batman instead , everyone will read the book then right? But What about the whole "What Batman deserves" line that Tom King threw when he started , Oh that's right Batman Deserves to die ... he can't take the embarrassment of how bad this arc was

Things have to change , They need to Change , right now The Batman Titles are in my sad but honest opinion the worst title in the post rebirth saga , and as far as i remember that's never happened before , bring Scott snyder back , brink Geoff johns back , bring MILLER back do something DC PLEASE

apageinthestacks's review

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Not sure how I feel about this. It was really great until the very end, and with the twist it kinda just all depends on where it goes from here. I suppose looking back on it in a year it could be a great twist. Or a horrible one or just a "meh" one, but as of right now it just leaves me with uncertainty.

That said, the rest of the issue was really fun until then, and definitely a great read. Just hoping Duke and Gotham Girl get more characterization in the future.

mrsmonth's review

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how the Gotham's got their power is revealed. Gotham Girl stops her brother from killing Batman. She finishes the comic with perspective from the future revealing that she married duke, her brother dies, and she killed Batman.This
Amazing art!

anthroxagorus's review

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That... was pretty cool.

francisjamesx's review

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Batman is my favorite superhero of all time and I'm trying to devour as many issues as possible :)

marisacarpico's review

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The best issue so far. Like Gotham Girl and what she stands for quite a bit so I'll stick around a few more months just to see what King does with her. That said, these last 4 issues–which I see now were just a prologue to the coming story–were not good. King's gotta have more finesse with his storytelling in the future or I'm out. Really loved the Alfred stuff in this.