
Exponential Apocalypse: Dead Presidents by Eirik Gumeny

egumeny's review against another edition

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I may be biased, as I wrote the damn thing, but Exponential Apocalypse is the greatest story ever written.

egumeny's review

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For starters, I'd rate this 3.5 stars, but Goodreads doesn't believe in fractions, so, you know, I can't.

Now, onto the meat of things:

I'm starting work on the fourth Exponential Apocalypse title, so I've been re-reading the first three as a kind of refresher. And, I'll be honest, this one is not as good as the first one. (Jury's still out on High Voltage; haven't gotten to that one yet.)

I don't think Dead Presidents is bad, per se, but I do think it reads like I'm trying too hard. Like, I'm going out of my way to make sure that the fictional characters' fictional journeys through fictional bombed-out wastelands are somehow geographically and chronologically sound, to a fault. Whether that comes across to anyone who didn't write it, I don't know. But it made it harder for me to enjoy the book.

On the plus side, Dead Presidents has my favorite cover out of all of them (the newer, blue one, that is), so you should probably buy it for that reason alone.

wilovebooks's review

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This book is a bucketful of crazy and I enjoyed every minute. Sure, the humor is crude and raunchy, and there is swearing and killing. It also takes place after the world has ended 28 times, there are clones, dinosaurs, a telepathic squirrel, and plenty of other surprises. This book is hysterical and ridiculous and I loved it. You just don't know what is going to happen next, because anything can happen.
I haven't read Exponential Apocalypse, which is the first in the series, but it wasn't a problem. It is on my to-read list now. Sometimes you just need to read something that bears no resemblance to reality and doesn't take itself seriously.

blackmetalblackheart's review against another edition

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This would definitely have received a higher rating from me if it was not for the problematic content. The use of the r-word, fat shaming, and treatment of sex workers all felt gross. Those things aside, the general idea and craziness of this book is super cool. Picturing the various ways the world works after the series of apocalypses is a lot of fun. The violence and irreverence of the book is also great when it does not include lazy and outdated humor. There is even one chapter wholly dedicated to telling a joke about a string. I have always enjoyed that joke, and it was fun to see the author take time in the middle of the book to elaborately tell it. For some, it may be hard to overlook the issues, but overall, I enjoyed this book and the world it presents.

sticksnstout's review against another edition

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Loved it!

sticksnstout's review

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Even more awesome than the first

clairelm's review

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Disclaimer: I received this book from the author in return for an honest review

I really wasn't sure what to expect with this book and, when I started reading, I thought it wasn't going to be my thing or my sort of humour. However, I was surprised to find it was funny and I did enjoy reading it.
But... I didn't really understand the plot, and the frequent side tracks to explain things were distracting. That's what's made it three stars not four. I would still recommend reading it if you want a quick to read, amusing book.

mrfrank's review against another edition

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Eirik Gumney is the clown prince of storytelling. In Exponential Apocolypse he continues his humorous sci fi storytelling this time in a series with a post post apocalypse bend. This kicks off a new whacky series with the signature humorous style unique to Gumney.

I had read Gumney's Screw The Universe prior to EA. This book continues the slspstick but there is a more mature storytelling vibe as well. The story is one cohesive tale as opposed to STU's threaded short story structure. This is the first in a longer series which I look forward to delving further into.
My one critisim is the repetition of the characters lengthy names. The incrssant writing out of the many characters full names was distracting. The longerbit went on on the book, the more I felt like it was a cheap attrmpt at bumping up the word count. The use of shorter nicknames would have been beneficial to the reader I believe..
If you enjoy light hearted fiction you should reaf this and anything else by Eirik Gumney. Barely a paragraph goes by without Gumney tringbto pry a smile out of you. Its a rare and endearing talent and Eirik Gumney is a rare and talentedcwriter.

toastx2's review against another edition

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Thor, made fallible by the power of science, works a diminutive job as a bellhop. The world has ended, between fifteen and thirty times (I lost count and do not trust the 22 listed in the book description on amazon). But neither the zombie apocalypse, the apocalypse that allowed ghosts to rule the internet, nor the one that made clones of great world leaders of history battle to the death on pay-per-view can get Thor down. Hold on, that isn’t right.. All of those things get him down. He went from God status to supplying extra pillows to asshats in one if the few buildings in town not on fire or being collapsed by molemen from the center of the earth. That would get just about anyone down.

Quetzalcoatl on the other hand, is drunk. After going on a modern day rampage across Central America and the southern US, he is tired. His mind is smashed, he is smashed, and the realities of the philosophers guild growing sizable in the hobo nation… are smashed. When he regains some stability, perhaps he will remember why he hates the hobos so much and why their deaths please him…

Queue a battle royale to stop one final apocalypse, the one we can’t rebuild from.

This was a damned laugh. It was like Roseanne had unprotected sex with Douglas Adams which culminated in the birth of a child, who was hanging out with Neil Gaiman smoking some pot at a circus before slipping roofies to a recently resurrected Bill Hicks and shagging his brains out.. Which culminated in the birth of a child named Snake Pliskin who will travel to the past to kill Roseanne.

Like that, with gods, werewolves, scientists with hot bods and paperbag heads, sentient squirrels, chainsaws, cowboys & indians. Oh, and Robots. lost of robots.. an Undead Bovine.. Clowns.. … It was excellent, It was nonsensical, it was in some cases brilliant prose and in others painfully painful. You should read it.

I repeat, excellent, read it.
I repeat, excellent, read it.

I should point out there is a sequel. “Exponential Apocalypse: Dead Presidents”.. Haven’t read it, but I will :)


avoraciousreader68's review against another edition

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Dead Presidents picks up where Book 1 left off. Thor and Company are back at the Secaucus Holiday Inn dealing with few customers, weird happenings and another apocalypse or two. Or three. I lost count. Anyway, an escaped homicidal Andrew Jackson II decides he needs to eliminate his political competition before running for President even though there is no government to speak of, so he sets a trap for Chester A. Arthur XVII. Thus ensues death, mayhem, destruction, Dunkin Donuts, a butter monster, travel by flamingo and the resurrection of a reconstituted President.

Another fast humorous read that had me giggling until the end. If you enjoyed Exponential Apocalypse then you’ll enjoy Dead Presidents. Although I’m still picturing Chris Hemsworth as Thor. Not that that’s a bad thing. And every time Chester A. Arthur is mentioned I think of Die Hard: With A Vengeance.

*Many thanks to Jersey Devil Press for providing me with a review copy. Please see disclaimer page on my blog.